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Why do some religious people get offended when atheists consider their stories to be myths?

I'm from Ireland where ancient myths and legends are everywhere. Telling tall, fantastic stories was not only a hobby but a paid entertainment in the past throughout all of Europe, with story tellers travelling anywhere which was bored enough to hear them talk.

It is now impossible for me to think of the contents in the bible as anything more than myths and legends manufactured by primitive men seeing that primitive men were very fond of imagining stories as entertainment.

23 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like this guy hes talking some sense.

  • 9 years ago

    There are a few folks like that. Probably because their faith is so shallow that they are fearful when challenged.

    There is, however, a problem with your examples. The old Irish stories and myths did not attempt to portray an over-all development of humanity in relationship with God. The stories of the Bible do in many cases stem from actual events and places. That is, the stories you refer to are understood to be entertainment and are not at all sacred. The Bible, by contrast, while perhaps entertaining in its own right, is nonetheless held up as a sacred collection which may inform and instruct us. And that's why some people react poorly when they perceive that others are making fun of it.

  • 9 years ago

    Here are some reasons, but not all:

    1. Because they hold these beliefs very dearly, and a lot of their worldview is based on them.

    2. It gives them purpose, and meaning, and they think you are out to get them.

    3. It reveals their hypocrisy.

    4. They take it as a personal attack.

    5. They have been told any person against their religion is evil, and they take as an enemy.

    6. They fear not believing.

    7. They think you work for the Devil, Jinn, or whatever devil of their religion.

    8. They think you're trying to offend them on purpose.

    9. They think you are mocking them.

    10.They think you are trying deceive them.

    11. They think you are making their self-image look bad.

    12. They have deep faith, and they 'know' their religion is true.

    13. They are not willing to accept they are wrong.

    14. They think you are going to lead them to some bad afterlife.

    15. They think you misunderstand their worldview

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i'm atheistic and speaking only for myself, that is an similar feeling i'm getting even as pre-childrens nonetheless talk about the tooth fairy or some ethereal being coming to help them out of a not hardship-free challenge. prepared faith tries to cajole followers that in case you purely trust not hardship-free adequate or pray lengthy adequate your complications will be solved. there isn't any magic from above in this international and non secular reflects are purely seen provides.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's not what someone "considers" about the things I believe,

    as everyone is entitled to believe what they will ...

    It's the abusive ad hominem attacks and insults which make

    the difference between reasoned discussion about what one

    believes - and all out psychopathic demeaning bigotry.

    You have presented your view in a rational and inoffensive way

    that is a credit to your intellect. Some are just ignorant cretins.

  • 9 years ago

    I guess because they have a zeal or extreme love for what they believe in. Im sorry that you feel everything in the bible is myth. God has directed me towards your question and not by chance. Considering I have had several near death experiences: heart problems, almost died in ER because of my high blood pressure, almost lost my life after birth of my son and bled all over my bed, went into seizures and saw heaven, I can tell you with certainty that there is a God, his son Jesus and a beautiful, warm place called heaven. Once you go there your going to be pissed that he sent you back down to earth. Thats how beautiful it is. Our Lord, the one you say is a myth, is HUGE, full of light, warmth, stern but loving and in a very deep voice he asked me "what hast thou done that I should let thee into my kingdom"....Guess what? I felt stupid and embarrassed because I couldn't give him the excuse "hey, Im a really good person". Thats not going to fly with our Lord. Get to know him or the myth. His bible is not just a Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth book, it has eye witness accounts of whats happened. Even the vatican has the actual events of Jesus but they refuse to release it because then we cannot call them Lord or Father. Jesus is real and he came and gave his life on a cross so that we might live, have life and live it more abundantly. Being a christian doesn't mean that you stop living. It means God gave you special talents (to draw, to sing, be a rock star, skateboard, etc..) and he expects you to make money using your gift or gifts. He would like for you to spend time talking to him, at least a few minutes, repent for your sins and really be sorry and just accept him. He loves you (this myth loves you.) dont be misled by all the denominations. In your own room just talk to him. He might speak to you directly like he has me when he said, "read your bible...". It was 3:00AM. Sometimes he sends strangers to speak to you. Sometimes those strangers are actually angels., Oh and let me tell you Jesus is not some punk in a dress. He is the most powerful, loving person you'd ever want to meet. He is so powerful that demons scream at his name and they have to flee. Anyway...God Bless you...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    All an atheist needs to do is mention that he/she is an atheist, and theists will understand that they consider the stories in the scripture to be made up. The problem is that some atheists go too far and use provocative language. There would be a lot less problems if we all respected each others' beliefs and are considerate and sensitive.

  • 9 years ago

    Generally, most Christians don't care what you consider about what we believe, it is how nasty and insulting it gets conveyed to us by the non believer. You have a right to your beliefs and opinions and we have one to ours, so what you find as entertainment is serious and valuably so to us. Why not just leave it at that?

    You know, I just can't figure out why people who don't believe in God, worry so much and rant about people who do and how they do it. It really should not be anyone's concern other than the man who trusts in the Lord.

    Why are they so curious about something they don't believe, because the heart is the equalizer and they are in doubt about what they really believe, so if they are not in doubt, then why do they worry about what God does, says and Christians do and believe?

    All will die, go into the afterlife and find truth their for themselves.

  • 9 years ago

    I think your use of the word "offended" is for the MOST part, inaccurate.

    (*SIGH*) I have tried to reason with others through my answers. I have presented scientific facts, I have used logic, but to no avail.

    I am neither hurt, nor offended when people foolishly reject Truth. But I DO fear for their eternal destination.

    I really don't care where they spend eternity - I don't really love them enough to care. But for some strange reason, GOD loves them - so He tells us to go and preach the good news of Jesus Christ. If people reject this message after hearing it so many times, it's really on THEIR shoulders.

    But I have even given good solid reason to believe in God, but it is rejected every time.

    But He DID give us an objective litmus test that conclusively proves that God IS real. It's only hypocrisy that makes a person reject the test that could prove once and for all the validity of Jesus Christ.

    I am just so very curious WHY atheists reject even the test and challenge Jesus gave us. I think it's because they don't WANT to know God's Truth. Jesus said that the reason people reject God is because they are evil, they love their sins and immorality, and they hate Truth and Righteousness (paraphrased). It seems to ME, that their theme song is "Don't confuse me with the Truth; my mind's already made up." After all, why else would they reject this challenge to discover the Truth for themselves?

    Offended? Good grief, Charlie Brown! NO! Concerned? Absolutely. Do I love them as much as God does, to send His own Son to die on a cross for them? No, but I DO love God enough to try to rescue as many as I can.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think Bertrand knows the answer to that ;)

    Bertrand Russell: There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths.

    Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting.

    But he dares not face this thought!

    Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed.


    @Matthew "Don't worry, we Christians don't take atheists seriously"

    Sadly underestimating the enemy... THAT is one of your major flaws.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    2 plus 2 is five

    2 plus 2 is five

    2 plus 2 is five

    Source(s): until you belive it really 5
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