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Favorite Answers15%
  • What is the Difference in Meaning Between the Words Complex and Complicated?

    Pretend you are teaching English vocabulary to a class of American high school seniors.

    What do you say to explain the difference between "complex" and "complicated"? Give examples.

    How do you instruct them to identify what is complex, and what is complicated? Give an example.

    BQ: Is anything determined to be complex also complicated? Or, is anything determined to be complicated also complex? If one, the other, or both, give examples.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • What will be the next scientific theory to be abandoned by science?

    Throughout the history of science, various widely accepted theories have been advanced and accepted, only to be discarded by science, later, based on new information. Examples include

    spontaneous generation of life, the steady state universe, classical physics and behaviorist theory.

    All the above, and more, have been discarded and replaced by better ideas. We might therefore guess that some widely accepted theories today will be proven insufficient by science, in the future. That's exactly how science works; it is "self-correcting."

    For purposes of this question, please don't even mention evolution - we already know that many people think the theory is in error and it need not be assaulted, again. Instead, mention anything else which seems like a good candidate for abandonment, and please explain why you think so.

    Bonus questions: has science developed so fully, today, that no major abandonment should be reasonably expected from this point, forward? Or should we expect continued falsification in the future?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Believers in Biblical Warnings about Homosexual Acts or Relationships. . .?

    For those who LITERALLY ACCEPT the Bible passages about homosexual relations. . .

    1) With respect to Leviticus 20:13: ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." DO YOU AGREE THAT THEY SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH IN THIS DAY AND AGE? WHY OR WHY NOT?

    2) With respect to Leviticus 20:9 "Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother, their blood will be on their own head. DO YOU AGREE THAT IN THIS DAY AND AGE, PEOPLE WHO CURSE THEIR PARENTS SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH. WHY OR WHY NOT?

    Many people here on R&S refer to the Bible as their exclusive and sufficient guidance on subjects such as homosexuality.Despite this, few claim to have taken the action commanded by God, even in the face of a clear violation. If you are aware of the violation, then how are you excused from taking action? Are you, by your failure to act, as guilty as those who violate God's Word?

    What I hope for are reasoned opinions, reconciled with scripture, which explain how a believer who accepts scripture literally, may introduce the material forbidding certain acts, yet fail to recommend, or take upon themselves, the action commanded by God.

    Thanks in advance for all thoughtful responses.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does a Strong Advocacy of a Point of View Really Portray a Sense of Doubt?

    After reading many impassioned, and sometimes very combative questions and answers from believers and non-believers, it seems to me that as the manifest conviction increases, the use of logic and reasoning decreases.

    But maybe those who strenuously advance or defend a point of view do so not to convince others, but rather to convince themselves. They operate from an APPARENT position of strength, but in fact are really UNCERTAIN about their proclaimed conviction.

    I am referring, here, to the same names and faces who usually always issue the same kinds of remarks, demanding "proof" on one hand, or shooting out verses from scripture on the other, as a kind of "one size fits all" approach, no matter the question or answer.

    So, what do YOU think? Is much of this driven by a sense of doubt? Or is it really a fair reflection of actual conviction? Or is it something else?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Has anyone else noticed a decrease in nasty questions and answers?

    Yahoo has recently asked people to report questions and answers that violate the Community Guidelines. Those who do so accurately are given more "influence" (whatever that means) and the violators get dinged with a ten point debit on their ratings. Since this recent announcement, I THINK I have noticed violations occur less often. But this could be just my imagination, which is why I ask if anyone else has noticed the same thing. Thanks in advance for any replies and comments.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Who is Your Dream Team - and Why?

    Suppose you could select any pair of people to run for President and Vice President. The only limitations are 1) that they must be legally qualified to run for the office, and 2) prominent enough to be considered realistic contenders for the office. They may be from the same party, or from different parties.

    Give specific examples of why you think your team would be the best choice for our country, given the issues we face today. Say what you believe their top priorities would be, and how they would go about making law to enact those priorities. Assume that the congress is composed of the same people as it is now.

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What is Your Experience with Alternatives to Ebay?

    As many buyers and sellers are now aware or are learning, the new rules and higher fees at eBay have caused many former eBay fans to seek greener pastures elsewhere. Alternative sites include:

    and many more. I personally, as a seller, have been pleased with Bonanzle because it is easy to use, there is no fee to list, fees on sale are trivial, communication between buyers and sellers is open and encouraged, and there are very few rules to worry about. My own specialty is HO model railroading. Business has been good enough to allow me to shut down at eBay totally. However, I have not tried any of the other alternatives, which could be just as good or even better than

    Has anyone else faced the same issues with eBay? If so, what other sites have you tried? What were the results? Finally, what do sell, mainly?

    All advice is appreciated.

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Yahoo spell checker identifies "Obama" as misspelling - comments?

    It has no problem with "McCain", but reports Obama as a misspelled word. Agreed, that Obama is a new word and probably missing from the dictionary. But surely Yahoo would have added it by now. I wonder why not. Your thoughts?

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Selling email lists?

    I WARN people about protecting their email address from "harvesting," so that unscrupulous folks don't sell their address to a company that sends out spam. However, I can find no listing on Google or through Live Search for email list BUYERS.

    And so -even though I (or anyone) may have a few thousand email addresses for sale- there appear to be NO buyers. But that obviously can't be true. Someone, somewhere, is buying them.

    I have recently been challenged to produce the name of just one company who actually buys "harvested" emails. And I can't find even one.

    Can YOU? Can anyone?


    PS: By the way, if you are tempted to flame me for a thinly veiled attempt to actually sell some addresses, you would do well to read my answers and see if that really makes any sense.

    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • RC controlled --> BATTERY OPERATED <--HO trains?

    Seems to me that if HO scale trains could be powered by on-board batteries (or batteries carried in a dummy unit, tender, or rolling stock) and then radio controlled (like an RC airplane or car) THEN the entire issue of track wiring would go away and operation would be more prototypical. one seems to be making anything close to this. DCC is not close. But I'm betting I'm not the only one to have thought of this and hoping someone else has either done a conversion -or know who DOES them? Your thoughts?

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • How to Get Through to Norton/Symantec?

    I've been a Norton user and advocate for many years. But recently, I've had more and more problems both with the product itself and the offshore customer support. I'm now at the point where Norton can't solve the problem I have; the same fixes are repeated over and over. I can't fault the courtesy of the nice folks overseas who do their best.

    At the same time, I've noticed that more and more people also experience more product and support problems. Recently, the trade press has also been critical, citing Norton as a classic case of a company whose attention is first to the "numbers," and last to the customers. Corporate accounts may be an exception.

    The program itself is so bloated with code, and so pervasive on host systems that it has, itself, become very much like a virus.

    If you share the frustration, would you consider joing a Yahoo Group to share your story and possibly become a venue to get attention from the Norton folks? Thanks for considering it.

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What's that shout at the beginning of Dodge Ram commercials?

    The TV and radio commercials for Dodge products (trucks, SUV's, etc.) begin with an unintelligible, shouted word of some kind. I have never understood what exactly is being shouted out. Sounds sort of tough, or angry. There's the shout, then the announcer voice-over talking about how big and tough the vehicle is. Anyone have a clue?

    1 AnswerDodge1 decade ago
  • Fake out a motion detector - how?

    I have a motion detector hooked up to a relay to send big current via a relay to a pump. Problem: the detector only works at night because it is designed to trigger lights. I want it to work ALL the time. I've tried a hood, then tape over the lens, to simulate darkness, but these methods don't seem to fool the detector, or, if they do, they also block the infra-red sensing of motion. So -what can I do to fool the detector into "thinking" it is dark -when it is not dark?

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Why does Yahoo truncate URL's?

    I copy and paste a web site URL into an answer...and Yahoo whacks off characters at the end. Even so, if someone clicks the URL, it will work. What's the point?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Community Guideline violations?

    Like many others, I have received a "points off" notice for a violation which, for the life of me, I can't find in the guidelines. As an example, I referred one questioner to my profile to get an answer I had previously give to someone else. This earned me a slap on the wrist. What's the violation? Yahoo invites a response if I think the penalty was in error, but has yet to respond to my question about it. Anyone have a clue?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Satellite / phone line connectivity?

    Dial up is too slow, broadband not available, and satellite has latency issues. Surely, there must be some way to combine dial up and satellite so a key press flies over the phone line, and bulk data moves over the "bird." The controller would be a modem with some kind of statitical mux function that decides which "pipe" is best. Has anyone heard of it or know more about it. If not, would anyone care to INVENT it?

    3 AnswersInternet1 decade ago