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Does a Strong Advocacy of a Point of View Really Portray a Sense of Doubt?

After reading many impassioned, and sometimes very combative questions and answers from believers and non-believers, it seems to me that as the manifest conviction increases, the use of logic and reasoning decreases.

But maybe those who strenuously advance or defend a point of view do so not to convince others, but rather to convince themselves. They operate from an APPARENT position of strength, but in fact are really UNCERTAIN about their proclaimed conviction.

I am referring, here, to the same names and faces who usually always issue the same kinds of remarks, demanding "proof" on one hand, or shooting out verses from scripture on the other, as a kind of "one size fits all" approach, no matter the question or answer.

So, what do YOU think? Is much of this driven by a sense of doubt? Or is it really a fair reflection of actual conviction? Or is it something else?


Thankfully, answers thus far are offered in the same spirit as the question. And based on the answers so far, I will comment as follows:

First, my question was poorly worded. I think I should have asked is the sense of doubt is SOMTIMES the stimulus for strong advocacy.

Next, one respondent has suggested that I, myself, may have doubts and that my question is the evidence of the same. I can only agree. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. At the same time, my request for response is not conditioned to reduce doubt, but rather to learn more -which, of course, will only produce more doubt. Doncha hate it when that happens?

And another has said that while I'm a pretty reasonable guy, R&S is not the appropriate forum for reasoned discussions. This point of view, I think, is heavily supported by the exchanges we do see here on R&S. Yet, there must be a few who are willing and capable of discussion, as opposed to combat. And indeed, those few have responded, for whic

Update 2:

...for which I am very grateful.

9 Answers

  • blank
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your balanced, fair way of reasoning is laudable, but is it really appropriately fitted to an internet forum?

  • 9 years ago

    It more likely is that the absence of reasoning and logical skills causes the argument to fail leaving nothing but the use of "higher authority" (really? whose?) to bolster the statement. The bible is oh-so-convenient, rather than using the power of deduction, common sense, and reference material "beyond" scripture.

    Scripture is not a text book. It is not a history book. It is not an opinion. It is a series of quotations of the Life of Christ as known by His Apostles. It offers no stratagems for argument. Worse, it offers error if not guided by a knowledgeable commentator or learned theologian who has studied the patristic style used and the ancient meanings of them to guide the reader. Even St. Paul says that.

    No, R & S is not the appropriate forum for deduction and debate. It closes off all avenues to learning. Much like the scripture does. Opinions on what this or that certain scripture means run rampant on R & S. Few readers of it hardly ever learn the true lesson being given. A lesson needs a teacher. Teachers need the Doctors. Doctors examine the words of the Fathers, and the Apostles. We are babies when it comes to the light which a patristic scholar can shine on religion. It takes effort to know what the Faith is made of. It is not blind, for blind faith is useless.

    Traditional Catholics of Trent at

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I don't know John. It seems to me that your point of view really portrays a sense of doubt and your APPARENT position of strength reveals that you are uncertain about your proclaimed conviction. On the other hand since I portrayed only doubt and failed to take an APPARENT position of strength that must mean that I have no real doubts. Do I lie when I tell the truth or do I tell the truth when I lie?

  • 9 years ago

    Sometimes yes, sometimes no, no doubt on both sides sometimes, although its fair to say the majority of the cognitive dissonance (knowing deep down that they're wrong) lies in the believers.

    As Bertrand Russel described it:

    “There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths. Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting. But he dare not face this thought! Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed.”

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  • 5 years ago

    in all probability because of the fact she considers abortion to be taking a existence as does every person who believes existence starts off at thought. in line with danger she sees it as a super injustice to the unborn new child because of the fact she believes interior the sanctity of human existence. Why does the U.S. government have the perfect to infringe upon somebody's unfastened will? If somebody takes a existence, then it incredibly is a offender offense. i understand, i understand, it incredibly is the place the problem lies; determining whilst existence starts off. it incredibly is a few thing that may not settled. yet, you already know what, whilst do maximum abortions ensue? it is not whilst the toddlers are only little clumps of dividing cells. i could say that maximum individuals of them are totally formed toddlers. problems with making society adjust to Biblical morality? in line with danger we could continually re-think of the Bible? the reason that this united states is in one in each of those mess is as a results of the fact we're not making society adjust to Biblical morality. it is okay to do fairly a lot something at present and if a Christian stands up and says that it is incorrect because of the fact God says its incorrect then we are a collection of Bible thumping morons. 14 if My people who're noted as by My call will humble themselves, and pray and seek for My face, and turn from their depraved strategies, then i will pay attention from heaven, and could forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chron 7:14 (NKJV)

  • 9 years ago

    This is like an essay topic. I would need a few days, professor.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Not necessarily. We get that idea mostly from religious people who have sexual issues.

    And, proof is worth demanding, is it not?

  • 9 years ago

    I don't know, would you like to take a strong position on that :)

    Source(s): No seriously, I don't know. I don't think one size fits all here.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    its just for annoying, they act like kids

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