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B C asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 9 years ago

How Much Co2 Is In The Air?

Right now, in the air you're sitting in, is the concentration of Co2...


It's actually only 00.038% and apparently of all the Co2 generated, humans are only contributing 3% of the total. Natural sources are doing the rest to keep the plants fed with Co2 to produce chlorophyll and oxygen for animals.


During the Paleozoic era (Dinosaur days) the concentration of Co2 was ten times what it is now. Over 3000 PPM. Those were the 'good ol' days before humans I guess.

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ah, the old it's only 0.38% a common denier line, funny that you fail to mention that Co2 has only moved in the range of 180ppm and 300ppm for at least half a million years, funny also that you fail to mention that it's the effect not the volume that is the problem, but the effect.

    If you want to talk about small volumes how about that all the greenhouse gases combined make up just 1% of the volume of the atmosphere yet they lift the temperature of the planet ~30c.

    Some other things you fail to mention are that pound for pound Co2 is a far stronger greenhouse gas than water vapor and that unlike water vapor Co2 is not constrain in anywhere near the same way water vapor due to temperature and air pressure.

    There is also the small fact that what in the biosphere is in a constant cycles, with only the small contribution from volcanoes adding to the total an amount that is (or was) lost to the system due to natural sequestration, now our Co2 is for the most part due to burn one kind of fossil fuel or another, all of these sources are like volcanoes adding to the total levels although at current levels we are emitting ~100 times the Co2 that volcanoes do.

    Which is why Co2 has gone from that half a millin year level of 300ppm to 390ppm in just 100 years were the natural shift of 180 to 300 takes thousands of years.

    As for plant growth that am be partly true but as the main problem is rising sea levels and increasing desertification plant (even with boosted Co2 don't grow well in deserts and don't grow at all in salt water, unless you have a good recipe for seaweed soup.

    This 0.038 (actually it's now 0.39) theory is a quite easy one to disprove, that deniers keep trying to use it shows how little they really have in common with skeptics.

    I particular like this statement "humans are only contributing 3%" an excellent denier statement just a few problems with it first the actual addition is at the moment 2ppm which means our contribution is far less than 3% but of course this is a yearly contribution and it is building as our output of Co2 increase, which is why Co2 is up in total almost 40% on the pre industrial figure unless you have a sound Mathis argument that the difference between 280 and 390 is only 3%.

    Please take a science course instead of just collecting info from denier blogs.

  • Jeff M
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Well, as most of us are indoors and in large cities, the CO2 level where we are sitting is probably quite a lot higher than that. The CO2 level of 0.038% is in free air. Humans generate 33.5 billion tons of CO2 annually. The atmosphere is increasing by 2ppm, on average, or 15.6 billion tons annually. The rest is being absorbed by carbon sinks, manly the oceans. Once CO2 enters the atmosphere it doesn't stay there. Natural emissions are offset by natural carbon sinks such as, as you mentioned, plants and the oceans. The problem with human emitting so much carbon, more than twice what the atmosphere is increasing by, is that the natural carbon sinks are having to reabsorb human emissions on top of natural emissions. This is throwing the carbon cycle out of wack.

    On a side note: Did you know that the greenhouse effect, which makes it 33C or 34C warmer at the surface of the Earth on average, is only caused by about 2% of the gases in the atmosphere? Did you also know that water vapour is the most important greenhouse gas, however it can not be a forcing and will always be a feedback because it's concentration is dependent on temperature? Did you also know that CO2 is the second most concentrated greenhouse gas and, currently, it causes between 9 and 25% of the greenhouse effect at a given location based on what amount of water vapour is in the air?

    Edit: What does 'during the paleozoic era' have to do with the cause of atmospheric CO2 increase today? CO2 can both increase and decrease naturally. Stating that it has increased naturally before therefor this time it is increasing naturally is foolish. the atmosphere had a different make up back then, the Sun was weaker, creatures that survived during that time period were specifically evolved to live during that time period. Look up the reasons for mass extinctions and you'll see what happens when atmospheric makeup or temperature increases or decreases rapidly. You may also want to look up the reason why dinosaurs are extinct.

  • Maxx
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It's true that CO2 is a weak greenhouse gas compared to water vapor. We of course have no control over how much water vapor is in the air. And since 97% of the CO2 in the air is natural, it's clear that we don't have any significant impact on that factor either.

    But it doesn't matter because CO2 does NOT drive temperature like Al Gore and his minions want you to believe.

    Graphs showing that CO2 does not Drive Temperature


    Sixty prominent German scientists declare in an open letter that rising CO2 has “had no measurable effect” on temperatures and that Global Warming is a “pseudo religion”

    We also know that even in the Vostok graphs that Al Gore used in his propaganda movie "An Inconvenient Truth" that TEMPERATURE rises FIRST and only later does CO2 increase. So obviously CO2 is not the driver of temperature. Gore was forced to admit this in hearings before Congress, watch below.

    But why the big push to convince everyone that humans are causing the problem? The answer is simple, the elitist involved in this globalist scam want to tax CO2, which is the perfect object of a tax because no person can live without creating it, we exhale it after all.

    And nearly every form of combustion creates CO2, so it allows for taxation on a very broad basis. And they also want to create a trading exchange for carbon. These schemes combined would be worth billions --- perhaps trillions of dollars as the markets mature.

    So the Warmists are never going to give up, there is simply too much money at stake. The only way this will ever end is when their public funding is cut off or when some of the main proponents are prosecuted for fraud on the American taxpayers.

    This scam has limped along for more than thirty years and it has become an industry. Thousands of people are on the public dole ‘researching' Global Warming. When the taxpayer funded gravy train ends, so will the scam and not before.


  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    How Much Co2 Is In The Air?

    Right now, in the air you're sitting in, is the concentration of Co2...


    It's actually only 00.038% and apparently of all the Co2 generated, humans are only contributing 3% of the total. Natural sources are doing the rest to keep the plants fed with Co2 to produce...

    Source(s): air:
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Of course you know that the oceans were very shallow back then? That is why there was so much more CO2 in the atmosphere. It doesn't mean that the increase in CO2 now is natural, nor does it mean that an increase in temperature as a result will not cause significant problems. Large volcanic increases from the Deccan traps are thought to be responsible for the largest ever mass extinction, the Permian extinction event. Warming climate in the past has also contributed to mass extinctions, such as the Pleistocene extinction event.

    But of course, you already know all this...don't you?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Co2 In Air

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    While I can agree to the fact that Co2 has been rising since the industrial age. As well as the rise in overall human prosperity and health can all be link too human caused Co2 emissions.

    I do not agree with the idea that this a bad thing.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    you also fail to mention that during the dinosaur time, the sun's energy was also less.

    the amount today is not relevant, it's the effect. a small amount of arsenic will kill you too.

    the 390PPM of CO2 is more than were had in the past 500,000 years. Humans increased it from 350PPM to 390PPM. We're already seeing the effect with weirder weather and glaciers melting.

    learn some basic science.

  • 6 years ago

    If you go to the top of this posting, it says the response by " anarticice" is rated the best answer.

    Funny, he is running 2 to 1 negative ratings.

    in contrast:

    Right below his answer, is the TRUTH, posted by " Maxx "

    Maxx has ratings running 2 to 1 POSITIVE and yet his response is NOT RATED the BEST ?

    What blithering idiots are running the Yahoo company ?

    It must be an actual Mental Institution, with a sign hung out front that reads " Yahoo Corporate Office "

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Bad things. There is no pellet to absorb the shock of the gas. Most real lead pellet guns say not to dryfire them, so I'll assume airsofts should get the same treatment.

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