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Lv 7

Do J. W.s realize how sick we are of the word 'pagan'?

God created everything and declared "It is good". Someone, somewhere, a long time ago misused part of God's perfect creation so therefore, we cannot use it?

Someone, somewhere, a long time ago, held orgies in the groves, so therefore we cannot walk throught the woods?

Someone, somewhere, along time ago, worshipped a tree, so we cannot have Christmas trees?

Someone, somewhere, a long time ago, worshipped a false god on a certain day so therefore, we cannot worship the True and Living God on that day?

If we continue this line of thought to its conclusion we cannot enjoy sunlight because someone, somewhere, a long time ago worshipped the sun?

Someone, somewhere, a long time ago worshipped the moon, so we cannot look at a full moon and enjoy it?

In the roughly 6000 years man has been on this Earth nearly everything has been worshipped or misused for sin.

If everything is excluded that someone, somewhere, a long time ago sinned with, worshipped, or somehow misused there will be nothing that we can do.

Should we let someone, somewhere, a long time ago determine what we do today? Is what they did so important that we should let them determine our behavior?


I am not against Catholics-I am against errors in the doctrine of the Catholic Church. I'm against error wherever I find it-Mormonism, Seventh Day Adventism, Islam, etc.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I am shocked and amazed. I agree with you and since you are normally attacking Catholics that never happens. You are so right and I love this question. Thank you.

    Source(s): Catholic Christian
  • 9 years ago

    That's cool that your against errors in religion. You must spend a lot of time doing research and checking facts against fiction. You can find out a lot just by observing people and how they deal with others and if they actually practice what they preach.

    I understand your sick of the word pagan. It only means worship which is different from the God of the Jews. They had to separate themselves from the people around them. This meant they didn't marry them, go visit and have dinner, participate in sporting events, or share in their sacrifices and orgies. Why? Jehovah took them as His people because He made a promise to Abraham and they were his descendants. Jehovah allowed them to become slaves to the Egyptians and then delivered them after showing them that gods of the Egyptians were powerless. This was a worldwide witness and a devastating blow to a world power at that time.

    A lot of things practiced then are still practiced now. As a Jehovah's witness, we can't stop breathing the air , enjoy trees, or taking in sunshine. Your being a little ridiculous because you don't understand our beliefs. That's okay. We just don't copy what they did years ago because we don't find any evidence that God approves or wishes us to do so. Why should we set aside one day of the year to worship God? Or one day for love? Or one day for thanks? We do celebrate the Lord's evening meal every year, close to the time of Easter, because Jesus commanded us to keep doing it in remembrance of him, which was the same as the passover. The bible compares Jesus Christ to a lamb that was slaughtered. Nowhere, however does he say to worship his birth or his resurrection.

    I've rambled enough, but there's plenty about the origins of many customs in wikipedia or brittanica.

    I forgot to mention though, we totally agree with you that man has been on earth for around 6,000 years, not too many people think that.

    Source(s): Exodus
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    This disdainful attitude toward truth is shared by many today, including religious leaders, educators, and politicians. They hold that truth, especially moral and spiritual truth, is not absolute but relative and ever changing. This, of course, implies that people can determine for themselves what is right and what is wrong. It also allows people to reject as out-of-date the values and moral standards held by past generations.

    " Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good, those who are putting darkness for light and light for darkness, those who are putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those wise in their own eyes and discreet even in front of their own faces!- Isaiah 5:20-21

    Where can such truth be found? Jesus said in prayer to God: “Your word is truth.” - John 17:17

    The Bible, written under divine inspiration, reveals truth that provides both reliable guidance and a sure hope for the future and everlasting life.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Everything NOT JW, is pagan.

    You are correct, God made all things beautiful in it's own time...That is why we can be sure the Watchtower Organization is not something God made....

    Their very narrow-view of the world, is based on the control methods used by the demons...that way, the members are so wrapped up in the dangers of a normal life, they miss the big story, Jesus.

    They will never change this view, as it gives them a feeling of spiritual security, and arrogant superiority.

    LOVE is what identifies Christians, not pharisaic judgments of all others.

    Great Question.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The word pagan is used to explain things that are not from Jehovah or Bible teachings. Not because someone did it along time ago. Christmas is pagan not because of the tree but because the Bible does not tell the exact date of Jesus birth but does say the shepherds were in the fields with their sheep. That would make it spring or fall not Dec. Jesus and the Jews/Israelites did not celebrate birthdays/holidays. Only those of pagan/false religions such as Romans and Egyptians, etc did that.

    You know the ever popular sticker WWJD- well he didn't celebrate his or anyone else's Birthdays/holidays; so why do the "Christan's"?

    The Bible tells in (John 17:16) They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world .(John 18:36) Jesus answered: “My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.” (This is Jesus speaking and he is speaking of himself and his followers) He nor should his followers be apart of the "world" and what the world loves. Because the Bible states that SATAN is ruler of the world and to follow what the world deems good and loves is not of Jah/God but of Satan.

    (Revelation 12:9) So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. (notice it says earth and not a fiery so called hell, which is another pagan/false teaching/belief)

    .We, nor anyone else should determine your/anyone's behavior. You learn the Bible of your religion (KJV-NWT) and you determine your own behavior. Judgement is for Jehovah not humans, your decisions are yours to make and it's between you and God.

    I don't think the "WORD" pagan gets bothersome, I think what it means is what is bothersome.

    Source(s): Bible JW
  • 9 years ago

    Well, pagan or NOT, when you cross what God explicitly tells us, in his Word, to do and not to do, that is SIN. Call it pagan or whatever, it is SIN.

    setting up xmess trees is DEVIL WORSHIP. I call it what it IS. sure, they missed the true mark, by saying ONLY that it is pagan. See, they did NOT HAVE THE TRUE REVELATION of how bad this devil worship HOLIDAY stuff really is.

    If GOD DID NOT SAY DO IT, to honour me, and worship me, THEN YOU BETTER NOT DO IT.

    If you love the world and the things of the world, then the love of the Father is NOT IN YOU.

    Be not conformed to this world. How can anything be more CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD, THAN THESE DEVIL WORSHIP HOLIDAYS?

    YOU FOLKS simply do not love God enough to consecrate your lives to simply worship him and let this worlds mess alone.

    So gripe all you wish, about their use of 'pagan'

    that is not the real reason for ABSTAINING FROM DEVIL WORSHIP. and yes, all holidays are DEVIL WORSHIP. They did not derive from God, not one of them.

    so they have to be from satan.

    I do not do any of them, not because of pagan, but because my God showed me his truth and his way of life. I love being free from that kind of bondage.

    Source(s): KJV truth
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    you are reterded.

    Source(s): yes, reterded.
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