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How do dark matter and dark energy make up majority of the Universe?

Dark matter and dark energy cant be seen says Wikipedia, but also says that they are estimated to make up the majority of the Universe.. HOW??

9 Answers

  • paul h
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dark matter and dark energy are just place holder names for something that is not understood yet and may not even exist. The only reason we have dark matter and energy proposals is that in the standard accepted Big Bang model, there is supposedly too much mass and too much energy to be accounted for by the standard laws of physics and interpretations/calculations of the universe.

    There is some debate whether the Big Bang model is a valid theory since there are so many problems with it and some have suggested other models which do not require such things as dark matter and energy. It's all based on how you interpret the evidences like redshifts. If redshifts are not entirely due to Doppler effects/the expansion of the universe as the BB model asserts but are due to variations in light particle energies or gravitational effects, then the universe is not expanding/accelerating, there is less mass affects and there is no need for dark energy to explain something that is not actually happening. And indeed there are many incongruent evidences of redshifts that contradict what we expect to find.

    The same thing apples to dark matter...if the interpretations/calculations are incorrect as to the mass of the universe or galaxies, then dark matter is not needed. Some would argue that it's time to come up with a new model or theory that does not need such unobservable things as dark matter or dark energy for it to work such as plasma cosmology...modified Steady State etc...

    Problems with the Big Bang theory...

    CMB problems...

    Galaxy problems...

    A Plasma model...Zero Point energy...

    "This ZPE approach then allows many problems that confront Big Bang cosmologists to be avoided, including dark matter and dark energy, and at the same time emphasizes that plasma phenomena can account for the basic features of the universe."

    Redshifts could be from a shrinking universe...

    " .....starlight could be red-shifted by nothing more than gravity. Such an effect was predicted by Einstein. The Canadian astronomer J.B. Tatum says that starlight could also be shifted toward the red if the stars and galaxies were spiraling in toward the earth at high speed - a shrinking universe! V.S. Troitkii of the Radiophysical Research Institute in Russia says he has evidence that light once traveled a million times faster than it does now. He points out that the slowing speed of light would also produce the red-shift and would also mean that the universe is shrinking"

  • 9 years ago

    Dark energy permeates the universe like gravity does, in fact it can be viewed as anti-gravity. When we say what makes up the "majority" of the universe, however, we mean the mass, the weight of all the stuff in the universe. This includes all baryonic matter and dark matter. We infer that dark matter has a huge amount of mass by how it gravitationally influences galactic rotation and perhaps galactic formation.

  • 9 years ago

    Based on the theory of gravity..everything in the universe should be attracted to the each other and should be moving closer to each other..but the fact is that the universe is expanding and that everything is moving away (get seperated) from each other (galaxies etc.)..So the scientists assumed that there should be some kind of matter or force producing this push away effect..And this thing is what they call Dark matter..Its so called because its properties and state are unknown so far..all they know is that it has mass and constituite >90% of the whole universe...

  • adama
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    How about to keep the religious folk happy we just call Dark Matter and Dark Energy God. Soley for the fact no-one knows what it is but we all know it's pretty much the life force behind the universe.


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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Dark matter and dark energy have been around since the big bang/or creation of the universe. They fill up space and may have something to do with black holes. Dark matter is filling up the space inbetween stars and glaxies expanding the universe.

  • cosmo
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The evidence that these things exist is now well established. To understand the arguments is probably a full year course in astrophysics, not something that can be answered on Y!A.

    We don't know what they are, however, or how they fit into the rest of physics.

  • 9 years ago

    Just because you can't see something directly, that doesn't mean it isn't there and that you can't detect it in other ways.

    Dark matter has mass, and this mass has a gravitational influence on the objects we can see.

  • Max
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    When scientists first calculated all the matter in the universe, there was a lot missing. So they called the remainder dark matter.

  • 9 years ago

    dark matter can't be seen, but we do experience gravity from them.

    don't just take it from me, but here is someone more qualified to explain it:

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