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How can I become more universal?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Paradox in a question. Nice one!

    "I" can only become more universal by letting go of "I". It seems that, once we let go of believing in separateness, we realise that we were universal all the time.

    What can "I" do to cause that to happen? Apparently nothing. We walk a spiritual path, whichever one of many we may choose, and then grace may descend - or it may not.

  • Yoda
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You cannot, there is no such thing as an unconditioned brain, everything thinking does destroys the universal mind (maintains duality/conditioning). There is no ''thing'' called the universal mind (see below). There is only "how" for the brain, there is no other process. "How" is the path to the dualverse lol...

    If you apply the "how" to the study of the external world, the physical exploration of things takes ones energies away from the irrelevant mental growth of becoming (seeking, e.g., escape). Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states: The more precisely one property (thing) is measured, the less precisely the other thing can be controlled, determined, or known.

    When the thing you are attempting to measure is an infinite perfect thing (universality), no measurement will encapsulate the whole thing; the very act of attempting to know will drive the frustration which brings about a greater desire to know. Such a drive is never going to succeed and even if you get an answer, what will you do with it? You will never be happy with answers to infinite questions, and will always seek more answers. Thus: only NO answer is perfect.

    The human brain cannot handle nothing (everything): the brain handles information using limits (filters) to create things, that is its purpose. Such a mechanism is useful for exploring the world and surviving. Infinite questions hold no infinite answer (only infinite imperfect answers), as infinite things do not exist to the brain; thus, the brain attempts to reduce the infinite to a finite concept, and is never satisfied with the result. That is why the brain is stuck in the desire to become more.

    You are already everything you need to be, can you find a piece of the world that suits you?

  • 9 years ago

    The enlightened sages reflect the truth that you are THAT already. And that you suffer from a case of mistaken identity. To become more universal, inquire into who you are. Asking the age old question "Who am I?" is the beginning.

    Who is this that asks how can I become more universal? You are beyond the body and mind. Let go of the attachment to, and identification with, the body mind. It is the over identification with the body mind that reinforces the sense of disconnection and separation. As you loosen your your attachment to the body mind and redirect your arrow of attention inward to the still horizon from which the mind arises, you will become aware that the universe exists within the still, infinite presence that your are.

    Many Blessings

    Source(s): I AM
  • 9 years ago

    Grace unto you, and peace,

    from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Stop having any partiality, by thinking globe-all;


    if universal sacrifice, like many universal minis-trys,

    then it`s still a dead end because of the f-law; For

    sacrifice is offered by the law, and

    no man is justified by the law in God`s sight.

    The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

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  • 9 years ago

    Why do you want to become more universal? What is your reasoning behind that logic?

  • 9 years ago

    Depending on what you mean, you have several options:

    1) Sleep around more;

    2) Join more organisations;

    3) Die, so that your atoms disperse (actually, most of them get replaced while you're alive anyway).

  • 9 years ago

    Stop buying movies from Paramount Pictures.

  • 9 years ago

    learn all the languages on earth or buy a universal remote.

  • 9 years ago

    Attend government-funded public school, followed by government supported post-secondary education.

  • 9 years ago

    Travel the world and experience every culture possible. (without getting whacked of course)

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