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Is this too shirt too much for a school dance?

I personally LOVE this shirt, but I don't think it's really the kind of thing you'd wear to school any normal day. I was just wondering if you thought it was too much for a dance. This shirt is EXACTLY like mine except the side with no sleeve actually has a golden chain as a sleeve thing. Oh, I'm in grade eight if that changes anything. Honest opinions!

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is a super cute top! I love it! <333 I don't think it's too much at all. If your school tends to be sort of strict with things like this, or your peers are a little condescending, just pair it with a cute cardigan. For makeup, I would wear it with a little light blue or gold shimmer eyeshadow and some navy blue mascara or eyeliner. As for what to wear with it, maybe some brown or black skinny leggings (jeans?) and black peep-toe style shoes. Try pairing it with simple gold jewelry, like a bangle or two, and maybe pearl strands, or one big, colorful necklace that will add a focal point to your top. This is a really nice piece to work with, and you can definitely do a lot with it! Hope I helped (:

    Source(s): Fashion addict ^_^
  • Wear it to school. Spice it up! Don't care what others say. Wear a dress to the dance instead.

    Source(s): Btw, it's cute!!!
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well, where I went to middle school, I'd probably get dirty looks from the principal lol

    It honestly depends where you live, I doubt they care much in America if that's where you are so it's fine really. All depends on your environment

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm in grade 8 as well, and I think that that's not too much. Wear black jeans!

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  • 9 years ago

    nah it's perfect! people at my school wear these fancy shirts ALL the time, so there really is nothing to worry about. just have fun and wear what you like! :)

  • 9 years ago

    OMG! i think im going to buy that! and no... I dont think its too much... just wear casual pants like jeans with it.

  • 9 years ago

    its a really pretty shirt, i think its appropriate for a dance

  • Meow
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Nah, it's very cute. I'd buy it! :3

  • 9 years ago

    if it's a formal dance, then no

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