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triphip2 asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 9 years ago

What is your evidence that global warming is a scam?

Remember, I said evidence, not unsupported opinions or conjecture.


Maxx: Assessment on your first video there. "You can't say that CO2 will drive climate, it certainly never did in the past". I can't think of a more inaccurate statement on paleoclimatology... One, there is an abundance of evidence that suggest CO2 has played a major role in past climatic events, much of this evidence through ice core dating. Two, CO2 is a known greenhouse gas, so to claim that it has no effect on our atmosphere is simply ignorant. The guy that says the ice cores say the opposite, is full of it. I mean who are these guys? Obviously not scientists. The dumb guy with the lisp, horrible logic... "There were ten times as much CO2 in the past, if it were a cause of temperature increase, you would think to see that in the past". No one ever said CO2 is the sole driver of climate change smart guy... And to argue that CO2 doesn't affect climate, well let me just show you with a simple experiment with a heat lamp, box, and some CO2...

Update 2:

Maxx: I am an environmental science major with a concentration in global climate change. I look at data and scientific papers all the time in my studies. The claims these people make are completely false. Seems I know more about climatology than these so called "experts" in your video. If you compare the amount of scientific literature between support of anthropogenic climate change, and disagreement... Well it's not even comparable. The problem is that people like you, and most people that do not study the science for that matter, listen to this propaganda, claiming that it's the real science that's the propaganda... And it's just nuts. Data doesn't lie. Science doesn't lie. It is so easy to dissect the claims of all these "experts" in your videos, and tear their logic/conjecture into shreds with REAL science. So many of their claims are simply completely false, I mean where are their sources!? I see real sources, I know the diffe

Update 3:

Maxx: I am not going to waste much more time on you. But watch how easy it is to discredit the people you claim are experts...

“Isn’t it bizarre to think that it’s humans, you know when we’re filling up our car, turning on our lights, we’re the ones controlling climate? Just look up in the sky. Look at that massive thing, the Sun. Even humans at our present six and a half billion are minute relative to that. Professor Phillip Scott, Dept of Biogeography, University of London.

Really professor phillip, ever heard of the dust bowl? Isn't it bizarre how humans can completely change the environment with simple will. You're a professor of Biogeography, you should know all about this. Look up at the sky huh. Yeh I see the sun. What's your point? I feel like I'm talking to a 5 year old here... No one is dumb enough to claim that the sun has no effect on global temperatures and climate. DUH. Simply saying that does not provide any evidence that greenhouse gases do not

Update 4:

Alien: Well I hear that point a lot. Here's the problem with using paleoclimatology in understanding our climate today. First of all, it's a whole different ball game in understanding climates in the past. Not to say there isn't good hard science behind it, there are simply different methods and inferences made from the data. There are major conclusions and logic inference taken from those conclusions that seperate today's climate change with past ones. One major example is the fact that the stratosphere is cooling, as the troposphere is warming. Now if the warming today (which we know from simple data and graphs) was caused by a factor such as the sun activity, distance from the sun, etc. You would expect to see the entire atmosphere warming, because that is simply more heat energy coming in. What's has been happening is the troposphere is warming, stratosphere is cooling, that suggests that whatever is causing the warming is happening IN the troposphere.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no evidence that global warming/climate change is a scam, because it isn't. The only scam is the deniers attempt to present partial data, manipulate data and use non science in their defense.

    if you really want to know about climate change, visit and

    Watch this video instead of Maxx's tired olf myth link.

    State of the Climate-2010

    They explain the science and statistics and discuss the FACT that the global temperature has been rising for most of 130 years and specifically the last 3 decades.

    The denier organizations such as Heartland have relied on oil money to keep them afloat primarily via Koch company. With the denier movement losing steam combined with the oil companies interest in investing in greener technology, the oil money is now funding different agendas with these organizations.

    like always, the deniers are just pissing into the wind.

    One of the recent questions here concerned the Maldives. This is the nation which some of us pointed out as at risk for sea level rise. Now the new President of the Maldives wants to buy land nearby in India or maybe Australia to re-establish their country.

    Recently the UN has had informal discussions as to whether or not a country is still a country and if the government is still a government if the nation is covered in water. It is likely that by 2015 much of the Maldives will be covered in water. Ground water for drinking is harder to find already and the fruit trees are experiencing problems with the increased salinity of the water.

    But of course the deniers will see a scam in the Maldives moving because they just want a better mailing address. It must be really sad to be a denier knowing their heroes and heroines will soon be history. maybe we should send them a sympathy card!!!

  • Jeff M
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    If you want to discredit the Sun as a source of the current warming all you need to do is look at the frequencies related to the increase in energy and measurements of solar input. We've been measuring solar input for over 30 years now. 3 sunspot cycles measured by satellite. And we've been measuring the amount of sunspots for close to 4 centuries. The last maximum occurred in the 1960s. since then solar output has been declining. The warming is mostly attributable to a band centered at 15 microns or roughly 700 cycles/cm. This is the band of CO2 absorption. Human emissions at 33.5 billion tons per year are greater than atmospheric increase at 15.6 billion tons per yer. The excess, more than half, is being absorbed by the oceans which is the reason they are currently absorbing more than they are emitting during a warming period to maintain equilibrium via Le Chatelier's Principal. It's easy to show someone that they are wrong if they know the science. It's harder to show someone they are wrong if they ignore the science or are ignorant of it. On a side note, Maxx is also a young Earth creationist yet he states constantly that the science backs him. My question is, what does he know about science?

    edit: just by the numbers of thumbs down I've gotten you can see how those that deny it is not the Sun that is causing the current rise in temperatures do not like real data.

  • 9 years ago

    Personally, I just use logic. Maybe the earth is getting warmer, but I am not sure it is all because of humans. The earth has been through several ice ages. Obviously there is a time in between those ages when things get warmer, otherwise it would just be one big never-ending ice age. It is possible we are on one of those upswings between cycles. From what we can tell, humans are fairly recent, and not around during all the ice ages.

  • Rio
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You were born yesterday, no doubt.

    Canadian oil (great)

    China's use of fossil fuel (great)

    Russian oil (great)

    India's use of fossil (great)

    Venezuelan oil production (great)

    American efficiency well that's just an alarmist bummer

    American natural gas deposits another alarmist bummer

    Make up your sorry Alarmist extremist mind.

    Frankly I think if you don't have a real foundation for your opinions you should close the trap between your legs.

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  • Maxx
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Watch this:

    The Great Global Warming Swindle

    Global Warming Doomsday Called Off


    If you would like to understand exactly why the planet has warmed over the last several decades allow Dr. Henrik Svensmark to explain in this video:

    (The video is in 5 parts and will automatically advance at the end of each segment)


    triphip2 - Your problem is that you are 100% propagandized. These guys in the videos are some of the world's top climate people, they know what they are talking about. They are correct, especially about CO2 never driving temperature. How is it that you don't know that?


    triphip2 - Like I said, you are completely propagandized, CO2 does NOT drive temperature.

    Graphs showing no correlation between CO2 and Temperature


    Sixty prominent German scientists declare in an open letter that rising CO2 has “had no measurable effect” on temperatures and that Global Warming is a “pseudo religion”

    But that's OK, you go ahead and believe that 'scientist' and 'climate expert' Al Gore, Hey, after all he invented the internet, I'm sure he's right about everything.


    triphip2 - So you are an "environmental science major with a concentration in global climate change." In other words your entire future and earnings capacity DEPENDS on loving the lie. What a waste of time you are.


    And you think you know more than these people, that appeared in the documentary? I'm laughing !!

    Professor Ian Clark - Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa, Arctic paleoclimatologist

    Professor John Christy - Dept. of Atmospheric Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Former Lead Author IPCC. Recipient in 1991 of NASA medal for exceptional scientific Achievement. In 1996 he was recipient of a special award from American Meteorological Society for fundamentally advancing our ability to monitor climate.

    Professor Philip Scott - Dept. of Biogeography, University of London

    Professor Paul Reichter - IPCC & Pasteur Institute, Paris

    Professor Richard Lindzen - Dept. of Meteorology, Massechusets Institute of Technology, IPCC

    Professor Patrick Michaels - Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia

    Professor Syun-Ichi Akasofu - Director, International Arctic research Centre

    Professor Frederick Singer - Former Director, US National Weather Service

    Professor Carl Wunsch - Dept. of Oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Was also visiting professor of oceanography at Harvard University and University College at London and a senior visiting fellow of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Cambridge, and is also the author of four major textbooks on Oceanography.

    Professor Eigil Friis-Christensen - Director, Danish national Space centre

    Professor Tim Ball - Department of Climatology, University of Winnipeg

    Professor Nir Shaviv - Institute of Physics, University of Jerusalem

    Dr. Pierce Corbin - Solar Physicist, Climate forecaster, Weather Action

    Dr. Roy Spencer - Weather Satellite Team Leader, NASA

    Patrick Moore - Co-founder, Greenpeace

    Nigel Calder - Former Editor, New Scientist

    James Shikwati - economist & Author (Africa)

    Professor Tim Patterson

    Professor Edward Wegman

    Professor Bob Carter

    Dr. Willie Soon

    Dr. Dick Morgna

    Dr. Fred Goldberg

    Dr. Chris Lander


    That's OK --- you and Al Gore, you two stick together, you deserve each other.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Canada still has snow

  • 9 years ago

    It's getting cooler.--It's in the data.

    Or are you a denier?

  • 9 years ago

    Maybe not exactly the scam you were looking for evidence on, but....

  • bubba
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You may be asking too much.....

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