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Environmental Science and Policy major.

  • What is your evidence that global warming is a scam?

    Remember, I said evidence, not unsupported opinions or conjecture.

    9 AnswersGlobal Warming9 years ago
  • What is your interpretation of these lyrics? "A Certain Shade of Green" by Incubus.?

    A certain shade of green,

    tell me, is that what you need?

    All signs around say move ahead.

    Could someone please explain to me

    your ever present lack of speed?

    Are your muscles bound by ropes?

    Or do grudges cloud your day?

    My sources say the road is clear,

    and street signs point the way.

    Are you gonna stand around 'till 2012 A.D.?

    What are you waiting for,

    A certain shade of green?

    I think I grew a gray watching you procrastinate.

    What are you waiting for,

    A certain shade of green?

    Would a written invitation

    signed, "Choose now or lose it all,"

    sedate your hesitation?

    Or inflame and make you stall?

    You've been raised in limitation,

    but that glove never fit quite right.

    The time has passed for hand-me-downs,

    choose a new, please evolve,

    take flight.

    Are you gonna stand around till 2012 A.D.?

    What are you waiting for,

    A certain shade of green?

    I think I grew a gray watching you procrastinate.

    Green? What are you waiting for?

    Said what are you waiting for?

    A written invitation?

    A public declaration?

    A private consolation?

    Remember when you procrastinate you choose last

    I think I grew a gray watching you procrastinate.

    Are you gonna stand around till 2012 A.D.?

    What are you waiting for,

    A certain shade of green?

    I think I grew a gray watching you procrastinate.

    What are you waiting for? (Echoes several times)

    Great song, just want to hear your interpretation whether you've heard the song before or are just reading the lyrics now. Thanks!

    1 AnswerLyrics10 years ago
  • Where is the real scientific evidence that climate change and anthropogenic global warming is not occurring?

    I am only looking for evidence, and I mean scientific evidence that is peer-reviewed and actually is credible and disputes the evidence supporting the 2. If you give me your unsupported opinion your wasting your time. This is a serious query, because I'd actually like to see the other side. I have seen plenty of evidence supporting it, and very little real evidence on the other side. I will give best answer to someone that actually stops and makes me think. Thanks! Remember I am talking science here, not political or uneducated opinions.

    15 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me the difference between weather and temperature?

    I keep hearing people try to discredit the global warming theory by bringing up snow. More than a few times when I respond with the explanation of how snow and temperature are only related in that is has to be at 0 degrees C for there to be snow, I get this response that the "alarmists" are trying to say any weather is a sign of global warming... It seems to me that people get temperature and weather mixed up... Yes, it has to be cold for it to snow, but just because it's cold enough to snow during WINTER doesn't mean the planet is not warming.. It's completely unrelated. There has been no one claiming that snow will stop happening. And the amount of snow has NOTHING to do with how cold it is. You can have 20 feet in -30 deg. C, you can have 20 feet in 0 deg. C. I am simply trying to filter out the ignorance here. Actually, more snow could be a result of warm temperatures. This is how storms work. They are low pressure zones that gather moisture through evaporation and sometimes sublimation (solid to gas). This means that heat can cause stronger storms, because it allows for more evaporation... These snow storms sweeping across the east coast didn't form there, they formed in a warmer climate, like the tropics (Mexico). So they got their strength from a warm climate, THEN came over and dumped a crap load of snow. Yes it's cold enough to snow right now on the mid east coast, I would hope so!! If not we would be in a crap load of trouble right now! This information is science 101, if you want to start arguing science, then do that. But please stop going on about how all this snow is contradicting global warming, cause it simply is not. If anything it is a sign of global warming.

    3 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Is this really an argument against AGW?

    This link contains an article that "debunks" the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). I have seen this article used as a reference from many "skeptics". I just got to ask, is this the best you can come up with?? Some of the things it says just bedazzles me. Oh, so because the earth was warm before, that means it has nothing to do with humans... That's the biggest argument in the article... How dumb is that? You can fry an egg in the sun, but if you use a stove it's faster... I mean seriously, what does warm periods in the past have to do with today? That is in no way evidence that man does not contribute to global warming... Also they throw that "the theory of man made climate change is not a proven fact and should not form the basis of government policy". Now this one I love lol... Theories can not be fact. If they could, they wouldn't ever be considered theoretical. It's a contradiction. As far as government policy... Well I won't get into that, I would just like to hear what you think... If we could rid the global warming section of this ridiculous source, I will be a happy camper...

    6 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • What would be the difference if Al Gore was a republican candidate?

    I hear a lot of people crying about Al Gore being the "leader of AGW proponents" (among countless other insults that are obviously politically biased). First of all I never considered him a leader of anything, he is just a spokesperson to me. I was just wondering how you all think things would be different if he was in fact a republican... Would he even be much of an issue to these "skeptics", or would the liberal side have less support in AGW?? How much does politics and labels really have on this issue?

    10 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Am I what she wants, or am I just kidding myself?

    I have known this girl for over 3 years now. We dated for about 2 years, and have a good relationship. We both agree that it was wonderful, and that we had really good sex, the whole deal. She broke up with me because she was afraid of commitment. She admits this, and also admits that she feels like she dismissed me too easily. We have had an up and down relationship latley. Since we broke up, however, she has been seeing this guy. She lives in a different state, so I kind of had to accept things. Recently she came up to see me, and we had a GREAT time. Now she is back home. She is confussed on what she should do. She tells me that she is concerned with out sexual chemistry. She admits we used to have 10 sex (on a scale of 1-10) but now she feels it's more like "7". With this other guy, it's more like "9". She is afraid we can never get back to the same chemistry we had. She does love me, but can't help being who she is. We only had a short time to establish our sexual chemistry, and we had a lot of inhibitions (obviously) during that time. I am not suprised the sex is not as good as it was. Should I even care though? Am I wasting my time with her? She is confussed right now, deciding whether or not she is going to continue her relationship with this other guy, or give it up to persue what we have. We both feel good about what we have, and she says she feels like she can't live without me. Any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why won't the AGW deniers accept the the effectiveness of CO2?

    I challenge you all. Especially Dr. Jello. Go home and do this experiment for CO2. No beakers? Use plastic cups with holes to fit the thermometer. Only one thermometer? Do each part separately. No UV lamp? Use a regular lamp. The data may not be as conclusive, but I'm sure it will be efficient. Get the data, and come back here and claim that CO2 is not efficient at retaining heat. Everyone can do this, it is simple. In the meanwhile, stop claiming you know stuff without actually studying it or seeing it first hand. Here is where I posted the experiment.;_ylt=AlBjP...

    11 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • What is the next line of the this song?

    "Imagine you brain as a canaster full of ink. Now think of your body as the pen where the ink resides. Fuse the two, Kapow!!, I got you now. You're the human magic marker won't you please suprise my eyes.... It's in your nature, you can paint whatever picture you like....?

    First one to get it wins 10 points!!

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • What are my options to dispute a check card payment that a restaurant falsely charged me for?

    I went to a restaurant/bar the other night, had a dispute with the bartender because he over charged me for drinks. He ended up supposedly correcting the problem, gave me a check for the right amount. I charged it on my check card, gave him a tip, and left thinking it was alright. I checked my account when I got home, and it has 2 pending payments on it, one for the initial amount, and one for the amount it was changed to. I am wonderring what my options are to take action on this..? It's a basic bank check card with a Visa logo on it. Can I dispute it at the bank, or is there some legal action I may want to look into?

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Water vapor, the factor that matters in global warming?

    I made a mistake calling water vapor "constant" before. It's not that it's constant, it's just dependent on a very important factor, heat. Water vapor increases in the atmosphere when the heat increases on the surface of the earth. This is proven by the ideal gas law. There has to be another cause of global temperature increase to cause water vapor to increase... CO2!!! Water vapor is like the catalyst of global warming, it is the most important greenhouse gas. BUT if it wasn't for another factor warming the globe, the water vapor would be constant. Chemistry 101

    9 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • What do Scientists have to say about AGW, and where is the majority of scientists that don't agree?

    This question is inspired by Ms. punker that's been spouting a bunch of nonsense out. If there is anything I am sure of about this whole global warming thing, it is that a majority of scientists know and agree about the theory of AGW because they know the science behind it. We don't have to look far, how many of the people in this forum have science degrees? Where do they tend to lean towards? How many of you skeptics have political or economic degrees (or no degree at all)? Hmmm believe someone that knows nothing about the science, or listen to the experts....

    13 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • What are the "religious" and/or "political" reasons someone would advocate AGW?

    I keep hearing this argument come up over and over again. I don't believe in AGW for any reasons beyond the science, which makes a lot of sense to me. So I'd like to hear actual examples of what the skeptics are talking about when you claim we all of the believers have motives beyond caring about life and the earth...

    7 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Global warming and hurricanes?

    Ok 8 hurricanes in the past 8 years, the most on record. Higher temperature = more frequency and intensity of hurricanes. Explain to me how you can say global warming doesn't affect storms...

    6 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Chem homework question?

    What is the solubility in mol/L of C2H6 at a partial pressure of 347.0 torr, if the solubility at a partial pressure of 523.9 torr is 1.241x10^-3 mol/L?

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Why are there people so insistant that global warming is a lie when they have no scientific background?

    First of all I am a Earth Science major working on my BS in Environmental Science and Policy. I know there are a few exceptions, but absolutely no one I have met in my field or any other Earth Science field denies global warming. On top of that the science behind what happens with Earth's climate change has been studied and understood for years. Why are all this ignorant people that obviously have no science background all so opinionated about a subject they know nothing about? Why can't they get over their egocentric nature and listen to the experts that do the work on learning the nature of our earth, and its fragility...???

    17 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Where can I find Information on Amphidromic systems of the North Atlantic.?

    I need any source of information on Amphidromic system of the north Atlantic Ocean and resulting astronomical tides along the outer coasts of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. It is hard to find good or specific sources for this topic, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Gravitational Potential Energy Question...?

    If 418.5J of heat energy could be converted to gravitational potential energy, HOW MANY TIMES could a 3.20kg object be raised to 446 meters?.. gravitational energy (g) = 9.8m/s^2

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago