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I got a beautiful orchid plant AND?

I got a beautiful orchid plant from my son for my Birthday....and I do not know how to take care of it....

there was NO instructions in the box...

Any one out there that can help me??!!


I don't know how to take care of this "beautiful plant"

I really need some help!!!!

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer
    Source(s): Hello
  • 9 years ago

    I personally do not now a lot about them my my sisters and mom have at least a dozon in our house that they have had up to 5 years. They tell me (my granddad bought me one and they take care of it) that orchids like to be a little root bound...No literally root bound but do not plant it in a bigger pot, usually the pot it has come in will be find for a little while. Pretty much image the area of the roots and get a pot that is about half an inch bigger then that diameter if you are going to switch it. And there is special orchid soil that you can get at the local hardware store or garden place. And orchid plant food which read the instructions AND usually any extra plant food or fertilizer rule of THUMB they barley need any and it is so very easily to over do it! my sister had one orchid for like 4-5 years and she put it outside one day in a cool day when the sun was out a little and it was not outside for no more then like 10 min and the leaves slowly died off of it by the next week up until the next couple months. Im sure you can order these plant food and soil for orchids of the internet because they can be difficult to find in local stores. keep by the windows?

  • Arlene
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Hopefully you at least know the name of the orchid if not take it to a nursery and they will tell you and maybe they will tell you the care. If not google the name of the plant when they give it to you.

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