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Is obama getting a little ahead of himself, predicting he will rule for 5 more years...?

Just what has this fool done to make him think he deserves even five more minutes.. is there someone he has not bowed to or apologized to.....


Good answe Halston

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Based on the latest polls, President Obama is understandably feeling confident about reelection. Btw, it appears Obama took liberty with his math and rounded 4 years 11 months to 5 years. For those unaware, the presidential terms end on January 20th. So, Obama just completed his 3rd year last month.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    no count if there is conflict, or no conflict, he desires to stay in Iraq to maintain on occupying it. it extremely is against the shape, via fact the President, in spite of being republican or democrat, shouldn't in any respect go away our troops scattered international. we are an empire, word the different bases in Germany, Korea, Japan, and at the instant setting up extra in Afghanistan/Iraq. This guy would not deserve the Presdidency, via fact he has shown himself to be following the comparable Bush platform. And which will reason extra harm to our united states then it extremely is now.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Heck to the yeah!! Even if by some miracle he does get re-elected (Heaven forbid), what great deed has he accomplished that gives him the right to be so arrogant.

    And to my friend who said the comment on GM and Bin Laden. Our TROOPS got rid of him NOT Obama. He's to much of a cowardice pansy to go and put his life on the line for our country. As for subsidizing, he tried subsidizing Solyndra an how did that turn out...bankruptcy and tons of people being layed off.

    Such a great RULER we have!!! *note sarcasm*

  • Ingrid
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    "Will" is nothing he ever said.

    The Fool is you for making such lacking statements.

    As to President Obama's showing respect for others, that is a true Leader.

    But what do you know when having been educated in a system being underwritten by Santorum.

    Now there is a Fool who has been damaged by too much Holy Water and bad Communion Wine.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    All of the Republican candidates are doing exactly the same thing

    Edit: Lol, some people on this question need to stop watching Fox news. And you say Democrats are the ones being brainwashed?!

    Source(s): Independent
  • 9 years ago

    It's just more Obama arrogance. He is so full of himself I cannot even look at him. He is nauseating.

    I guess he never heard the saying: 'Ain't it funny how pride goes before a fall'

  • Brat
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Like I said, Obummer has appointed communists to his cabinet, is loved by liberals, and surrounded 24/7 by America-hating, radical marxists. Of course they are going to tell him what he wants to hear, anything else and they will be fired. Obummer can predict that he will be the king for infinity, but his bold, hyperbolic predictions don't change any of the facts, and if he wants to continue to live in his isolated, ultra liberal cocoon of ignorance, then he will never take the right steps to secure another term.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's called Politics. Candidates always put on the big smile, exude confidence and publicly ignore polls.

    As for the second question ... "Just what has this fool done ..." well, that's partly a belief in his own philosophy, partly ego, partly narcissism and partly greed.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Well he certainly doesn't know the system very well because he can only get 4 more years if he gets re-elected. (4 years to a presidential term not 5)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    LOL Obama is going to be holding a sign on the corner that says "Will Work For Food"

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