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Conservatives, honestly speaking aren't the following statements true...?

(I know it's long, but you can do it, just concentrate!)

You resent how the so-called liberal media and Democrats poked fun at GWB's speaking abilities and dimwittedness. That's why you try and push that Obama is stupid because he misspoke about 57 states and mispronounced "corpsman". Isn't that true?

FACT: Obama went to Occidental, Columbia and Harvard, 3 academically prestigious schools (I know academics doesn't necessarily equate to intelligence, but it is a pretty strong indicator). He was also president of the Harvard Law review. They don't let dummies do that.

GWB went to Yale, where he earned straight "C"s. It is also a very prestigious University, however, would he have been accepted into Yale if his last name wasn't Bush? I'll let you make that determination.

You resent Obama because he rose to fame and prominence out of nowhere, on the wave of anti-Bush and anti-Republican sentiments. So, you try to tear Obama down (no matter what he does, even if he does Republican-like things) because he represented Hope and Change, (which was code for "Bush and the Republicans fcked up the country so bad, we feel hopeless and need anything besides the crap we endured for the last 8 years!")

FACT: Bush when he left office had one of the lowest approval rating (if not the lowest) of any POTUS, the country was involved in two costly wars w/o an exit plan, the economy was tanking, people were losing their jobs and their homes, it was as bad as America has ever been since the Great Depression, and you resent it, because America was blaming Bush and the Republicans. Isn't that true?

And because the economy didn't turn around immediately upon Obama became POTUS and jobs didn't return immediately, you were quick to paint Obama as a failure and a fraud, because you were dying to do so after all the abuse you endured during the Bush years. Isn't that true?

How does it make you feel that Obama is going to win a 2nd term? Do you resent him even more? Or can you finally acknowledge that he is not as bad as you wish he was?

6 Answers

  • Faye
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't resent him for that. He just got a little tongue twisted. Happens to everyone. You're making a bigger deal out of this than I.

    I never said the man wasn't smart. You don't need to list his credentials, but just because someone's intelligent, doesn't mean they have the sense to run the country.

    And the same can be said about Bush. Why were Democrats so quick to blame Bush about everything right after he took office? Clinton certainly left a mess that wasn't Bush's fault either. Right?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    "precisely 9 of those ten statements are pretend." Technically, you're posing good judgment questions, no longer religious questions. How about this paradox in go back for 10 awesome answer factors? excellent the following reality is authentic. The previous reality is pretend.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    1. It isn't that we resent the lib media pointing out GWB faults. We resent the hypocrisy and double standard where Obama is concerned when he does the same thing. Just pointing it out

    2. I resent Obama because he wants to fundamentally change America and will circumvent the constitution and our elected representatives to do it. When our reps in the house and senate don't do what he wants them to do he does it anyway through fed agencies and czars. His admin is riddled with unprecedented corruption and abuse of power

    3. His policies lack common sense. What reasonable person thinks that the solution to bankruptcy is to spend more? What reasonable person looks at the results of govt run healthcare not only here but around the world and sees that it has failed every single time and yet still wants to nationalize our entire healthcare system? But the proof is in the pudding. Three yrs of Obama has been devastating

  • 9 years ago

    Not a republican or democrat. But Obama is terrible. He pushes forth the agenda congress has been doing for decades. Increased spending, more wars, more constriction of liberties, more government involvment, Obamacare (Government shouldnt be involved in healthcare. PERIOD!). Until Ron Paul, or somebody who has an actual want and desire to cut cost, give constitutional rights more meaning, promote civil liberties, and have a little common sense, every president will be terrible.

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  • 9 years ago

    honestly speaking, don't you assume that any criticism that we have, no matter how valid, just has to be the result of racism or resentment

  • 9 years ago

    Well that is what obozo says, how do we know he went to those collages how about he release his records?? He has yet to do that I wonder why????

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