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Lv 59,705 points

Mister Ed

Favorite Answers17%
  • What is wrong with my brakes? My car only has 26,000 miles in 3 years yet my brakes lost it's sensitivity?

    I used to be able to slow down gradually by pressing down softly on the brakes. Now the same pressure I put down doesn't slow it down like it used to. In some cases, I have to almost stand on the brakes to slow it down. I am assuming it's the brake pads but I am confused because the car does not have the wear and tear to have worn down the brake pads so quickly. So, what are your thoughts? I have a 2011 Ford Edge Limited if that helps.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Was I out of line or was I within my rights?

    So here is the scenario. I was hired in July to improve a vocational colleges student enrollments. In less than 3 months I increased enrollments 200% from the previous enrollment period. The bosses were very happy and impressed. However, just last week they called an emergency staff meeting and said that because 2013 has been a non-profitable year so far, every staff member, including me, had to take a non-paid day off per week. That equates to a 20% pay cut. Otherwise, the school could possibly close down.

    In a private meeting with the bosses, I objected to my pay cut. I said that I shouldn't be punished for circumstances that happened prior to my arrival. At the time of my hire, they never notified me that a pay cut was a possibility. In fact, if anything, since I increased enrollments (ie the only source of revenue) for the school, I should be given a raise -not a pay-cut! Furthermore, how do they expect to get out of their financial situation, if they also penalize the one person who increased the revenue?

    They accused me of being overly arrogant, that even though I increased enrollments and revenue that it wasn't enough to overcome the bad year. They even remarked that I should be lucky that I was not laid-off, since the last hired is usually the first to go.

    I gave my two-weeks notice. Did I over react or was sticking to my principles the right move?

    Your thoughts please.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What do you all think of CA - Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom?

    I think he could be POTUS one day. I've seen him on a few talk shows and he presents himself very well. He is very articulate and well-spoken. He has Liberal point of views (having been Mayor of SF), but was also married at one point to a conservative talking head on Fox News which leads me to believe he is open to hearing all sides. He has helped start 11 business ventures, so he should appeal to those who believe having a business background is important. He also just recently authored a book that talks about the inefficency of Govt and provides technological methods to fix it - even Newt Gingrich has endorsed this book.

    His negatives are that he had an affair at one point and struggled with alcoholism, but that didn't stop others who have ascended to POTUS.

    So what do you all think - future POTUS or not?!

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If God knows everything, what's the point of praying?

    He supposedly knows every facet of everyone's life, so why go through the ritual of asking of him in form of a prayer.

    It seems kind of cruel and humiliating. For example, if my son needed money and I knew that he was desperate for it but he is also a very proud person, I wouldn't make him ask me for it. I would just give it to him discreetly.

    Why wouldn't God operate the same way?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Ahmadnijad (the Iranian President) is getting slammed by the religious clerics and other Muslims for?

    holding the hand of the grieving mother of Hugo Chavez. Isn't this the stupidest thing you ever heard?! How background and archaic is the Muslim religion that it frowns upon touching a women who is grieving over the lost of her son!?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Will Republicans ever admit that the Republican Party's objective since Obama was elected?

    is to oppose anything that the Obama's Administration advocates. Even policies they once supported!

    Mitch O'Connell publically stated that the single most important goal was to make Obama a one term President.

    Furthermore, a new book that came out "Do Not Ask What Good We Do" details a secret meeting between prominent Republican congressman that outlined their goal of opposing everything Obama proposes.

    Lastly, because 60 votes are needed in the Senate to even have a bill come up for a vote, and the Senate Republicans are united in opposing Obama, this makes it virtually impossible to get enough support.

    Therefore my question is - how do Republicans have the audacity to blame Obama for the state of the economy and not achieving certain goals, if they purposedly prevent him from getting things done?! The are purposedly sabotaging the POTUS!

    Even if it means the detriment of the American people, politics trumps all! Isn't this what's going on, ******* shameful!

    Guess what, your f'd up tactics aren't going to work! Obama is going to trounce Romney! 4 more years! 4 more years!

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Please explain to me how Romney could claim he will create jobs if the undisputable records show that ...?

    - The state he Governed (Mass) ranks 47th out of 50 in job creation

    - The company he ran, Bain Capital, modus operandi was to buy companies, gut them and lay off employees to increase their bottomline.

    - He publically advocated to let GM die, to go bankrupt, to cripple the auto industry, to allow thousands and thousands of jobs to go by the waste side.

    Also, he wants to regurgitate the same failed Republican policies that caused the recession and over 750,000 job loss per month!

    Besides talking out of his as s, what tangible evidence is out there that he can create jobs?

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • I have an abstract abortion question?

    If we went into a time machine and aborted Hitler, Bin Laden, Stalin, Pol Pot, Sadaam Hussien and other mass murderers is that a good thing or bad thing?

    Is that murder or is it actually saving lives?

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why did Republican pundit Ann Coulter say "if Christie doesn't run, we'll nominate Romney and we will lose."?

    Republicans, even your own team members think Romney is a weak candidate and can't beat Obama.

    She knows that Romney lacks substance and conviction, that he will say whatever is popular at the time to pander for votes. He is pro-choice one election cycle, than pro-life in another.

    She knows that Romney cannot reasonably attack Obamacare since everyone knows it was modeled after Romneycare.

    She knows that Romney's Mormon faith hinders his ability to garner Christian voters, since many consider Mormonism to be a cult.

    She knows Romney advocated to "Let GM go Bankrupt!", which would have lost thousands of jobs and crippled the auto industry, instead of saving GM and the auto industry like Obama did.

    She knows Romney has a difficult time relating to every day Americans, since he was brought up with extreme wealth and priviledges.

    She knows that Romney has a weak military and Defense platform since during Vietnam instead of fighting for his country, he weaseled out and moved to France (and we know how you Conservatives love the French).

    Romney is a weak candidate! We know it, you know it and even Coulter knows it.

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Are you guys ready for abortion questions?

    First answer these set up questions please:

    Why do dogs hump people's legs?

    Why do some people in committed relationships cheat on their partners, even though they know that it would most likely lead to a break up?

    The female praying mantis cuts off the head and eats their male suitors right after mating? Why would the male praying mantis commit suicide like that just to mate?

    Why do pedophiles molest little kids knowing that if they get caught their lives would be forever ruined?

    Why do bobono chimps have sex at least once a day with several different partners throughout their lives?

    Why would some wealthy married men cheat on their wives with their hot secretary knowing that they could lose millions in a divorce settlement?

    Why do salmon swim hundreds of miles upstream through a gauntlet of predators just to ejaculate on eggs?

    Why is pornography a multi-billion dollar business?

    The answer to all these questions is that animals, including humans, have such a strong innate sex drive that they simply cannot help themselves - even to their own detriment! It is mother natures way of making sure species procreate.

    Given the fact that the urge to have sex is beyond our ability to control, this unfortunately means that many times this urge leads to pregnancy. Yes, this act is reckless and unfortunate and by no means am I advocating abortion as a form of contraceptive, but do you really think that forcing an unwanted pregancy on a women (because of a brief moment in their uncontrollable urges) is in the best interest of the baby, the women, the father, the county, the state, the taxpayer, etc.?

    Do you honestly think that outlawing abortion is going to stop people from having abortions or having sex for that matter?

    14 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why do Conservatives complain about the media?

    The media is a perfect representation of Capitialism. The stories the media covers and how they choose to cover it, is based on what they think would maximize viewership which translates into more revenue. If they don't cover these stories and their competitors do they would lose viewership and lose money.

    Isn't that how Fox generates viewership and ratings by pandering to their audience, covering certain stories that peak interest and doing so with a specific agenda to peak interest as well.

    The alternative is to make the media a non-profit entity so that the amount of viewship is a non-factor but of course that goes against the principle of Capitalism. I thought you Conservatives are about privatizing everything and that competition yields the best results? So then why complain about the media all the time?

    What say you?

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is Kevin Love the best white player in the league?

    With all due respect to Dirk, Kevin Love is the reigning 3-point champion and can rebound like no one's business. He just followed a 50+ point performance with a 30+ points, 20+ rebounds performance and don't forget his double-double streak last year.

    What white player is better than Love?

    9 AnswersBasketball9 years ago
  • Why do Chefs wear that funny looking poofy hat?

    Just curious. It doesn't seem to be very practical.

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • What if there was a law that says all Presidential candidates during their campaign must ....?

    ....take an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If they are caught telling a lie or misrepresenting the truth, it is considered perjury and would be punishable by prison time and/or excessive fines, but more importantly they would be deemed untrustworthy and therefore unfit to be POTUS.

    It seems like lying and being a politician is synonymous. Maybe that has been the norm for all these years because politicians could simply spin their words to defend their inaccurate statements. However, in the omnipresent media age that we live in today, where everything and anything they say could be recorded on Youtube, TMZ or camera phones, etc, they don't have that luxury anymore.

    So, given this fact, shouldn't candidates for the most important position in the world be held to the highest standard. Do we really want to elect a POTUS just because he spoke mis-truths about himself or others and gullible people believed these lies and elected them based on that?

    So, what do you think? Shouldn't this be a law? If not, why not?

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Wouldn't Ron Paul have a much better chance of winning the Presidency if he ran as an Independent.....? Ross Perot or the Libertarian Party instead of trying to get the Republican nomination?

    He doesn't fit the typical mold of a Republican anyways and has no chance of getting the conservative votes needed to win the nomination. I don't know why he bothers every 4 years to try and get the Republican nomination. It seems foolhardy and a waste of campaign donors money.

    If Obama doesn't get re-elected I much rather have Paul be POTUS than Romney, Santorum or Newt.

    Is there some kind of rule that doesn't allow him to run as a third party or is he just being stubborn? Just curious.

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why is the Democratic party more culturally diverse than the Republican Party?

    There are many exceptions of course and I know I am blatantly generalizing, but for the most part Republicans consist of white Christians and mostly men over 40. Whereas Democrats I find come from all walks of life.

    What does it say about the Republican Party that it only seems to cater to a specific group of people?

    Why should a recent immigrant (who happens to be Muslim, Buddhist or any other religion besides Christian) who just became a naturalized citizen vote for the Republican party? Unless, they happen to be the wealthiest 1%, how would it benefit them in anyway to vote Republican?

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Does Santorum and his supporters realize that this is the year 2012 not 1912?

    Conservatives, I understand you want to "conserve" a certain way of life and are resistant to progress and change, but do you really want to go backwards?

    Do you want to take away a women's right to vote? Do you want to repeal the Civil Rights Act? Do you want to bring back the Jim Crow laws? - These are rhetorical questions by the way, if you answered "yes" join the Taliban and go to Afghanistan!

    22 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Conservatives, honestly speaking aren't the following statements true...?

    (I know it's long, but you can do it, just concentrate!)

    You resent how the so-called liberal media and Democrats poked fun at GWB's speaking abilities and dimwittedness. That's why you try and push that Obama is stupid because he misspoke about 57 states and mispronounced "corpsman". Isn't that true?

    FACT: Obama went to Occidental, Columbia and Harvard, 3 academically prestigious schools (I know academics doesn't necessarily equate to intelligence, but it is a pretty strong indicator). He was also president of the Harvard Law review. They don't let dummies do that.

    GWB went to Yale, where he earned straight "C"s. It is also a very prestigious University, however, would he have been accepted into Yale if his last name wasn't Bush? I'll let you make that determination.

    You resent Obama because he rose to fame and prominence out of nowhere, on the wave of anti-Bush and anti-Republican sentiments. So, you try to tear Obama down (no matter what he does, even if he does Republican-like things) because he represented Hope and Change, (which was code for "Bush and the Republicans fcked up the country so bad, we feel hopeless and need anything besides the crap we endured for the last 8 years!")

    FACT: Bush when he left office had one of the lowest approval rating (if not the lowest) of any POTUS, the country was involved in two costly wars w/o an exit plan, the economy was tanking, people were losing their jobs and their homes, it was as bad as America has ever been since the Great Depression, and you resent it, because America was blaming Bush and the Republicans. Isn't that true?

    And because the economy didn't turn around immediately upon Obama became POTUS and jobs didn't return immediately, you were quick to paint Obama as a failure and a fraud, because you were dying to do so after all the abuse you endured during the Bush years. Isn't that true?

    How does it make you feel that Obama is going to win a 2nd term? Do you resent him even more? Or can you finally acknowledge that he is not as bad as you wish he was?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What movie did you like that everyone else hated?

    I just saw "Your Highness" recently, I liked it (of course I was high), but I could see why others would think it's horrible.

    4 AnswersMovies9 years ago