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Will Republicans ever admit that the Republican Party's objective since Obama was elected?

is to oppose anything that the Obama's Administration advocates. Even policies they once supported!

Mitch O'Connell publically stated that the single most important goal was to make Obama a one term President.

Furthermore, a new book that came out "Do Not Ask What Good We Do" details a secret meeting between prominent Republican congressman that outlined their goal of opposing everything Obama proposes.

Lastly, because 60 votes are needed in the Senate to even have a bill come up for a vote, and the Senate Republicans are united in opposing Obama, this makes it virtually impossible to get enough support.

Therefore my question is - how do Republicans have the audacity to blame Obama for the state of the economy and not achieving certain goals, if they purposedly prevent him from getting things done?! The are purposedly sabotaging the POTUS!

Even if it means the detriment of the American people, politics trumps all! Isn't this what's going on, ******* shameful!

Guess what, your f'd up tactics aren't going to work! Obama is going to trounce Romney! 4 more years! 4 more years!

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think they've made any attempt to hide the fact that they will be against whatever Obama is for. Newt criticized Obama for not getting involved in Libya, then a few days later Newt criticized Obama for getting involved in Libya. It just doesn't matter what Obama does or doesn't do, the republicans will be against him.

  • 9 years ago

    50 More Reasons to vote out Dear Leader Obama:

    1 - Fast and Furious - Operation Gun Runner

    2 - Stopped the Keystone pipeline that would have created thousands of jobs

    3 - Gave half a billion tax payer’s dollars to Solyndra

    4 - Bowed to foreign dignitaries

    5 - Increased our deficit over 40% in 2/12 years

    6 - Backed release of Lockerbie Bomber

    7 - The Drilling Moratoriums

    8 - Soaring FOOD and Gas Prices

    9 - NO Shovel Ready Jobs

    10 - The Downgrade of America's credit rating ( First time in American history)

    11 - First time in American history over 42 MILLION Americans are living in poverty

    12 - Never passed a BUDGET ( First time in 34 YEARS)

    13 - America drops to 5th place in GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS

    14 - Over 400,000 small businesses closing every year under Obama

    15 - Our Debt has increased $4,247,000,000,000 in just 945 days! . (That's the fastest increase under any president ever!)

    16 - No Summer Recovery

    17 - Fed Suing States and States suing Feds

    18 - Pressured Retired General Shelton to ALTER his testimony

    19 - Enable the LARGEST number of HOME FORECLOSURES

    20 - Turn America into the LARGEST FOOD STAMP NATION

    21 - Filed lawsuit against Arizona for enforcing immigration laws.

    22 - Force a Trillion dollar disaster down our throats called Obamacare WITHOUT EVEN READING THE BILL

    23 - Increased unemployment despite “stimulus package”

    24 - Appoint a TAX CHEAT for Sec. of the TREASURY!

    25 - Appoint over 34 UN-ELECTED CZARS

    26 - Rebuffs subpoena on failed solar firm

    27 - Eric Holder turns a blind eye to voter intimidation by the Black Panthers then justifies with racial comments

    28 - First President to File Lawsuits Against the States He Swore an Oath to Protect

    29 - First President to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space

    30 - First President to Tell a Major Manufacturing Company In Which State They Are Allowed to Locate a Factory

    31 - First President to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts

    32 - First President to Withdraw an Existing Coal Permit That Had Been Properly Issued Years Ago

    33 - First time in American history a President with a Socialist radical anti American past gets elected, with the help of ACORN and the Black Panthers and gets away with it!

    34 - First President in history to create more PROTESTERS then JOBS

    35 - First President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places

    36 - First time a President to enact OVER 4200 NEW anti Business regulations!

    37 - First time a President needed to make a website called attackwatch, a site that would make Karl marx Proud!

    38 - First time a President Attempted to fill my cabinet with avowed Communist like Van Jones

    39 - First time a President supported Anti-Capitalists, Union Thug, Marxists and Anarchists Protesting Mobs bankrupting major cities

    40 - The National Debt Has Increased 4.2 TRILLION Dollars

    41 - National Debt now 15 TRILLION!!

    42 - The USA Spends 4.2 BILLION Dollars More than it takes in

    43 - 25 MILLION Jobs LOST But he has added 140,000.00 to the Government payroll

    44 - Added 3 MILLION More Americans living in POVERTY

    45 - 4 MILLION More Bankruptcies

    46 - 2 .4 MILLION Home FORECLOSED

    47 - Gas Prices Have RISEN MORE THAN 80%

    48 - Health Insurance Premiums UP 13%

    49 - First President in history to have ALL his records SEALED

    50 - Takes RECORD amount of contributions from Wall Street

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Our main goal is to Stop the Communist America-Hating Dog Eating Obama.

    You should do the same.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Could you go to the corner and cry already. Obama sucks, he is the suckiest suck that ever sucked. Deal with it.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    That's how politics work, no matter who is in office. Welcome to America.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    and what did obama do in the first 2 yrs with his super majority? Oh yea force a healthcare down the throats of Americans that didn't want it and took a bail out that he used to pay off his campaign contributors. Now he is printing money to pay it back, which has lowered the value of the dollar and increased inflation. Has the spending stopped?

    You are aware of the National debt Token has acrewed aren't you?

  • 9 years ago

    When Obama was first elected, he controlled every aspect of the government. That's when he shoved the healthcare bill down America's throat without anyone having a high enough IQ to read it.

    Broke Obummer is going down in 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ROMNEY 2012!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let's Do This AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    America can't afford 4 more years.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    With all due Respect, you will Find that Mr. Harry Reid has Refused to Allow MORE Duly Passed Bills by the House to Go to Committee, or be Put on the Senate Floor for a Vote than Republican Senators have Filibustered in the Last 3 years....

    There is ONE Obstructionist in our Government System, Mr. Harry Reid, THE Only Person with the Power to STOP a Bill in it Tracks without further RECOURSE......

    Even the President Does NOT have this Power.

    Look no Further than Mr. Reid if you want to See Obstructionism and PARTISAN Politics.

    Thanks for the Awesome Effort that you put into your Question...I do not KNOW of, nor can I Deny ANYTHING that you posted....I just wanted to show that it is NOT all ONE Sided as some would like to Make it out to be for Political Reasons.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Your question is boring. Your assuming. And whenever you assume you make anass! out of you and me.

    Source(s): a
  • 9 years ago

    4 more years of Obama and all of America is screwed

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Ok, 4 more years. Then what?

    Thought so.

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