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Are you guys ready for abortion questions?

First answer these set up questions please:

Why do dogs hump people's legs?

Why do some people in committed relationships cheat on their partners, even though they know that it would most likely lead to a break up?

The female praying mantis cuts off the head and eats their male suitors right after mating? Why would the male praying mantis commit suicide like that just to mate?

Why do pedophiles molest little kids knowing that if they get caught their lives would be forever ruined?

Why do bobono chimps have sex at least once a day with several different partners throughout their lives?

Why would some wealthy married men cheat on their wives with their hot secretary knowing that they could lose millions in a divorce settlement?

Why do salmon swim hundreds of miles upstream through a gauntlet of predators just to ejaculate on eggs?

Why is pornography a multi-billion dollar business?

The answer to all these questions is that animals, including humans, have such a strong innate sex drive that they simply cannot help themselves - even to their own detriment! It is mother natures way of making sure species procreate.

Given the fact that the urge to have sex is beyond our ability to control, this unfortunately means that many times this urge leads to pregnancy. Yes, this act is reckless and unfortunate and by no means am I advocating abortion as a form of contraceptive, but do you really think that forcing an unwanted pregancy on a women (because of a brief moment in their uncontrollable urges) is in the best interest of the baby, the women, the father, the county, the state, the taxpayer, etc.?

Do you honestly think that outlawing abortion is going to stop people from having abortions or having sex for that matter?

14 Answers

  • Jo
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most, if not all, of your questions pertain to the male of any species.

    The purpose of the male is to procreate, the purpose of the female is to protect the species by wisely choosing the best out there and refusing the lesser of the species.

    That is where your argument falls apart.

    It is now and always has been the job of the female of any and every species to reject sex when she felt it wasn't the proper mate.

    Having sex may be beyond the males ability to control-but not the females.

    I think that abortion should be legal but not ever paid for by the taxpayer.

    BTW-dogs hump your leg as a sign of dominance-not sex.

  • 9 years ago

    1. Dogs hump as an assertion of dominance. Its saying that they are the boss over you. It has nothing to do with sex

    2. They get bored being in a long term relationship. They want that new feeling their relationship is lacking. It dosent always have to do with sex but more the fairytale feeling you get when you first meet someone

    3. its instinct. They have to do it because instinct tells them its mating time. Much similiar to a teenage boy that first notices a woman and his penis erects

    4. Because they are sick people.

    5. Again instinct. Its all meant to reproduce. Humans and dolphins are the only animals that have sex for pleasure

    6. Temptation. Kind fulfilling a fantasy they may have seen on a porno or something.

    7. To reproduce. If they didnt you wouldnt have salmon

    8. Because of men that are into sex and woman that dont want it every time a man does

    Last question. No it isnt going to stop people from haivng sex

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    First, we have to get away from the mentality that human beings with a brain cannot control themselves sexually to the point that they cant use birth control. THere are plenty of ways to take precautions while not in the heat of the moment in anticipation that they will not want to control themselves if the situation arises. DO I really need to give you a lesson on all of the different types of birth control??

    But that being said,. using your reasonoing, a horny rapist should be allowed to go around raping women with no consequences because they cannot help themselves and they are just victims of their God given instincts

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    1. they find knees very sexy

    2. people are stupid

    3. praying mantis males act like men ,men are people ( see 2 )

    4. pedophiles sadly are also considered people (see 2)

    5. what else does a bonobo have to do , they havent got X box

    6. (see 2)

    7. salmon are like people (see 2)

    8. do I really need to say it ( see 2 )

    9 .ok the abortion question (see 2)

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    No, I'm pretty sure people can control their urge to have sex. If not then they know the consequences and should face them and not try to erase what they see as a mistake. One person's mistake is another person's pride.

  • 9 years ago

    To quote Fred Gwynne from My Cousin Vinnie:

    "That is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out objection. Overruled."

  • 9 years ago

    I am fed up with conservatives trying to act intelligent or like they know what is going on in this country because they listen to cherry-picked facts that are chosen and taken out of context to promote falsehoods.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    This was a very interesting question. I shall come back in half an hour to give you a proper response.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's a longwinded question, but I agree that forcing women to continue with pregnancies they're not ready for is idiotic.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Outlawing abortion is a bad idea. So is dismissing and justifying irresponsible, reckless sexual behavior.

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