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Spiritually speaking, are evolution and atheism religions?

Evolution is just a bunch of made-up stories without any evidence to support it, and atheists don't know what to believe, so shouldn't we force them all to incorporate into a registered religion status and tax 'em?

24 Answers

  • NDMA
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have a valid point. They are both faith based belief systems, tend to be dogmatic, are exclusionary -(anybody who does not believe is ridiculed or insulted) and proponants of both tend to be somewhat evangelical - seek converts... Yes a very good point, but I think you should also include the big bang!

    B: Biological diversity is a fact, evolution is a hypotheical process that tries to explain the origin of the observed biological diversity. As you so eloquently put it: "The only part of evolution that is considered "theory" is the process through which it occurs" The simple fact is evolution is a hypothetical process. A process that is not even close to being valided using the the Scientific Method. If nothing else the FACT that there are at least half a dozen different definitions of evolution being floated around at anytime makes it laughable that anybody with a entry level understanding of science or the scientific method would assert it is proven.

    I just realized, the fact that there are at least half a dozen definitions for evolution being bounced around at any given time would mean not only is evolution like a religion but it even has several denominations!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well first we have to look at the definition of religion. Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values. So yes Atheism can be considered a religion in the sense of a belief system. Since Atheism is defined as in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Now as far as Evolution you are very mistaken that is it is "just a bunch of made-up stories without any evidence to support it", there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to support it. As far as "we force them all to incorporate into a registered religion status and tax 'em", most western constitutions have provisions against forcing any sort of religion and secondly once it becomes a legal religion it is tax free. Atheist know what they believe, it's that they do not believe in a Deity. I think you are very confused on the issue and are really just posting to provoke people. I really suggest that you educate yourself a little further and understand that evolution and atheism is not about destroying or disproving your religion.

  • 9 years ago

    The theory of evolution is no more a religion than the theory of electricity or the theory of gravity. Atheism, meanwhile, is more so a product of the philosophical tradition of skepticism with a healthy dose of Occam's Razor. Atheists don't agree on a lot of things because there is no, "Book of Atheism," or any Sunday group-therapy sessions.

    And before you claim that evolution has no evidence to support it, maybe you should actually research it. The evidence is overwhelming. But I won't show it to you: I think that it would be more beneficial to your character to learn how to investigate and find the answers on your own.

  • 9 years ago

    There are many sects of religion who believe in and agree with evolution. I am a Muslim, for example, and I absolutely accept scientific fact where evolution is concerned. Some do and some do not, some follow the sheep and others think for themselves. Atheism is the absence of belief, most atheists I've known are unable to accept the idea of a creator...and that is how it is. Btw, some atheists are better people than some 'believers' that I've met in my life. Ironic?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Religion is just a bunch of made-up stories without any evidence to support it. Evolution explains everything other than just saying "god did it" btw the missing link was found a few years ago, it was named Lucy and toured around the US. There is no question you could ask a atheist about religion and they couldn't answer it. In a few hundred to a thousand years, people will be looking at our gods and say "wow, they believed in that? Our religion is much better." there will probably be another religion by then. Just like how we make fun of the Greek, Incan, African, all the ancient civilizations. Empires rise and fall, and religion comes and goes as well.

    Source(s): - agnostic means to not be sure if there is a god or not. Satanism is worshipping the devil and speaking against deities. Atheism simply means religion is no part of your life, you live your life without worshipping some guy with a beard in the clouds always watching you.
  • 9 years ago

    Evolution is not a bunch of made up stories with no evidence. There is plenty of evidence, all obtained from different independent sources. It also makes opposed to the Bible, which has been proven to be inaccurate, needs to invoke talking bushes & magic, and actually IS a bunch of made up stories with no evidence. (Please prove to me who was around to witness & document the days of creation, & I'll provide proof that the majority of the OT, including Genesis, was written in 711BC by a group of priests.

    Athiests choose not to believe. It's not that Athiests are forced with a choice between several religions & have to pick one, when all sound as implausable as the other. It's just that Athiests choose to take a logical, rational, impartial & reasoned look at everything, and form an opinion that is realistic & makes sense. Invisible beings, fictional creatures, talking animals & miracle-working are not reasonable.

    Religion isn't like a football team, where you pick one and you support it, & insult supporters of other religions. It is supposed to be a guide to morality. You don't have to believe in the story of creation to be a morally decent Christian. In fact, you can be an Athiest who also follows the teachings of Christ. Athiests do not dispute that Christ, Moses, mohammed etc. didn't exist. I'm pretty sure they did. We're also not saying that what they had to say was rubbish. It isn't, especially if it leads to a morally good life. Part of our problem is the nature of God, and the insistence that he is some omniescent, omnipotent benevolent Big Brother figure.who has a big list of who is naughty & who is nice.

    Over the course of the Bible, the nature of God changes. In the early OT, he is an angry, spiteful genocidal maniac, smiting down any non-Jewish tribe & testing his own people by getting them to sacrifice children (almost), & with magic tricks. By the NT, he has become benevolent, loving & forgiving, but still does the magic tricks.

    Today's God is so warped out of whack. He seems to be a psychotic amalgamation of both, benevolent & loving, but ready to send anyone who uses a condom, to hell. Homosexuals will burn in a lake of fire, but serial adulterers seem to be OK, as long as they're evangelists, and paedophiles are also OK, as long as they're Roman Catholic priests.

    Who set these double standards? It certainly was not God.

    Anyway, summing up, evolution is not a religion. Athiesm is not a religion. You have got it wrong on all counts. If you want to believe in God, fine. Just don't display your ignorant attitudes towards everyone who doesn't. It's not that we are offended (we're not).It's because you look so stupid & ridiculous when you try so hard.

  • 9 years ago

    Evolution is a scientifiically proven fact. I'm not saying that we came from monkeys or that God did not create the universe, but that it happens all around us all the time. Atheism is really a lack of religion, and I'm not sure how taxes even came into this question.

  • B
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    "without any evidence to support it" Your ignorance is astounding. There is more evidence for evolution than there is for gravity. Evolution is a proven fact. The only part of evolution that is considered "theory" is the process through which it occurs. That theory states that evolution occurred through genetic mutation and drift. This is the single best answer to explain the observed differences between similar species and it is the only answer that accounts for the fact that as species become more diverse, they share less and less of their genome. Fact, fact, fact.

    Fact is not religion. Religion is based on nonsense and fear-mongering. "Atheists don't know what to believe" Really? I know exactly what to believe. I believe only that which is supported by evidence. Such as evolution... etc. Can you provide even a single fact that directly supports the existence of God? To directly support God's existence, this evidence can have no other possible explanation. Kind of like the evidence that proves evolution is a fact...

    Source(s): God is imaginary
  • 9 years ago

    Religion is a way of life. Evolution is a theory. Atheism is a lack of belief in deities. No.

  • 9 years ago

    Wow. I'm not sure if it is even possible for you to be more wrong.

    Evolution is an idea of science, much tested, that has passed peer review, based on the volumes of evidence, and is now considered fact.

    Atheists do not believe in a Divine Presence (i.e., God). It is not that they don't know what to believe, it is that they simply don't.

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