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Lv 7

NWT-added words-'exercise', 'a', 'have been', 'son', many more?

The English words “exercise,” “exercising,” “exercised,” “exercises” are added with no basis in the Greek text. This term is added to support the Watchtower doctrine of works being added to faith to complete the salvation process.

Mark 5:36

John 1:12; 3:16, 18, 36; 6:29, 35; 7:5; 11:25, 36; 12:36; 14:1 (twice); 14:12; 16:9

Romans 4:3; 10:4, 9, 10

2 Corinthians 4:13 (twice)

Galatians 3:22

2 Thessalonians 1:10

Hebrews 4:3

1 Peter 1:8; 2:6

The Greek word “kolasis” is translated “cutting-off” instead of “punishment” to support the Watchtower’s belief in annihilation and the rejection of an eternal place of torment called “hell.”

Matthew 25:46

The Greek words “kai theos en ho logos” are mistranslated as “the Word was a god,” instead of “the Word was God.” This is a distortion of the text as the word “a” is not in the Greek, but was added by the New World Translators to make the Word (Jesus) “a” second “god” who is separate from God the Father.

John 1:1

The Greek words “ego eimi” meaning “I am” are mistranslated as “I have been” to obscure the connection between Jesus being the "I Am" Jehovah God of Exodus 3:14.

John 8:58

The word “me” is omitted in “ask Me anything” to support the Watchtower claim that Jesus is not worthy to receive prayer.

John 14:14

The Greek word “ginoskosin” meaning “to know, intimately” is mistranslated as “taking in knowledge of” to support the Watchtower doctrine that accurate knowledge is necessary for eternal life. Changing this translation from “know You” (as all other Bible translations have it) to “taking in knowledge of You” shifts the focus from a personal relationship with God to a mere intellectual study of God to gain eternal life.

John 17:3

The English word “son” in “blood of his own [son]” is added in brackets without any support in the Greek text. This demonstrates the length that the Watchtower goes to deny that Jesus is the God who shed His own blood for us.

Acts 20:28

The Greek phrase, “he petra de en ho Kristos” meaning “and the rock was Christ” is mistranslated as “and that rock mass meant the Christ”. Again, this shifts the focus from Jesus being the Jehovah God, Rock of Israel (Isaiah 30:29).

1 Corinthians 10:4 In the 1984 edition of the New World Translation, the English word “other” is added in brackets to indicate that the word does not occur in the Greek text. The translators of the New World Translation added the word “other” in “gave him the name that is above every [other] name” to support the Watchtower teaching that the name “Jehovah” is superior to the name “Jesus.” Only in recent editions of the New World Translation do we see the word inserted with brackets surrounding it. All editions from 1950 to 1981 had “other” added without brackets making it seem as if this word is in the original Greek text. On page 27 of the February 1, 1992 Watchtower magazine, we again see Philippians 2:9 being quoted without the brackets being used around the word “other.” This again demonstrates the deep rooted bias of the Watchtower Society against Jesus possessing a name equal and superior to name “Jehovah.”

Philippians 2:9

Translation bias against the eternal nature of Jesus Christ as Creator God is clearly seen in the New World Translation’s insertion of the word “other” in reference to Jesus’ work in creation. By adding the word “other” to “all things” so that it reads “by means of him all [other] things were made to exist,” the Watchtower attempts to justify its claim that Jehovah God created Jesus first and then used Jesus as His creative agent for the rest of creation. However, Scripture proclaims that Jesus is the Creator of “all things,” for He has always existed as the uncreated, “everlasting father” --possessor of eternity (Isaiah 9:6). While early editions of the New World Translation prior to the 1961 edition inserted the word “other” without brackets so that one could not tell the word is not in the original Greek, the 1961 edition and all others following it are more honest by enclosing the word in brackets. However, we again see translation bias against the Deity of Jesus Christ reoccurring in Watchtower literature on pages 20 and 21 of the February 1, 1992 issue of The Watchtower where the Watchtower’s insertion of “other” in Colossians 1:16 is again quoted without the brackets.

Colossians 1:16, 17, 20

The Greek word “Theotetos” meaning “Godship, Deity, Godhead” is mistranslated as “divine quality” to detract from the full Deity of God being attributed to Christ in this passage.

Colossians 2:9

The Greek phrase “Theou kai soteros emon” meaning “God and Savior of us” or “our God and Savior” is mistranslated as “god and of [the] Savior of us”. This word “the,” being inserted in brackets with no basis in the Greek text is yet another attempt of NWT translators to separate Christ from being God.

Titus 2:13

The Greek words “pneumaton” and “pneumas” meaning “spirits” is mistranslated as “sp

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, Lil Angel....they added words, and removed faith.

    The proofs of their history is written in their literature.

    Your exposing them, is their undoing.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    For those with very adverse reading comprehension skills, it would want to look like it calls Jesus 'Jehovah', bu it does no such project. you're searching at 2 different verses. in the first, it merely mentions that Jesus is Lord. ok, it really is authentic. in the second one, this is speaking about Jehovah God, the Almighty, and those who're obedient, unswerving, and contact on his call, those are those which will be saved. At no element in both verse does it say "Jesus is Jehovah". this is speaking about 2 different persons.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You are full of ammunition. I would put 'one at a time' because many of us are

    not Greek scholars...this is great, no question, but less is more, gets more

    impact, people SEE it but the eyes glaze over with so much. Nature of 'the brain'?

    And, of course, JW's will just read to try to find fault.

    That's not all bad, of course because we can just improve.

    But they can do 100 wrong things but find 1 of ours, and there

    is an uproar, rather like the Muslims & Christians, how Muslims

    are enraged at one of their books burnt while hundreds or thousands

    of bibles are burnt and no one says anything.

    I find a similarity even between these two beliefs and groups

    in their beliefs about Jesus.

  • 9 years ago

    "Excercise" - adds continuous action to a verb in *English*, when just a plain verb in English is ambiguous, but the original Greek denotes continuous action. The NWT isn't "adding" words in this instance, but bringing out a subtlety lost in many (most?) translations. It just so happens to coincide more with JW beliefs.

    "A" - EVERY translation adds the word "a." There is no "a" in Greek, so ALL translations add "a," but this doesn't necessarily change the meaning of the text.

    "Have been" - Check out John 14:9 and 15:27, where almost all other translations have "have been."

    "Son" - I assume you mean Acts 28:20. Check out what scholars say on the verse. JWs have it right.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 9 years ago

    Good insight. but,...

    If a witness runs to the elder of the congregation or another member of the governing body

    in regards to these things they will probably get the same answer as they would get about

    the tetragrammaton not showing up in the new testament.

    "It is because "Christendom" deliberately removed them from the original text to bury the "truth".

    It is no different than the forward in the NWT stating that it is a "literal" word for word translation.

    But anybody that has took real diligence to actually learn greek would see through that lie.

    Because it is absolutely impossible to get a literal word for word translation

    from greek to english..

  • 9 years ago

    The KJV added plenty of words too, or don't you care about that?

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