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I guess Rush was wrong?

I mean, a woman who has sex 4 - 5 times a day (as she proudly stated with her birth control costs) could be considered by some to be a s!ut. However, I think the more appropriate definition would be a wh0re or prostitute because this woman is insisting that we pay her for sex.

Personally, she can do whatever she wants with her body. Maybe that's how she's paying for school. I don't care - UNTIL she demands my money for her luxuries.

Where was this outrage when Sarah Palin was being called those names and worse? Just proof that the liberals are two-faced.


@Fried Kitten - I hope you're checking back because I'm not going to contact you directly.

You assume A LOT. You assume I'm a man, you assume I have children, you assume to know a lot. I am not stupid enough to post any of my personal details here, but thanks for thinking you know everything. I do not believe that the government should be using anyone's money to support anyone else against their will - including all the things you mentioned.

With all of your great knowledge, I can't believe that you forgot to mention the money spent on public schools. That's a fortune stolen from many who don't have school-aged children.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think this entire matter, beginning with Sandra Fluke's testimony before Congress, has been way overblown.

    I think Rush beat the subject to death, and I wish he had said his piece and then let it go. I understand what he was trying to say; not sure I agree with all of it, but c'est la vie.

    The entire issue of who pays for birth control can be resolved without Congressional action. Depending on method, contraception is easily affordable and accessible to anyone who wants it. I think this should be a private matter. People can choose if and when to have sex. As a taxpayer, it is not my responsibility and none of my business.

    Rush is very entertaining, very politically astute and I have listened to him off and on for years. Sometimes, though, he goes on a tangent and goes too far. I don't think he should be sued for libel, though.

    The media and the left are pretty selective about what they call who.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Oh really wise guy?


    Why should my money pay for the delivery of your wife’s baby?

    I didn’t ask her to hop between the sheets with you and produce a baby?

    This addition to YOUR family is not providing ME any joy.

    It is providing YOU with joy however and you want me to pay for it.

    Why should I pay for it?

    Why should my tax money supplement the raising of your child while

    you claim a dependent on your W-2 wages withheld?

    Why should I supplement YOUR family?

    (PS: I shall not be having any children of my own – I’ve made sure of it.)


    Well Fozzie, who is being two-faced now?

    (I bet you won’t be opening your big mouth in response to this comment.)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    so, Rush is 'wrong', but the bogus made up testimony he talked about is 'true'?

    it never ceases to amaze me that people believe Sandra Fluke testifed about needing birth control for her sex life... she never once said that

    she never once demanded that ANYONE ELSE pay for anything

    Rush was vile, disgusting, and lying to you to get you excited

    try finding out what she really said

    and you are right, he was wrong

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Agreed. I saw some libbies defending Palin being called the c word (and defending the attacks on her baby) but demanding an apology from Rush. They say Palin is a publblic figure and this girl is not. Sorry, but she made herself a public figure and she made her sex life our business when she brought it to the floor of congress and asked for other Americans to pay for it.Lefties in this country are sick evil people

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Dear Jordan,

    You seem to have made the mistake of imagining you are "anonymous" on here, which surprises me....folks as young as you are usually a little more "tech-savvy"...

    Your friend,

    Lord God Goose

  • TAT
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    come on! You cannot be that ignorant. You know that there are two standards and that under no circumstances can a liberal be accused of going too far.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Anything Fatso Rush, the four times "married", is B******!

  • Gunny
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    BUT--it's not a educated Guess, therefore your Guess is use-less...

    Source(s): poor Rush the Toad is SELDOM right...
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I question if you really pay taxes..

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