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ok guns are hard to get in commufornia check this out?

Authorities declined to comment on the nature of the homemade cannon or the projectile it fired, but Martinez said Fox used explosive powder from fireworks to ignite the contraption so,i assume one makes there own he is in deep ship,,,,,,this killed his girl friend and mobile home ,,,,

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Doesn’t surprise me a bit. Cali is one REAL screwed up place. I was looking up some of their gun laws awhile back and on their official state web page they claimed the states with the least restrictions on CCW had the most gun deaths and gun crimes. They also claimed they have they lowest gun related deaths per capita than any other state. Then they went on about gun deaths were less than auto related deaths due to their gun laws. But gun deaths were more than auto deaths before the new gun laws.

    And a funny one was a robber broke into a church at night and was shot by police as he was stealing money from the coffer. He managed to sue the police department for that!

    And another deal was Cali said lead was killing the Condors. So they banned lead bullets. Turns out an independent study found that lead leaching from abandoned mines and city run off was getting into shell fish that otters eat. And when the sea otter died they were ate by condors that then died of lead poisoning.

    Like I said one screwed up state run by a bunch of self serving idiots.

    The ones I have met who moved to or visited Alaska are always saying we need new laws for this or that. A few told me that wearing my hog leg around children when we are picking berries is corrupting the kids minds and borders on child abuse. One actually turned us in for duck hunting during duck season because they thought it was terrible we were shooting ducks. I am not kidding! I had a wolf I was skinning and some Cali people were driving by and started yelling at me for killing ‘that poor dog’.

    I don’t like them much.

    They can blow themselves up all they want as far as I am concerned.

  • 9 years ago

    Yeah the gun control nuts will be all over him. Never mind the fact that it shows how useless gun control laws are. The guy made his own. In the land of people with no arms, the person with one is king. criminals want ot be king and will arm themselves any way needed.

  • 9 years ago

    I really don't even consider that place to be a true part of America, feels more like Mexico, a haven for drugs and criminals.

  • 9 years ago

    New candidate for the Darwin Award.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    It is commiefkingfornia what do you expect?

    Source(s): I like Bear Crap's answer. You should have told them you shot the wolf for bothering you when you were plucking the ducks.
  • 9 years ago

    HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!... commufornia... so true

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