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i had deactivated my facebook but why am i still in the people search?

I deactivated on thursday then friday a friend looked me up and my name was in the reslts. Why am i there if i deactivated? I want it toatally gone. I dont need it anymore

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you deactivate your account, you'll no longer to use facebook. Even in search results. I think your account isn't deactivated. Pls make sure of it.

  • 9 years ago

    Facebook will never completely delete your account, even that you deactivated your account your friend will still be able to see your account or send you invites and messages. Its sad i know but the good thing is you can still access your account if you change your mind. I would suggest that you should delete all information that you have posted in your Facebook for your safety and disable all email notifications.

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