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? asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 9 years ago

Would you want an eating disorder?

Be honest, some fat people there would rather be deathly skinny than be fat.


@As It Should Be: True

Update 2:

@Mad People: Lol How can you justify that I do not understand eating disorders? You are just ignorant that there are two sides of the spectrum.

19 Answers

  • Taylor
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Being underweight is also unhealthy. An overweight person has an eating disorder and malnutrition as well as an underweight person. Both are diseases and people shouldn't promote any of them.

  • 9 years ago

    No, I spent about 15 years battling a medically based eating disorder that had evolved into an image disorder, I had Anorexia Nervousa. I could go days without eating or being hungry, and it started with a medical disorder that caused immediate diarrhea and vomiting after a meal. It did not begin as a choice but as I lost weight it became very important that I not gain any weight, lose yes, gain no. As my weight dropped, I thought I looked great and there began the heart wrenching cycle. People trying to make me eat something nutritious each day, since they could see the damage I was doing. I thought I looked hot, they did not. What was occurring was my body had no fat to burn, so it was burning my muscles. I battled this for years, I was a size 3/4 at 5'4".

    Looking back at photos from the time I bottomed out at 89 pounds, I was skeletal. Today, at 175, I would prefer to be thinner, maybe 130 pounds but it took a lot of counseling and proper nutrition to undo some of the damage I'd done to my body because I wanted to be tiny. But no-one in their right mind should want an eating disorder. That thinking is an eating disorder.

    Source(s): self experience
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Many overweight people also have eating disorders. For the record, I am a healthy weight now but I was obese as a teenager. I was unhappy then. I developed an eating disorder and I was as sick as a dog... No, anybody who has ever suffered through the hell of an eating disorder, whether too fat or too thin, knows that it's not something anybody would ever want to have. You might think you do, but believe me, it's awful.

  • No.

    I have anorexia - it's hell.

    You never see yourself as skinny. I had a bmi of 13 and felt huge. I still refused to wear tight clothes.

    Food is your life. You want it SO bad, but can't have it. You'll look at it, watch others eat, buy it, but never taste it.

    And you turn into a shell of a person - lying, crying, screaming, hiding, doing weird things - all to stay thin.

    I'd rather be happy.

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  • 9 years ago

    of course not! they're a legitimate disease that takes so long to get rid of, and once it's gone it's never really gone if you know what i mean.

    and if i was fat i would never want an eating disorder. maybe i'd want to be skinny, sure. but i'd choose eating healthily and working out over a freaking DISEASE any day.

    you've got problems.

  • 9 years ago

    No. I don't want an eating disorder, but I have one. And for anyone who says they would want to have one, knowing they could stop... that's ridiculous. It's a disorder, so you wouldn't be able to stop. And it's worse than it seems. No one understands unless they have it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I was bulemic, id just puke up all the junk food id eat and not puke the healthy food. Id get like 5 cheeseburgers with fries and onion rings with a giant dr. Pepper, then id do a bunch of opiates and make myself puke up the food. My family started getting mad though so I quit. Now I just watch my diet and exercise like crazy

  • 9 years ago

    Why would anyone WANT a disorder of any kind?

    BTW... compulsive overeating IS an eating disorder, just like anorexia.

  • 9 years ago

    I used to have anorexia. Now I have borderline binge eating disorder. I feel gross. I'd rather be normal, but if not normal, I want my anorexia back...

  • 9 years ago

    no i wouldn't... eating disorder is a mental emotional disease...

    who would want to suffer day in and day out with food... and also being so up and down.... emotionally suffering the way they do..

    if anybody wanted that. then there is something really wrong with them...

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