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Scott K asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

How can anyone vote for a scumbag (Romney) who puts his dog on his car roof?

I don't care what kind of crate it was. If its air tight a dog suffers. If it has slots in it going 12 hrs to Canada a dog could freeze. No one that cares about other beings does something that cruel! I want an election about the issues, but this goes beyond common human compassion. Any chance this story is a hoax?


Ana I think U mean have, not had voted. But good pt. I think we can both say bad things about GW Bush, but I'd like to think he wouldn't do that to a dog. I'd like to believe he was a better man than that.

Update 2:

@ Li Lily I don't believe that about Johnson. Pick up a Beagle by its ears only and it will bite you b4 U can say sorry. All animals will defend themselves as they should. Ya I couldn't figure out if this is a political or animal question.

Update 3:

@Labman Tell ya what, I'll ride in the back of a pickup and you can ride on the roof of a car, who do you think will freeze? Really U don't understand what the difference is, really?

Update 4:

@HorseLover: Your name implies that U luv horses. I hope U have some compasion for animals. Do U really think being in the back of a pickup, with a cab protecting U on all sides and shielding U from wind if U sit rt next to the cab, is the same as being put on a roof? There is no windshield because the air rushes through everything. Slide a little on a roof and your heading straight for pavement and then likely to be run over! Now seriously R U trying to pretend that is the same as a pickup bed? Your bias for Mitt is obvious.

Update 5:

@MissCarpi Just like a Republatard twist the words and make it sound like its some made up story because it makes U feel better, right? No dear, its not a rumor and Romney admits he did without remorse.

Gee for a party so big on values and morality this guy has none. So now U want to switch gears and lie a little to make a truth a rumor... See ppl see right through U!

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, the story is true. Romney has never denied it. It makes me question his judgement, insofar as he made a poor decision without considering the consequences of his actions. It's probably irrelevant anyway; it's mid-term and the economy's recovering, so the chances of a weak candidate toppling Obama are remote. All the best GOP candidates are keeping their powder dry for 2016. Expect Jindal to win in a landslide.

  • 9 years ago

    Well, Pres. Lyndon Johnson would pick up his beagles by their ears. He said they liked that - I'm sure they didn't. Pres. Richard Nixon had to have his pant legs rubbed with liverwurst so his dog would even come to him for those sweet doggy-photos in the rose garden. Nixon's dog hated him, of course, so did most of America as years went by! Pres George Bush (the first one) had a dog named Milly and she wrote and published a book. One of my clients is a full brother to Beau (Pres. Obama's dog).

    What's my point? Put your question over in the politics section where it belongs ok?

    UPDATE: Nope, I'm right about the beagles, you need to do your homework first then determine if someone is lying to you - just works better that way for the most part. Here you go - read it and weep. Oh the source is the Lyndon B Johnson presidential library which is a pretty valid source of his years as president..

    Have a great day.

    Source(s): I'm way over 1/2 centurey old, have campaigned, trained, bred champion beagles all my life AND I saw Johnson do this. Broke my heart to see him do that!
  • 9 years ago

    I would never do anything like that with my dog. From what I read he had it in a crate and tried to shield it from the wind. I don't hear anyone fussing over all the dogs that ride loose in the backs of pick up trucks. Just politicians nit-picking at each other as usual.

  • Labman
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It is quite common for dogs to ride in the back of a pickup truck, sometimes not even secured. So how is the roof that much worse?

    Source(s): The real world
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  • 9 years ago

    Oh, dry up and stop letting those left-wing Peta releases eat away at your brain. Romney is already partly in their camp anyway because he believes in global warming... But you're going to vote based on some stupid little rumor you get from some pro-animal rights extremist take-action chain email... Pathetic.

  • Nestor
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I agreed with you Romney is a scmbag.. Ana S. Fu c k You! Bush is a Saint!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    How could everybody had voted for george bush?

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