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Should i go to a GUM clinic and get screened if i know i havnt got anything?

Ok, so i have recently become sexually active with guys, iv always had safe sex and always with the same guy. He's HIV negative but we've done oral and he know.

I know that the odds of contracting HIV in this way are pretty small and he's obviously Negative anyway, but obviously there are plenty of other things to catch this way. He's completly clean and i know he's not lying, but he is alot more sexually active than me and i know that sometimes infections like Hep B can go undetected, only showing up in later life when they cause liver problems etc..

Its been about a week since we were together last and from what iv gleaned online most STI's show up around the 3-5 day mark. Iv had no symptoms of anything, quite the opposite, im feeling on top of the world right now and i am not worried in the slightest that i actually have anything, but i want to always be sure and careful with my sexual health. So in your opinion, should i go and get tested anyway? Just for peace of mind?

Thanks Xxx


Thankyou Kennedy and Andrew for your answers. I'll think i was guna go no matter what anyone said but just wanted a few opinions. And Andrew, its always been and always will be safe sex, i take condoms and lube everywhere with me, not that im confident, i doubt theres much chance of me randomly hooking up with anyone!! But at least they're there!

Thanks again Xxx

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should go get tested. Better safe than sorry.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I worked in the medical field, and my hospital had a Genito Urinary Medicine clinic (that's what GUM stands for).

    You CANNOT catch HIV from oral sex. Period. Ask any decent GUM clinic Nurse. It's been studied and it appears there is NO risk. Please ignore what you read online.

    Hepatitis A, B and C are easier to contract - but not as easy as, say for example, Chlamydia. You should also note, let's assume you became infected with Hepatitis B today - there is a chance (around 40% I think) that you would have it chronically (for life). Just because you get infected with Hep B doesn't mean you'll have it for life.

    In regards to getting tested? Well I would advise it, only because you may have an STD that requires some tablets. Besides, STD testing is free over here! YOU WON'T HAVE HIV (incase you're worried about that).

    But may I add? In the future, PLEASE wear a condom for anal/vaginal sex. Don't trust anyone with your life.


    If you're a gay man, like I am, I suggest you get a vaccination against Hepatitis A and B (there is no vaccine for Hepatitis C). It's free on the NHS and you'll recieve three injections over a period of 6 months.

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