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Lv 6

How hypcritical is abortion when...?

Why that when despite the best efforts of the doctors to kill the child in the womb do some of them, in those rare occasions when the child is still living when removed, go through heroic efforts to save the life of the baby?

Certainly some of them also just throw the living child into the trash along with other "products of abortion" for which if reported they could be charged. They do not get reported because those assisting in the procedure are more interested in money, and they know on what side their bread is buttered on. But what has changed other than geography in the those few seconds that killing the baby in the womb is okay, but killing the baby out of the womb is infanticide?

One instance of many:


Turtle: Gee... where do you see the word "faith" in the question. Why not try to answer what is asked.

Update 2:

CC: and what does that have to do with the question asked? Afraid of the question so trying to change it?

Update 3:

neil: So what changed so dramatically between the time the baby was in the womb, and the next minute that it was out, that it is okay to kill him/her then, but not okay to kill him/her after? I think it is obvious that BOTH are the same being.... therefore both are the same child.

Update 4:

Acid: I guess you didn't see that the source was the Boston Globe. I actually remember reading the article back then. Whatever Acid.

Update 5:

Captain: What I am describing happens every day in abortion clinics all over the country. The reference was to a Boston Globe article which I remember reading. Just because you deny it happening does mean it does not.

Update 6:

mensan: That you can certainly use for justification but it does not answer the question. What happens that makes it okay to kill a baby because it is enclose in a little skin, but a minute later it is wrong to kill that baby when it is not enclosed?

Update 7:

the abusher: So you are saying that the Boston Globe is wrong? Here is the NY Times link:

Update 8:

Skeptikitten: See above for the NY Times link. If it is BS take it up with them.

Update 9:

Gwennie: So.... when the fetus does survive outside the womb how is that means...... Nice dodge, but you did not answer the quesiton.

Update 10:

anon: agreed

Update 11:

Roger: Sorry, but that was nothing but an elaborate dodge to avoid the question place before you and instead turn the focus on MY beliefs. I asked a specific question about a specific topic. Try answering that one please.

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Abortion is one of the most immoral and brutal crimes one can commit against nature and humanity. No matter WHAT you use as a justification for an abortion, at the end of the day, you killed an innocent child, and worse, if you have any compassion in your heart, you will live with that guilt for the rest of your life.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You are opposed to the voluntary termination of a fetus (abortion) so you claim that the embryo is a human being and that killing it is murder. To you it is all so simple and clear. But is it? If a woman had unprotected sex and then took the "Morning After" pill, would you be in favor of giving the young woman the death penalty? Let us say she was 16 weeks pregnant, ran on wet grass, slipped and had a miscarriage. Would you be in favor of putting her in jail for second degree murder? Suppose she failed to follow the doctor's advice and then miscarried. Would she then be guilt of negligent homicide? Suppose she is an addict and uses drugs while pregnant. Perhaps she should be arrested for aggravated assault? What if she misses a doctor's appointment. Isn't that Endangering the Welfare of a Child?

    Don't think that those things wouldn't be considered. In your own question you indicated that there was no difference between killing the fetus and killing the infant only a few seconds later. So, my question is: Would you be in favor of the penalties against a woman as I have stated above? I don't think you would be, but if I have backed you into a corner and you insist that you WOULD be in favor, then the woman is no longer an independent human being. She is nothing more than a vessel to contain the child. She has lost a significant portion of her human rights simply because she became pregnant. AND, I might add, to a pregnancy that she didn't want AND you have demanded she carry to term AND she must treat as more worthy of life even than her own.

    Christian, the abortion question is far more complicated than just voluntary termination of a late term fetus. That is why the subject is debated and that is why the Supreme Court ruled in it's favor. Those justices were not just a bunch of godless heathens who reveled in the thought of discarded babies.

    ADDED: OK, Christian. I am in favor of a woman's right to choose whether or not to carry a child. To make it even clearer, I am in favor of abortion. There are certain situations in which I might agree to some restrictions but if I bring them up, you will accuse me of "dodging" the question.

    Source(s): atheist
  • 9 years ago

    "But what has changed other than geography in the those few seconds that killing the baby in the womb is okay, but killing the baby out of the womb is infanticide?"

    All abortion involves is removing tissue from your body. Prior to viability (generally understood to be at least 24 weeks), when you have an abortion, it's simply that the fetus cannot survive outside of the womb. Simple as that.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    What are you even talking about? Elective abortion is illegal after 20-22 weeks (depening on state), and it is impossible for a fetus to survive at that gestational age.

    Most abortions occur before 13 weeks, when the fetus is smaller than a ping-pong ball and possesses no sentience, no consciousness, and can't feel pain.

    Your "article" is BS- it claims the "abortion" was attempted at 32 weeks- that's illegal in every state. Not to mention the ridiculous posit that the teenage girl claimed she was 4 1/2 months along- an abortion doctor doesn't just take your word at your gestational state, you know. A doctor performing an abortion would require the medical records.

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  • 9 years ago

    "The article stated that Melnick performed an abortion for a 13 year-old girl seeking her second abortion in 10 months. The girl and her mother told him that she was 4-1/2 months pregnant. "

    Your best argument for a general category is an extreme outlier taken from a sourceless claim on a random web page?

    Source(s): Sure Dave, whatever. Way to not address the general point, Dave - extreme outlier to attempt to make a general case. And the source was an unlinked reference to a supposed article in case you were paying attention.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    When an abortion is done, it isn't an infant yet. It's still only a fetus. Granted, it has the POTENTIAL to be an infant, but it isn't yet. A woman's egg has as much potential to be an infant some day. Should we make menstruation illegal?

  • neil s
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Referring to a fetus in the womb as a "child" is question begging (a fallacy) since this is precisely the point of disagreement.

  • 9 years ago

    How "hypcrtical" is abortion when...

    so many who want it banned are pro death penalty and love war?

    edit: No, it's your answer. You're so afraid of it, you're doing everything possible (including replying to everyone in a sort of quasi "filibustering") so you won't have to think about it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Faith is the belief in the untrue.

    All religions are wrong that's why you need faith to believe in them.

    Having faith is something to be ashamed of.

  • 9 years ago

    What you describe does not happen - you are engaging in bald-faced lies to push your own intolerant agenda.

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