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Lv 7

Want to be a Jehovah's Witness?

Here are the rules

Jehovah's witnesses

May not belong to a club

" have friends who aren't JWs.

" associate outside the organization.

" attend social functions at work

" associate with coworkers

" disagree with the organization's rules or doctrines

" Contribute to a political Campaign

" Join the armed forces

" Say the Pledge

" Salute the flag

" Vote

" Run for leadership in JW or any organization

" Take a stand on any political issue

" Campaign for a candidate

" Hold political office

" Discuss politics

" Be a union or shop steward

" Be involved in a strike

" Use a gun

" Be a police officer

" Wear war uniforms

" Take yoga classes

" Smoke

" Sell tobacco

" Attend AA

" Donate blood or get a transfusion

" Read books from other religions.

" Buy from a church or church sale

" Donate to a church

" Shop at or work for Salvation Army

" Work for a church

" Play sports on a team

" Run for class president

" Be a cheerleader

" Go to a dance.

" Attend class reunions

" Be hypnotized

" believe in or receive Jesus as their Savior

" Join Scouts, or YMCA

" Serve on jury

" Study psychology, philosophy or sociology

" Attend other churches

" marry in another church

" date unbelievers

" " without intent of marrying

" Have sex before marriage

" Break an engagement, separate or divorce

" Marry non believers

" Be gay or lesbian.

" Throw rice at a wedding

" remarry unless their ex commits fornication

" Toast drinks

" Buy a raffle ticket

" Play bingo or Gamble

" Sing holiday songs or National Anthem.

" Celebrate Christmas

" New Years Eve

" Easter

" Mothers, fathers Day

" birthdays

" Thanksgiving

" Flag Day

" Veteran's Day

" July 4

" St Patrick's Day

" Valentine Day

" Halloween

" Hanukkah

" take gifts

" Celebrate holidays except Jesus' death

" Partake in communion (except144,000)

" Make holiday artwork

" go to parties

" Take leadership in school

" Porneia

" Dance

" Attend a class or social event at a church

" Curse

" Wear blue jeans at the Kingdom Hall

" " pants to Kingdom Hall (women)

" " revealing clothes

" " long hair or facial hair (men)

" pierce body or tattoo

" Imply that the org. is not run by Jehovah

" Express viewpoints that contradict JW beliefs

" Say anything negative about the org.

" Consider other beliefs as valid

" Acknowledge prayer by a non JW as valid

" Take a JW to court

" Wear or own a cross

" Own a religious picture or statue

" Engage in idolatry

" Believe in miracles (except in the Bible)

" Believe in ghosts

" Witchcraft, black or white magic

" see a psychic or become one

" Study tarot cards, get or give a reading

" " numerology or get a reading

" Dabble in ESP, dowsing, or divination

" Use a pendulum

" Attempt to communicate with the dead

" Attend a seance

" Believe in luck or say 'Good luck'

" Believe or say anything superstitious

" Prophesy

" Speak in tongues

" Lay on hands

" Read a horoscope

" Study astrology

" box or martial arts

" Go to heaven (exce


Hong knog phooey-I had to trim this list to get Y.A. to take it. There was not enough room for the scriptures, but I have lots of other information I have posted previously.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    134.Worship Jesus as God

    135.Idolize any celebrity or love and admire them to excess

    136.Women can't be elders

    137.Women can't be ministerial servants (assistants to the elders)

    138.Divulge secret information to enemies and those not entitled to know. See Theocratic Warfare

    139.Greet or talk with disfellowshipped persons (with some exceptions)

    140.Associate with disfellowshipped persons except for immediate family living in the same house

    141.Keep secrets from the organization. Jehovah's Witnesses report friends and family members breaking the rules

    Three More Things Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Do.

    1.Women cannot assume the role of a male and instruct the congregation. See Women Keep Silent

    2.A woman should not pray in the presence of a baptized male JW. WT July 15, 2002, Questions from Readers

    3.Jehovah's Witnesses can't be part of this world. They must be separate from the world

    4.They can't believe anything former Jehovah's Witnesses say, - even if it's factual. See Apostate Lies

    5.Unless they're an Elder, Jehovah's Witnesses can't read this book, - 'Shepherd the Flock of God' - 1 Peter 5:2

  • 9 years ago

    The majority of it is true. Though there are some things that are basically personal decisions. But um...why would I want to willingly dabble in spiritism? I hate wars, so I don't care for it. I tend to steer clear from political matters within a country (causes arguments), premarital sex - wrong in all religions just accepted by society. Wearing a cross - my school uniform had a cross on it and I wore it everyday for 2 years. Don't make mountains out of molehills.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    That's a long list indeed! But JWs are different, not all would fit into that category.

    I don't believe in horoscopes or astrology or witchcraft, or ghosts, or idolatry, or tarot cards either, or seances, or divination or numerology or psychics. I'm a Pentecostal.

    Oh, also, I don't believe in being gay, dating non-believers, or gambling, luck, or raffles either.

  • 7 years ago

    To be honest I think it is only right to ask Jehovah witnesses such questions concerning them and their can't trust answers from those who are not jw because they are not servants of Jehovah..

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Mantain your Relationship Alive
  • 9 years ago

    It is hard to sort out all the junk you have added in here, and then the stuff that Jehovah is actually against. Why not pick a couple, and ask us about them?


    Source(s): Me, one of Jehovah's Witnesses
  • 9 years ago

    1. No one said that we couldn't jon clubs i we wanted to...I'm a jw and I'm in Arabic club for my school to learn it. I plan on using it in my ministry.

    2.I have PLENTY of friends who aren't Jw's...We have to take 1 Cor 15:33 into mind tho..

    3.Same answer as number 2.

    4.My parents actually go to some of their work dinners and lunches and even associate somewhat with their co-workers.

    6. We are encouraged to do our own bible research.. The organization doesnt expect us to just believe everyhting that is said...

    7-12 We are to be no part of this world...

    We arent to be violent or to kill people..

    Why would we work for something that teaches false doctrines..thats dumb...

    Gosh these so called "rules" that we have....arent even rules...You must be obsessed if you took the time t even write cuz u have no proof or biblical proof to prove tht these r all things tht we shuldnt do....Go do something productive..

  • 9 years ago

    Wow. You mean a JW can eat rice.

  • NoName
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Imagine my disappointment when I thought you were going to provide scriptures showing where it says any of your list is acceptable for a Christian to do.

    Edit: I think scriptures would hold more weight than your empty words. Half of your list is forbidden in the Bible. A true Christian would know that and not criticize.

  • Ryan
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I see you dont even try to follow the bible, I sure hope you dont call yourself a Christian! Because if you do you need a serious reality check!

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