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Would you agree that Jesus Christ was an early example of a magician?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If he existed (which he didn't) then yes.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I am an atheist who has studied the historical Jesus. Assuming he existed (I believe that he did) he wasn't a magician, he was a traveling faith healer. I doubt very much that he did parlor tricks. That would have meant he was dishonest and I don't think he was. He never turned water into wine or fed the masses with a few fish and some bread. That really wasn't his thing. People were ill and there were no doctors. I suspect that Jesus really believed that he was using the power of God to heal people. We all know that the mind is extremely powerful and I am sure that there were cases where people really believed they were healed of some infliction. Jesus would not have to have been dishonest to do such things.

    He traveled with a small band. One or two would go ahead and tell the village of Jesus's arrival. Jesus would arrive and speak to the villagers. He was a gifted speaker and spoke in parables so that they could easily understand. His message was new in that he spoke of love instead of power. That was particularly attractive to females. Jesus was also a form of entertainment. Part of the reason that the villagers came to see him was that Jesus would lay hands on the people in an effort to heal them. In return the village would put them up and feed the band.

    Jesus eventually decided to try Jerusalem and went to the city during Passover when huge crowds came to celebrate. He went to the Temple and really raised Hell. The next day he was executed as a nuisance. Nothing is written about Jesus because during his lifetime he was completely unknown. After he died he became famous (happens to artists all the time). Over the course of three hundred years he evolved from man to legend to messiah to God.

    Source(s): atheist
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    Just the way you put that together intimates you believe it's 6000 years old...

    “There's no reliable evidence that Jesus even existed. The story of Jesus is just a myth bolted together out of prophesy and stories from the Old Testament and previous myths -- created in the 40's and 50's by Paul of Tarsus (who exhibited evidence of epilepsy and had delusions of Christ talking to him), the other apostles, the unknown authors of the gospels in the 70's or later, and many other people. The reliable evidence for this is overwhelming.

    Paul and the other epistle writers don't know any biographical details of Jesus' life, or even the time of his earthly existence. They don't refer to Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, Calvary or Golgotha — or any pilgrimages to what should have been holy sites of Jesus' life. They also don't mention any miracles that Jesus was supposed to have worked, his virgin birth, his trial, the empty tomb, his moral teachings, his disciples, or even when he existed. To them Jesus was largely a sky-god, who existed in the spiritual past.

    If Jesus had actually existed, Paul would have written about his life, disciples, and teachings. Paul did not write about any of this.

    If Jesus had actually existed, the gospels would have been written in first person format. Instead, they were written in third person format like a Harry Potter story, with Matthew and Luke extensively plagiarizing from Mark.

    If Jesus had actually existed, at least one of the approximately 30 local historians of the first century would have written about him. No historian of the first century wrote about him or his disciples.

    Therefore Jesus didn't exist.”

    “The Jesus story also shows extensive similarities to other myths of the time (especially Dionysus, Mithra, and Horus). Some early Christians attributed this to Satan who went back in time and created the religions that "copied" Christianity.

    Jesus is worshiped on Sunday because he is a sun god, like Mithra, Zeus/Jupiter, Horus, Attis, Dionysus, Adonis, Tammuz, Hercules, Perseus, Bacchus, Apollo, Helios, and Sol Invictus -- whose birthdays are also on the old winter solstice of December 25, when the sun is “reborn.”

    There were more than a dozen other deities and saviors who were resurrected after violent deaths -- Mithra, Osiris/Serapis, Inanna/Ishtar, Horus, Perseus, Bacchus, Attis, Hermes, Adonis, Hercules/Heracles, Tammuz, Asclepius, and Prometheus. Christianity just told the story the best, and managed to get control of the government under Constantine.”

    The character Jesus is an astrological allegory passed down from earlier pagan religions.



    I have yet to research the following…

    Which one ?

    There was Jesus ha-Notzri executed by Jannaeus in 76 BCE

    Jesus ben Pandira executed by Marcelus 67CE

    or Jesus ben Stada executed in Lod in 78 CE


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If and only if... a) such a person existed to which we could attribute the origins of the myth, and b) we are using the word "magician" to mean "illusionist" with no supernatural implications... then yes.

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  • 9 years ago

    No, not an early magician. He did absolutly nothing original. He walked on water, but Horus did that first. He turned water into wine, but Dionyses did that first. His mom was a virgin and he ressurected 3 days after being crucified, but Horus and Dionyses did both of those centuries before Jesus supposedly lived.

  • 9 years ago

    No. Not early. Magicians existed long before his time.

  • 9 years ago

    Hardly early. There were others who did the same tricks he did. Water into wine (Dionysus), walking on water (Horus), resurrection (Achilles), the story of the fish (Pythagoras) and so on.

    @ Nellie: The records from who? You say there are records but don't give any.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    very interesting question.

    i wonder if anyone thoght that way.iam hearing this for the first time.

    well if he was not a really religious or great person, he surely must have been a great magician.he must have learned tricks that those people never heard of .

  • 9 years ago

    An early example of super natural being or supreme being yes. Thats if you believe in it...Which i don't

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes, much like Rudy Coby, or Voldemort.

  • 9 years ago

    @godless heathen, what makes you say or think Jesus did not exist? Are you really that ignorant? There is a 100% real and documented and recorded history of Jesus's life. Where He was born and the miracles He performed.

    Really are some of you people for real or are you just stupid?

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