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Lv 6

Which is of these two choices would you consider MOST likely?

A roulette table hits the exact same number 100 times in a row.

Would you think that it was an example of "random chance"


would you think that it was more likely that someone or something manipulated the wheel?


Agnostic: So when the odds are too high to be believable as a natural occurrence, then some intelligence must have manipulated the odds. Hmm.

Update 2:

Acid.... same as above

Update 3:

Xian: I wasn't asking about God. I was asking about whether you would think that manipulation took place on a roulette wheel. Your response is a non-answer.

Update 4:

Everard: Same as above

Update 5:

Eugene: Thank you.

Update 6:

Agnostic: No. Magnets are not intelligent. The person who placed the magnet is.

Update 7:

Acid: An insult.... how enlightened of you. Whatever was behind my question is not the issue... it is the question itself. But since you brought up the subject, why would you think that the overwhelming odds of a roulette wheel hitting a number must have been manipulated, yet blindly accept the far greater odds of a universe without a cause randomly creating a planet with perfect conditions to form life which was impossible to occur and had overwhelming odds to develop and evolve. Why would you accept the fact that there had to be intelligence behind the first, but none behind the second? Does that make sense?

Update 8:

Sam: But I am not JUST talking about evolution, but all the things. While you are on evolution however (even forgetting about the odds of life springing from lifelessness), scientists have said that for a single cell to transform itself to a modern species there had to be at least 1 to 4 billion positive mutations. Since life began on the planet 3.5 billion years ago, that shoots down the concept of tiny changes occurring over millions of years. Now we are down to one positive change in as brief of a period of time as 8 months. And two points..... we are talking POSITIVE mutations, even though there is an 8x greater change for a negative mutation, that the mutation gets passed down, and that the exact same process occur over and over again with each species all in the same period.

Sound like someone is manipulating that wheel to me.

Update 9:

John: Would you really?? Wow.... interesting.

8 Answers

  • Eugene
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 9 years ago

    I think you are asking which is MORE likely, not "most," given that we have but 2 choices.

    If we assume your basic roulette wheel in your basic casino, surrounded by bettors and operated by a dealer, then I go with manipulation. But if we assume a wheel which spins based on a random push force induced mechanically and isolated from the surrounding environment, I'll take chance.

    RESPONSE: Is my answer really that interesting? If outside manipulation is prevented, then random chance is the only thing left. But if the purpose of the exercise is to support the idea that some point exists at which external influence can be the only cause (or even a more likely cause) I'm not sure it does so. The odds can be computed mathematically. A big number, to be sure, but a finite number, nonetheless. I personally do not see how this has anything to do with creation or life, itself.

  • 9 years ago

    Can I have a link to scientists claiming there had to be at least 1 to 4 billion positive mutations? I will accept any peer reviewed scientific magazine as a source.

    Until I get the link, I'll just assume you're lying, okay? Toodles.

    By the way, if mutations are random chance, then natural selection is the manipulation you're searching for. It weeds out negative mutations and reinforces positive ones.

  • 9 years ago

    100 times in a row, yes.

    100 time in 250 million years, no.

    Evolution as nothing whatsoever to do with anything being "in a row", in fact it has everything to do with the opposite.

    <add> I love it when people whip out the "scientists have said" type of line and then proceed to spout facts and figures without any citations or references. I also love it when someone attacks a completely accepted scientific theory by quoting "scientists".

    Good sir I do not believe you truly have a handle on what can and cannot happen given trillions of planets evolving over 14+ billion years.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There must be a magnet around somewhere. Is the roulette metal?

    Source(s): Magnets are intelligent to you?
  • 9 years ago

    Statistically, it's going to happen sooner or later. The ball has no memory. But in case of a casino, I would think someone is messing with me.

    Source(s): *looks at the universe* Doesn't look like a casino, dude. And you have no real clue about "odds" in nature, just assertion. If you want to keep the analogy, you would have to posit a couple of billion roulette tables (as many as there are galaxies and stars and planets) all playing all the time for a couple of billion years. It's going to happen somewhere. "I wasn't asking about God" ha ha ha like anyone here doesn't know what you're lamely trying to get at, you dishonest git. Y!A is glitching, but please answer mine Dave, I made it just for you:;_ylt=ApATT... No, you did not make any sense. Glad you realised it. Flawed analogy is flawed, dishonest git is dishonest.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Obviously a god with a magnet... there is NO other explanation... ;)


    I didn't treat it seriously cos it's a stupid hypothetical.


  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I know:


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