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How should I dispose of the back tithe I've saved?

My wife and I have been between churches for a little over a year now. We have been very put off at some of the shallowness, religiousness, and bad fruit we have seen in many churches and church people in our area. Moreover, we are tired of seeing churches completely focused on inreach, while only making a nominal effort at outreach or making any real difference in the community. We have tried to affect some change in this, but with no success. So, we have been without a church home for some time now, but we have made sure to save back our tithe. The thing is... that tithe is starting to get rather large. I am reminded of the parable of the talent, where the wicked, lazy servant buried his talent instead of putting it to use, and I feel like we need to put our tithe to use in the kingdom, as it should be. But where? How can we find someone or some place that is actually about the Lord's buisiness that would be an appropriate recipient of our tithe? Any suggestions?

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Giving up your worldly possessions is doing the Lord's business. Send it to me. :)

  • Hogie
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The biblical tithe as commanded in the old covenant law was a tenth of the increase of produce and/or livestock. No one was ever commanded to tithe on their wages.

    Twisting Scripture is defined as altering Scripture or its application. Teaching Christians to tithe does both:

    1) Tithing was an old covenant point of law. In Acts 15, it is stated that to teach old covenant law to non-Jewish Christians resulted in the subversion of the souls of Christians. It may well be unclear to many Christians how their souls are subverted by believing they have to tithe. To put it simply, it is a matter of believing a lie, and believing God requires something of them that God does not. It is written that the truth will set you free. The opposite is also true; lies enslave. New Covenant theology is about the spirit of the law, sans the letter (Rom. 7:6) and walking in faith. The apostle Paul wrote that the law is not of faith, and to believe you have to tithe causes Christians to take their focus off of walking by faith and placing it back on points of law and compliance with law. Faith is subverted. The narrow path of life is widened into a path of destruction.

    Teaching Christians to tithe is an alteration of the application of the tithing law. It takes what applied only to the Israelites who were a party to the old covenant, and attempts to apply it to Christians who are not a party to the old covenant.

    2) Teaching Christians to tithe on their wages is an alteration of Scripture, seeing as the tithe was based on the increase of produce and livestock, and never wages. This too is twisting of Scripture.

    What motivates someone to alter Scripture and/or its application? There are two main reasons:

    1) They do not believe what Scripture states. They believe Scripture is either flawed through a bad translation, or that it does not provide all the evidence on a particular subject, and that other passages of Scripture will “clear it up.”

    2) They are wolves in sheep's clothing who have no fear of God and His Inspired Word, where they alter Scripture and its application in order for Scripture to benefit them. A wolf seeks to feed his own belly at the expense of the flock. Does altering the tithing law and its application accomplish this for the wolf?


  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Apply the money to paying off your debt, Christians do not have to tithe but you are not to owe anyone.

  • 9 years ago

    Basics are - that all you have and ALL you money belong to God.

    Tithe was given to the temple and it still should be like that.

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  • 9 years ago

    Tell you what, I'm about the Lord's business, need my email?

  • 9 years ago

    Give it to a worthy charity such as the FFRF.

  • 9 years ago

    I'd say halfway houses. or anything that deals with rehab.

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