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Favorite Answers19%
  • In physics, what is the difference between force and energy?

    I already know the mathematical difference. I know that f=ma and E=fd. The math part is easy to understand, quantify, and apply. I'm just trying to intuitively seperate the two concepts in my mind. While this is easy to do in the context of mathematics, my mind has trouble wrapping itself around the actual, physical, real world differences.

    So, without using math, can someone explain to me what each of these things are, what the difference between them is, and how they relate to one another? Explain it as if you were explaining it to someone who knew nothing about physics, like a cave man.

    2 AnswersPhysics7 years ago
  • Is there any way to physiologically dull or disable emotion in the human brain?

    Either temporarily or permanently? And preferably with little to no damage to other brain or body functions. And I'm talking physiologically, not merely psychologically or meditatively disciplining away emotional responses or repressing them Vulcan style, if such a thing is even possible. I want to dull or shut them off at the source, in the brain. And not just 'bad' emotions the way antidepressants do, but all of them.

    For my purposes, invasive surgical options are probably out. The more realistic the option, the better. Experimental or theoretical ideas are welcome.

    And I assure you, my intentions for inquiring about this are entirely ethical and entirely legal. Someone's quality of life and functionality is being seriously impeded and I'm fishing for possible solutions.

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • How can I make myself fall in love with someone again?

    Say you fall in love with someone, share your life with them, trust them, give of yourself to make them happy. But that person hurts you badly, over and over, makes you feel like trash, makes you feel utterly alone until your heart finally can't take it and completely shuts off to them, and your trust utterly disappears. You've married this person, have a family with them, and don't want all of that to be destroyed, but find yourself powerless to do anything but wait on your spouse to want things to change. And finally, when you think things are hopeless, she initiates dialog on the issue, and in a civil tone for once, and is seemingly contrite and apologetic. I want to put things back together again. I still love and care about her. But the feelings, the affection, the attraction, the chemistry... it's all gone for me. I want to fall IN love with her again. I want to want to be with her. How can I accomplish this?

    Counseling, by the way, is not an option for a myriad of reasons.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Why is the water pressure so low in our shower, and how can it be fixed?

    I've been staying with my grandparents for some time due to circumstances beyond my control, and I have observed several annoying technical peculiarities about their house. One of the more irksome is their water pressure. In the kitchen, up until just a few days ago, the water pressure in the sink faucet was way too high - it would splatter everywhere if we turned the sink all the way on. In contrast, the shower has such low pressure that it is almost unusable. All the other sinks and such seem fine. My grandad, not being the sort who actually confronts issues when they occur, denies the problem even exists.

    A few days ago, my grandad had the entire kitchen sink, faucet, and garbage disposal replaced because the drain was clogged. Since then, to my amazement, the pressure in the kitchen sink has gone down to normal levels. It has gotten me wondering what is causing the issue in the shower and how it might be fixed. I know it isn't the nozzle because I have tested it.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Why isn't there a greater outcry over the impending U.S. led war against Syria?

    Yes, I know the polls say the war is unpopular, and I know that there are more and more people speaking out, but the outcry just seems to be small compared to the real implications of what is going on.

    Evidence points to the Syrian government being framed by the rebels for the chemical attacks, the rebels have already been proven to have used chemical weapons at least once prior, Al-Qaida forces and foreign jihadists are among the "rebels" that the U.S. government is supporting, Russia and Iran are backing the Syrians and threatening possible action if we attack them, Syria is threatening to attack Israel if they are attacked, drawing them into the war, and the whole region could go up like a tinderbox. We could easily find ourselves in a war against Iran, Russia, and China - which would inevitably be a third world war that may not end well for us. It could easily go from a few missile strikes to a boots-on-the-ground all out global war that could end up on our doorsteps. There is plenty of evidence of this, yet people are ignoring it. For instance:

    So why are only a handful of people paying attention to what could be a historic crossroads that could send us spiraling down a very unfortunate path? Why are there not protests, why isn't every single person calling their congresspersons, regardless of their political party or ideology, and demanding they refuse to approve these strikes against Syria? Why are we not signing petitions, why are ads (at least online ones) not being taken out against this by those with the resources to do it? This could have a profound affect on the future of the United States and the future of the world. Why isn't every single person shouting as loudly as they can at those in power to stop this, and withdrawing their support from any person, entity, or political sect who pushes this war forward?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • What can I expect if I join a class action lawsuit?

    There is a certain class action lawsuit being filed, the identity and nature of which I am witholding to make sure that my answers are neutral and not skewed by personal opinion. I am interested in, and eligible to join it as a plantiff, as I am quite upset about the situation connected to it, and believe that situation to be illegal and a violation of my rights.

    The thing is, I know only a little bit about class action lawsuits. I know the general, as to what they are, and I know what I need to do to join this lawsuit, but I do not know what to expect as far as what will be expected of me once I join. I don't necessarily mind if something is expected of me, whether it be money or appearance in court, I just want to know beforehand what to expect before I sign my name.

    This is set to be a high profile case when it hits the course, and there are several other lawsuits like it that are also soon to be filed. There may be thousands of plantiffs in this lawsuit alone, though there is potential for there to be far more than that. I am not interested in compensation or money (no, really, I'm not), I just want a very wrong situation to stop and not happen again. And I want to do my part to make it happen, if I can.

    I cannot afford a lawyer, otherwise I would inquire of one first. Any information on class action suits, and what to expect as a plantiff, would be most welcome. Thanks for any info in advance, and God bless!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How can I get away from the second hand smoke at work?

    I work at a major retail store (which shall remain nameless). Currently, our store is undergoing a remodel and we have construction crews coming in and out a specific door designated for them in our back hallway. This door is always open during the construction hours, and because the workers are contracted out with a third party, we have to have someone guarding the door to make sure merchandise doesn't walk out with the workers and uninvited guests don't wander in.

    And that door guard is me. I was delighted to be asked to do the job because I needed the extra hours. For the most part I like it, but there is one really big problem. It seems that every last one of the construction workers is a terminal chain smoker. And every time they pass out of that door that have to light up, and their toxic cloud wafts into my hallway where I'm stationed and fills it.

    Now, I have to stay close enough to the door to watch it, but with the air so still of recent the smoke simply fills the hall and settles there for a while, meaning that I get to breathe it in and can't escape from it. Being as it is a toxic gas, and I have already been excessively exposed to it against my will growing up, I take serious issue with this.

    The way I see it, I have four options:

    1) Complain to my managers. The problem here is several-fold. Firstly, of the managers that I most have the opportunity to complain to, one is a smoker himself that will not likely empathize, and the other is unlikely to want to put for the necessary effort to do anything. Complaining to my store manager could be an option, but my access to her is very limited right now due to the remodel and my scheduling. Even if I got a complaint through, I must question how much can be done: after all, this is a third party contractor we are talking about, and my manager does not have direct authority over them. And as such, if I do make a fuss about it, I may be forced by management to go with the next possible solution, which is much easier than dealing with the workers:

    2) Give up my current position. This would reduce my hours significantly, and would be a general bad thing for me right now. It also would not likely endear me to my store's managers after I told them I would do the job. And, aside from the smoke (which is not constant, though it is frequent), I like the job I'm currently doing.

    3) I could simply put up with it. But it is decidedly not good for my health, it is being imposed on me against my will, and I should, by all reasonable accounts, not have to put up with it. I have been exposed to excessive amounts of second hand smoke in my life against my will already, and I did develop some breathing problems after many years of it. As I have removed myself from that smoke once given a choice about it, those breathing problems have entirely dissapeared, but I have never been examined to see what residual damage it may have done. I do not want to make any existing damage worse, or risk breathing issues coming back. Remaining in the current situation would risk that. After just three days of it, I am already feeling some effects, and nearly threw up from coughing last night at work.

    4) Find some way to prevent myself from breathing the smoke. I have already attempted to research filters, commercial or otherwise, as a possible solution. The information I found was unsatisfactory, but suggested that existing filters are inadequate at filtering out second hand smoke. Tobacco smoke particles are very tiny, as small as .01 microns. I would have to find a filter that could stop particles this small and somehow craft it into a personal filtering device, but even then without more information on smoke, I don't know if there are other gasses that accompany second-hand smoke that could pass through such a filter and cause harm, such as carbon monoxide. I simply can't find enough good information to determine if such a filter would be worth building, even if I could find the material to build it out of.

    So, I'm kind of stumped. Perhaps I'm missing options, or perhaps there are ways to make the above options work that I have overlooked or am simply not aware of. I would love some more ideas on how to deal with this situation. Also, any info on the legalities of these conditions in the workplace might be helpful. Any ideas, advice, references, or links are welcome. Ideas that can be backed by evidence, proper studies, or personal experience are very welcome.

    Thank you for any answers in advance, and God bless!

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • What are the most likely, realistc, and feasable scenarios for the catastrophic collapse of our economy?

    I includes the U.S., western, and/or global economies. One would naturally affect them all.

    What collapse scenarios do you think most likely, how likely (or unlikely) do you think they would be, how would they precipitate, and how would they play out? Could any countries or entities actually benefit from economic collapse? Say, like China? Detailed answers are encouraged! Recovery scenarios are also welcome.

    Long story shot, this is for a book idea I've been toying with, but also for my own curiosity in economics. Just fishing for realistic inspiration and veiwpoints I haven't considered.

    Thanks for any answers in advance, and God bless!

    1 AnswerEconomics8 years ago
  • What is wrong with my poor sick Corgi?

    She has been vomiting somewhat frequently for some weeks now. The vet thought it was probably too much table food, so we locked her in the living room when we ate to keep our toddler from sharing his,dinner with her.

    But now, for the past few days, it has gotten much worse. Vomiting several times a day. Two days ago the vomit came out almost pink. As of yesterday it is a very dark but vivid green and full of fluid. There were small soft oval nodules in her vomit, green on the outside and white inside. There was also a small object in it, a half-circle about as big as half a quarter, that reminded me of thin tree bark or old hard leather when I handled it. She has stopped eating (tried to eat some chicken ee offered her, but gagged), but is still drinking, though with the volume of fluid she vomits up I wonder how much is getting in her system. As of this afternoon she has become lethargic and a little weak, hesitating a while before jumping or climbing. Her vomit today has been free of any nodules, but otherwise the same. She is still using the bathroom as often as normal, but her feces is bizzare, pink and greenish, thin, and looks like chewing gum.

    I am really concerned about her. We plan to take her to the vet tommorow, but I would like to know what we may be dealing with sooner, and if I can do anything to help her tonight, I want to. I am currently watching her for signs of dehydration, but aside from being lethargic, none yet.

    She is our baby girl and we couldn't take it right now if something happened to her. Any ideas on what is wrong or what we can do, or any links or references are welcome. Thanks for any answers or info in advance, and God bless!

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • What edible wild plants are you likely to find in the Missouri Ozarks around mid April?

    I know, weird question. I'm working on a book and this is pertinent to the setting. Basically, I need to know what wild plants a person would likely find in an edible form around early or mid April, and how likely a person would be to come across them if they knew what they were looking for. These would be plants native to a forest area, specifically the Mark Twain National Forests. Acorns and other plants that require special prepairation are out - the plants must be able to be eaten raw. Also, any information on specific plants, their prefered environments, etc; would be welcome. Thanks for any info in advance, and God bless!

    2 AnswersBotany9 years ago
  • How can we improve the chances that our infant son will sleep more during the night?

    We have a baby boy! He is 6 and 1/2 months old, very healthy, and surprisingly active for his age. He is breastfed, cutting his first teeth, eating solids without difficulty, and trying very hard to both crawl and walk.

    He is a wonderful baby, but he keeps my poor wife up all night. He generally will not settle down to sleep until about 2am. He won't sleep in his crib, no matter what we do or how long we leave him there. The only way we can get him to sleep more than a single consecutive hour is if he sleeps in our bed next to my wife, which isn't really the best option. He is a very very light sleeper and almost any slight noise wakes him.

    The thing is, my poor wife is feeling sleep deprived. Add to this that during the day, he won't hardly nap. He will sometimes sit and play by himself, but grows bored after about 15 mins at most and wants attention. The kid is very stubborn and hard headed - it runs in the family :D

    I know this is all part of the baby stage, and we won't conquer it entirely, but is there anything we could do to improve his sleeping, or to help him sleep in his own crib? Getting him on a schedule is probably out, as we cannot keep one ourselves due to my erratic work schedule. Besides that, we don't know what else to do. I would stay up with him, but as he is breastfed and refuses to take a bottle, I cannot feed him, which prevents me from taking care of him if he wakes up.

    Any ideas?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • How should I dispose of the back tithe I've saved?

    My wife and I have been between churches for a little over a year now. We have been very put off at some of the shallowness, religiousness, and bad fruit we have seen in many churches and church people in our area. Moreover, we are tired of seeing churches completely focused on inreach, while only making a nominal effort at outreach or making any real difference in the community. We have tried to affect some change in this, but with no success. So, we have been without a church home for some time now, but we have made sure to save back our tithe. The thing is... that tithe is starting to get rather large. I am reminded of the parable of the talent, where the wicked, lazy servant buried his talent instead of putting it to use, and I feel like we need to put our tithe to use in the kingdom, as it should be. But where? How can we find someone or some place that is actually about the Lord's buisiness that would be an appropriate recipient of our tithe? Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How much stevia extract equals a given amount of refined sugar in sweetness?

    I've heard tell that it takes less stevia to achieve the same amount of sweetness as sugar. If this is true, it would make the cost less prohibitive for me. Specifically, I would like to replace 1/3 cup of sugar in my tea with an amount of stevia of equal sweetness. How much should I use?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Which room of my basement is the best to use as a storm shelter?

    I have been thinking about this in light of the recent tornados. There are 4 places in my basement that could serve as potential shelters, each with pros and cons. 1) The main room. Pros: it is the largest, has the most exits, and the north wall is the most sheltered (my basement is largely above ground). Cons: 3 small glass-paned windows on 2 walls. 2) The closet under the stairs. Pros: extra shelter from above, a closed space. Cons: located on an exposed outside wall (concrete), only thin plywood between the closet and main room with its glass windows. 3) The laundry room. Pros: no windows, enclosed space. Cons: the gas furnace resides here, sitting by the only 2 exits. 4) The garage, built into the basement. Pros: no windows. Cons: the car, full of gasoline and the metal garage door which, if compromised, would leave us quite exposed to the storm. So, which room should be the storm shelter? Stating reasons behind your suggestions would be encouraged. Thanks for any answers in advance and God bless!

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • How well do the Eden Pure infrared heaters work?

    Mostly, I'm interested in how warm they are, how safe they are, and how much they tend to lower your heating bill. I want to know if they are worth the investment.

    I am only interested in the Eden Pure brand. I am not interested in the knock-off brands you usually see in retail stores, or the Amish heaters. I already know these are all junk and not worth buying. I have heard nothing good about these rip-off heaters, but I have heard several people who have owned Eden Pures say good things about them, and my (limited) understanding as to how they work makes sense to me, and seems to explain why the knock-offs don't work as well. So now I'm just interested in hearing more peoples' experiences.

    And if you answer, please include the following info:

    Do you actually own (or have you actually owned) an Eden Pure?

    What other heating systems does your home use? (Gas furnace, heat pump, ect;)

    What kind of climate do you live in (naming a state, province, country, or region will do), and how cold do your winters get?

    Is your home well insulated?

    What was your heating bill without and with the Eden Pure?

    Any additional relevant information would be great too. Links and references are welcome. And if you have any technical information, statistics (with reference to the source), etc; it would be great. Thanks for any info in advance, and God bless!

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • How can my breastfeeding wife overcome these problems with nursing?

    We just had a brand new baby boy 5 days ago! My wife and I made the decision together to breastfeed, both for his health, her health, and our finances. It was a little rough starting out but the wonderful nurses at the hospital helped us get the hang of it and baby seems to have been nursing well for the past five days.

    However, we have developed a few problems:

    1) Our son may already be developing two top teeth. They aren't through the gum yet, but they seem to be close. And I suspect it is their presence that is making breastfeeding become painful quickly. The first day it was pain free - day five my poor wife had two tiny blisters on the top of one nipple - and amazingly she still keeps at it. I have poked my finger in his mouth a time or two and let him suck - he clamps down hard enough to leave my finger sore in less than a minute.

    2) When we started breastfeeding, my wifes nipples would erect nicely to fit in his mouth. As of tonight they don't seem to want to erect at all. The last feeding was exteremely difficult - getting a proper latch-on was nearly impossible - both of us working together could not get the nipple deep enough in his mouth for proper nursing and he became very fussy as a result. Fortunatly, he wasn't very hungry and after a few sucks drifted off to sleep. But if this keeps up, it could become a serious problem feeding him.

    One other possibly related concern: Baby is averaging only one wet diaper a day. We are fairly certain that she is producing enough milk - we think her milk is just starting to properly come in - we hear him swallow, and we can see the milk coming out of the nipple. After a good feeding, he seems satisfied. He doesn't act underfed, he seems to be gaining weight, he has plenty of active and happy moments and seems rather strong for a five-day-old (he can already push himself up and scoot a bit!). We don't know if the lack of urination is related to the breastfeeding - and we don't know that it isn't. There is no other indicator that would even hint that he isn't getting enough, and the latching problems didn't begin until tonight.

    We are quite concerned and out of resources. Being the weekend, no professional that we could talk to is on call. My wife is going to attempt to talk to the WIC lactation consultant tommorow, if they can get her in, but she has been only marginally helpful in the past. The nurses at the hospital were helpful when we were there, but somewhat less helpful when we called them about his lack of urination a few days ago. Pumping and bottle feeding might be an option, but we would need help from someone to do it properly, especially at this early stage in the game. Formula feeding is and absolute last resort - aside from the health problems it can cause, we very litteraly cannot begin to afford it, even with WIC's help - and I know that my wife is very adamantly against it as well.

    Any info, experiences, advice, medical information, references, or links that could help us are welcome. I just want both mama and baby to continue to be happy and healthy. Thanks for any answers in advance, and God bless!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • In pregnancy, when should labor ideally be induced, if both the mother and child are healthy?

    If there is no sign of fetal distress, no measurable or detectable health problems, and no otherwise discernible complication - at what point should labor be induced?

    I have heard alot of mixed information: some seem to be for inducing at 40 weeks, some at 41, some at 42, and even a few who are against induction at any of these points. All cite a number of reasons for their opinions.

    My wife is, if she calculated her period correctly, at 41 weeks - or if the ultrasound is more accurate, at 40 weeks. Tomorrow, her doctor is going to try and talk us into induction - nay, he seems to be rather set on it. She is having no problems or complications, our baby has shown no signs of distress or complications, and many of the precursors of labor (braxton-hicks contractions, loss of mucous plug) have been occurring in the past two days - they seem to be progressing rather rapidly. But actual labor may still be a few days away if induction does not take place.

    Our doctor took our last visit to tell us that "nothing good happens after the due date" and run down a short list of increased risks of post-term pregnancy.

    We, however, have mixed feelings about induction. I have no doubt it is certainly necessary in some cases, but I also have no doubt that it carries increased risks, especially drug induced induction. So both post-term pregnancies and inductions seem to carry risk - but which is worse? The more we read about cytotec, the more we dislike it - and pitocin (or at least the way it's administered) isn't far behind. But at the same time, we don't want to put our baby at risk of complications from post-term pregnancy either.

    So what should we do? Everyone is healthy, and I very much think my wife will go into labor naturally within the next few days, if given the chance. For the past several days we have been seeing new signs of it every day. But which way is less risky to mother and child? Can the risk of post-term complications be managed and monitored well enough to catch them before they become a serious problem, or is induction just a better idea all around? Or are the risks either induction or post-term pregnancy overstated?

    I have done some research on this, but again, I have gotten mixed information. Our doctor is great and competent in many ways, but he is very set in his ways and thinking outside the box or discussing something outside of his point-of-view seems to be beyond him. But, of course, my wife has the right to refuse any treatment.

    Any info on this subject would be very helpful. Links and references are welcome. Thanks for any answers in advance, and God bless!

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Legally, what rights does a mother have in chosing the position she gives birth in?

    I asked about this from a medical standpoint in another area, now I ask it from a legal standpoint.

    My wife is pregnant and only about a month to two months from giving birth. Long story short, our research has told us that the traditional lithotomy position (on your back and legs spread in the air) has many disadvantages health-wise for mother and baby, and we would like to give birth in a different position, which is not unheard of and is growing more common. Specifically, my wife would like to be able to lie on her side, as she does not breathe well on her back, there is a decreased risk of episiotomy and tearing, and for several other reasons also.

    When we talked to our doctor about this, he was unwilling to allow it. He seemed rather closed to what we had to say. My wife is very uncomfortable with this situation, and I am very upset about it.

    Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have few if any options in finding another care provider, especially at this late stage of the game. My wife is on Medicaid for expectand mothers, our savings was recently drained because of surprise expenses, and we had to use some of what was left just to buy groceries this month. We live in a small community with only one hospital in driving distance and very few choices on doctors. We are feeling rather trapped and helpless at the moment.

    So what rights do we have? Could my wife simply refuse to lie on her back? Has anyone ever heard of this becoming an issue before, especially at the legal level, and what was the outcome? What could we do?

    Talking to a lawyer is probably not in the budget at the moment. Since time is of the essence, it probably won't be before it is time to give birth. I am willing to go forward without one if absolutely necessary, but I would like to avoid it going that far. Nevertheless, I would like to know what our rights are before we talk to our doctor the next time.

    Relevent information: I live in the state of Missouri (in the United States), my wife is on state medicaid for expectant mothers, she has no other medical insurance (I have insurance on myself through another source, but cannot get it on my wife).

    Links and reference are welcome, as is personal experience or advice. Thanks for any info in advance and God bless!

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Does an expectant mother have the right to chose the position she gives birth in?

    My wife is pregnant and due in about 2 months! We have been doing research and collecting information on the whole giving birth process, and we read in a Lamaze magazine about various positions to give birth in. The magazine suggested that the traditional "lie horizontal on your back with your feet in stirrups and push against gravity" position was not ideal, and has many disadvantages.

    Of the other positions we saw, and have researched and heard about, a position of lying on your side seemed to be the ideal one for us. My wife has difficulty breathing when lying on her back and does so much better on her side, and it was suggested that this position can reduce the chance for needing an episiotomy. There were several other advantages to this position, and a variant of it with her body slightly elevated seems like it would be even better.

    The problem is that our doctor seems rather unwilling to allow her to give birth in any other than the traditional "lay back and stick your legs in the air" position. We tried talking to him about it, and he did say that she could be in any position she wanted for the first stage of labor (when the cervix is still dialating). But for the second stage, the actual pushing and giving birth stage (the one we are concerned about) he insists that my wife assumes the traditional position. My wife particularly finds this very unacceptable.

    We thought about the idea of changing doctors, but in the birthing class today the nurses (at the same hospital as our doctor) seemed to indicate that all the doctors at our hospital keep to this practice (despite the class covering alternative birthing positions), and with our particular insurance (Medicaid) changing doctors now would be very difficult. Add to that that we live in a small community, there is only one hospital anywhere nearby and our doctor choices are very limited. Being of low income limits it further. And, aside from this one point of contention, we like our doctor.

    So what rights does my wife have? How can we assert those rights? Is there anything else we can do? My wife is very uncomfortable and frustrated with this situation and I join her in at least the frustration part, but after trying to talk to our doctor once we feel somewhat helpless.

    If the information is relevant, we live in Missouri (in the United States) and my wife has no other medical insurance other than state medicaid for expectant mothers. Obtaining other insurance would be completely out of our budget, as we were barely able to buy groceries this pay period, and our savings has been recently drained due to surprise expenses. What extra we will have on my next paycheck will have to go straight back into rebuilding it.

    References and links are welcome, as always, as are personal experiences and knowledge. Thanks for any info in advance and God bless!

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • What effects would the fast rotation of Altair likely have on any present planetary system?

    Would it affect planetary orbits? Would it have had effects on (or be the result of) conditions of the initial rotation of the protoplanetary disk? Would it have different levels of stellar activities (stellar flares, solar winds, radiation) that would affect planets, or their potential habitability? What would a hypothetical planetary system (including asteroids and debris) around Altair be likely to look like? What features would it be likely to have or not have? And what chances would life have in such a system, either to develop, or if the system was colonized by humans in the future? Could its fast rotation somehow be harnessed as an energy source by colonists or residents of the Altair System with sufficiently advanced technology?

    Ok, I am working on a sci-fi novel and I am very undecided about Altair as a setting. I am just mining ideas and information. I am wanting to be as realistic as possible, trying to put the SCIENCE back in science fiction, as opposed to the magical transporters, unlimited energy, M-Class planets, and luxury ships of the post Star Trek sci-fi era.

    Any information on Altair would be great. Realistic speculations, especial with reasoning or research behind it, would be very welcome. So are links and references. Thanks for any info in advance, and God bless!

    Astronomy & Space10 years ago