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The Link asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Why isn't there a greater outcry over the impending U.S. led war against Syria?

Yes, I know the polls say the war is unpopular, and I know that there are more and more people speaking out, but the outcry just seems to be small compared to the real implications of what is going on.

Evidence points to the Syrian government being framed by the rebels for the chemical attacks, the rebels have already been proven to have used chemical weapons at least once prior, Al-Qaida forces and foreign jihadists are among the "rebels" that the U.S. government is supporting, Russia and Iran are backing the Syrians and threatening possible action if we attack them, Syria is threatening to attack Israel if they are attacked, drawing them into the war, and the whole region could go up like a tinderbox. We could easily find ourselves in a war against Iran, Russia, and China - which would inevitably be a third world war that may not end well for us. It could easily go from a few missile strikes to a boots-on-the-ground all out global war that could end up on our doorsteps. There is plenty of evidence of this, yet people are ignoring it. For instance:

So why are only a handful of people paying attention to what could be a historic crossroads that could send us spiraling down a very unfortunate path? Why are there not protests, why isn't every single person calling their congresspersons, regardless of their political party or ideology, and demanding they refuse to approve these strikes against Syria? Why are we not signing petitions, why are ads (at least online ones) not being taken out against this by those with the resources to do it? This could have a profound affect on the future of the United States and the future of the world. Why isn't every single person shouting as loudly as they can at those in power to stop this, and withdrawing their support from any person, entity, or political sect who pushes this war forward?

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We still only have the earnest assertion from a smiling politician with fine teeth that it was certain that Assad set off the Sarin attack. No proof or evidence. For all we know, it could have been Mossad agents working under cover to destabilise Syria and thereby remove Iran's closest ally, and Israel's formerly greatest neighbouring threat. If it was Al Q'aida, they'd be boasting about their noble martyrs by now. If Assad does possess a stockpile of Sarin (which he probably does), then why waste it on a bunch of losers he can drive a tank over tomorrow? Far better to hold it in reserve to break out of a siege or to tip over the all-powerful Israeli army the next time they march over the Golan Heights.

    I think anyone fit to govern Syria has long taken refuge in a camp somewhere (if they haven't already been shot or blown up), and is nowhere within reach of the strings of power. That leaves us with a choice between the unfit, and the despotically unfit, with very little to distinguish between the two.

    The instinct in my country, and for a change reflected in Parliament, is to despair at the brutality of what is going on there, but recognise that there is nothing constructive we can do right now, other than pray. The clarion call "Something Must Be Done" does not go away though.

    To answer the question - most people don't give a damn either way.

  • 8 years ago

    For a start its not a war. The last war was in 1945. Secondly its not American led as there is no-one to lead. As far as I know,no other nation is becoming involved,,Britain certainly isn't.

    The reasons you give and the vague proof of the Syrian regime being involved is the reason most people,including myself don't want to get involved.

    The irony of seeming to help extreme Islamic terrorists hasn't escaped many people I am sure,but its not really important enough for the mass protests you seek.

  • 8 years ago

    This is a very good question. I have learned a lot by all the answers given thus far. Thank you all.

    I believe history comes and goes in cycles. The US has become facist to the far liberal/pergressive left side of politics. Specifically, look at the political correctness of what Americans can and cannot say in public these days. If anyone criticizes or publically states anything Obama does not like, they are labeled a "Racist." Then, Obama sets out to ruin them utilizing the IRS, the NSC, Nate Holder, or any and all other branches and appointees of his government.

    Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Because the USA French Syria invasion is a plan to exterminate the rebels. SECRET.

    Great British Prime Ministers, like Great British Citizens, have the protection of Her Majesty.

    Barack Obama has a few toy guns and some plastic missiles and fake nightmare liner aircraft.

    Rebellion is the most deadly weapon of mass destruction: The 1776 rebellion against us.

    I am talking about the USA 1776 rebellion as well as the Syrian and French rebellion.

    As we all know WE already knocked out Napoleon in 1815 and we went on to

    Knock out Hitler in 1945 plus a USA in Vietnam rebellion, etc., SO Obama has no chance!

    By order of the Great British Royal Family and the United Nations

    Barack Obama is a condemned war criminal to be sent to The Hague.

    High treason is a Death Penalty offence and we shall hang him at the Tower

    but only if he is convicted by a fair trial abroad at The Hague in the United

    Kingdom of the Netherlands. The UK is OK for ROYAL global democracy.

    God bless LOYAL America. The USA and France are bankrupt.

    Get your loved ones back to civilisation immediately.

    There is a Russian railway station in Damascus.

    In Afghanistan it is at Mazar I sharif or Islamabad Pakistan

    Railways to the Port of Karachi. Russian Railways will take him

    to Saint Petersburg. He can apply for political asylum and you

    can join him as Aeroflot Russian Airlines fly from New York.

    Get your loved one out of the Afghan and Syrian Knife and Fork areas now.

    The USA is a colonial aggressor on the wrong side of history with Vichy France.

    There is one very simple reason: the French were defeated by Admiral Lord Nelson.

    YES Scotland and Shetland, as well as other United Kingdoms are for World Peace.

    Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Thailand and the Great British Commonwealth are all

    peaceful together with Russia and China. Only the rebellious French colonial empire

    and the 1776 USA ridiculous Boston Tea Party are for World War Three.

    STOP THE WAR. NO War. NO Guns. NO Terrorists. NO 1776.

    The UK is OK for real global development with World Peace and Love.

    Truly Great Britain is for WORLD PEACE NOW.

    World Peace since the 1603 Union of Crowns.


    Truly Great Britain at Balmoral Castle.

    By Order of the British Royal Family.

    The UK is OK because we have NO enemies.

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  • 8 years ago

    The lib media sources are banned from making their man at the wh from appearing foolish and stupid, and that is the long answer and the short answer.

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