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Worldwide: Did you know the British Government intend to snoop on the Internet?

The Coalition are seeking to pass a new law allowing GCHQ to snoop on our private 'e' mails, mobile telephone conversations and texting.

Freedom of speech and expression in Britain is compromised by a Democratic Government.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    .......and these 'Internet bedroom dwellers' claimed 'that' would never be allowed to happen - and doing 'that' was against the law in a much for those words of wisdom and know how from these 'Internet' activist nerds'.!!

    Where people even get the idea the UK is a democratic country - is beyond me - we are all 'answerable to our governments' - our governments are 'no longer answerable' to the people'.

    Since these Internet arranged/communicating middle-east uprisings - the writing was on the wall - do people really believe that 'they' would be allowed to carry on using/abusing the Internet to the detriment of 'any' government and not get a controlling enforcement order system against them....dream on - its already happened.!!

    We are now all 'responsible' for any/everything we post of the Internet - and if the authorities 'don't like' what was said.....expect a vist from these newly formed policing policy enforcers.....'they' know where we all live.

  • 9 years ago

    I would like to know if they are allowed to, in current existing laws, open up a letter with no good reason. If the answer is no, then why should they allowed to be able to do this. All under the guise of 'terrorism', well all the terrorists will do is just mail each other instead. No point putting up 3 fences, but leaving the 4th one down.

    Im sick of this country's (government and judiciary) whole attitude to the internet. Its all full of old farts who have no clue so think 'Well lets just lock the internet up so no one can do anything.'

    Locking a guy up because he said something racist on the internet? If this guy had yelled the same thing in a pub he would have been locked up to sleep it off and that would have been the end of it.

    Wanting to spy on everyone ..... and this whole 'Well if youve got nothing to worry about you shouldnt care' is absolute bollcks. Look how the DVLA are selling all our details onto marketing companies without our permission!!

    George Orwell, where are you!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    And I`d bet that Labour wont say a word against any proposed legislation as they are as paranoid as the Tories about what facts we, the taxpayer can glean from the internet.

  • 9 years ago

    G C H Q have been snooping the web for years

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    they already do, the riots showed that certain companies (blackberry) don't like playing along with our national security, this range of bills wont give the spooks anymore powers to snoop than they all ready have just makes the frigging private concerns heel.

    the media is trying to hype up this issue for their capitalist chums..

  • 9 years ago

    all governments snoop on the internet

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I bet they still can't catch out all of the pervs and internet con-men though

  • 9 years ago

    Good, that might rid the internet of bigotted, racist, grass growing, benefit sucking proselytites who change their accounts probably more than their underpants (yeuch!) and leave a stench of decay and morbidity in their wake.

    Personally i don't give a damn who reads my e-mails, i've nothing to hide, just the same as carrying an identity card - bring it on and protect decent people!

  • 9 years ago

    Perhaps they should take the word 'privacy' out of the dictionary now. It won't exist in the near future.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm not bothered.

    David S, our details do be sold to intweb company's..but all said and done it is up to us the public how we it not?

    Source(s): Got nothing to hide
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