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why would a real psychic want money or fame?

Yes I've freaking heard about the Randi challenge who cares. the entire challenge is circumstantial i hope you realize by definition, as in it proves NOTHING.

Now humor me for a second if you will. Lets say an enlightened being who posses the ability to understand time and space, uses his/her understanding to do amazing things like telekinesis, or fly (or whatever). now tell me why would they give a crap about a million dollars and millions of people who would probialy be scared out of their minds (and we have a pretty bad history of dealing with witches in the past if you ask me)

Skepticism will not get anyone anywhere, it will only hold you back from truths too controversial to be acknowledged due to mass fear.

Now let me finish with this, we don't need to prove anything to anyone, we have enough evidence through our experiences to make our own inductions. Now since you can't prove or disprove anything with certitude scientifically speaking, why would you rule anything out? If you really want to stick it to me start a meditation practice and then tell me I'm wrong.


I think you people have a completely different definition of psychic than me. People who call themselves Psychic and charge money for it, are frauds. But theirs some real stuff going on in this world people are just turning a blind eye to. open you minds

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, first off, I think psychic is an ability; a talent. Not a power.

    I think people who rush to put a sign on the door and charge mega bucks like Sylvia Brown are frauds (actually there is a website that keeps track of her predictions over like 10 years she was on the Montel Williams show regularly and she's gotten more than half wrong; the rest could have been just some good guesses).

    #2 I don't believe it works like being able to pull lottery numbers out of the air. That's like saying that, just because you have a great talent for cooking, you can turn water into wine.

    Third. I think any people who truly are talented in this area probably don't want fame and attention for it. If for no other reason, but because you'll have people hounding you down. 1 group because they want some kind of divine guidance and help to fix their mess of a life; 1 group to criticize and ridicule you and try to make you look stupid in front of everyone; and 1 group who wants to experiment on you and control you and use you. No one allows you to be you... everyone expects ridiculous things from you because they've seen too much TV and horror movies.

  • Linda
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Psychics are 99 to 100% BS... I know because I am the closest thing to psychic [ I have had my moments ] And even then I won't say I'm psychic because 1. It's BS 2. No one but myself should benefit from 'precognition' [ And no I'm not selfish ]

  • 9 years ago

    We need people like James Randi to expose the frauds/scammers. He's doing us a favor. Without people like James Randi there will be a lot of frauds/scammers. How would you feel if you have put your faith on a psychic person and you have spent your energy,effort, and time learning from the guy then at the end you realize he's a scammer? We need to appreciate James Randi and others like him for what they do because without them frauds and scammers will trick thousands of people. There is a possibility that there is a real psychic out there somewhere. If that person doesn't want money, he/she can take the test, pass it, and donate it to charity. Moreover, if that person doesn't want money, he/she can prove that psychic ability does exist so he/she can put James Randi out of his misery. Also, he/she can add something to society by helping the world to understand his/her psychic ability so that everybody can do what he/she does. No one has pass Randi's test; therefore, no real psychic exists.

  • 9 years ago

    A smart psychic would keep it on the down low, and isn't that Amazing Randi guy a high school dropout? We real scientists only respect people with gigantic student loans to pay off or grant money to spend, and if there isn't any grant money in it, it just doesn't exist. That's what makes us so much smarter than everyone else. That and our sock accounts.

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  • Dr. NG
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    "Full blown skeptics' is words.... what the heck is he talking about?

    Sounds like you've spent a lot of time figuring this out. Unfortunately somewhere in your rush to make excuses you left out the logic.

    Here's one example. We (skeptics) don't have a bad history dealing with witches. You (mystical thinkers) have the history of witch burning.

    Here's another one. (Skepticism will not get get anyone anywhere). Do not buy a used car or make your own investments. Thinking like that is stu.. silly, a con artists dream.

    Plenty of psychics want money and fame and I can prove it. In fact, I'll link you to just two of the many rich and famous psychics.

    Edit. If pointing out nonsensical jibbar jabber is harassment, I guess so. In this case, I really want to know what the heck that means. Maybe somebody that thumbed it up can explain.

  • Edd S
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Even a psychic can get sick of constant repairs on an old car.

  • 9 years ago

    Basically "full blown skeptics" is words that mean they have some more truths and experience to ascertain to gain the same knowledge as a psychic.


    Hey Mo, if you don't believe....why put yourself through this, why are you harass others?

  • Gary K
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Donate the money to a needy charity.

    Skepticism does not hold back the truth - skepticism is all about FINDING the truth.

    "we don't need to prove anything to anyone, we have enough evidence through our experiences to make our own inductions". What controls did you have in place? How do you know you didn't hallcuniate or aren't delusional? Humans are fallible you know.

    "why would you rule anything out". I think we can safely rule out invisible pink unicorns, yes?

    With respect, this is what we hear repeatedly from the Silvia Brownes, John Edwards and their ilk.

    Why not take the test? The conditions have to be mutually agreed, you will overturn all science and physics as we know it (and that's a good thing for humanity), you will shut the skeptics up for good and pick up a cool million in the process.


    EDIT: @Eugene - Randi is not a scammer. All you have to do is say what you can do, and do it, under mutually agreed scientific test conditions. Randi is not a part of the process - but if you still have a problem, there are plenty of other skeptical organisations all over the world who have similar challenges. Are they all scammers?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    So if psychics don't want money then why do the professional charge so much? People like Sylvia Browne ask $750 for a 30 minute phone call.

    And why doesn't a psychic win the million dollar challenge and then tell Randi to stick his money where the sun don't shine or donate the money to starving orphans?

    Or how about if psychics could do what they actually claim in real life like predicting the future or solving murders instead of just pretending to?

    What makes you thing that people actually being psychic would cause mass fear? Half the population already mistakenly believe psychics are real, we don't see all those billions of people shaking in their shoes.

    You're wrong and I don't need to spend hours sitting around imagining that I am developing magic powers to tell you that.

  • James Randi is a scammer

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