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Mega Millions: Does anyone else think she's lying?

That woman in Maryland who claims she won the lottery, does anyone else think she's lying?

the statements she's made keep getting weirder...."well I haven't checked all my numbers yet, but I think I remember that number in there somewhere..."

and if she is lying, why do you suppose she is? what does she have to gain by lying about this when the real winner (if it's not really her) does come forward?


No reason at all why we should care. It's a slow rainy day & I'm fascinated why someone might want to perpetrate a highly public & widely reported hoax. The potential for public humiliation & ruin is just too high.

Update 2:

sorry about that. I meant lying about even having the winning ticket at all.

precedent has already been set for her situation if she is telling the truth & she has the winning ticket. If she can't prove that she purchased the ticket separately from the office pool & there are no records of which tickets belong to the office pool then she'll be ordered to split the winnings. (the lottery commission won't do it automatically, they would need a court order to do that if she produces the ticket & refuses to share. The lottery would most likely pay her & then the others would have to sue her after the fact.)

7 Answers

  • J9
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do you mean is she lying about having a winning ticket at all... or lying about having a separate ticket from the one she bought with the money form her co-workers?

    Personally I don't think she has a winning ticket at all.

    And for the reason why... attention.

    Once a woman went into a store and offered to buy everyone in the store whatever they wanted, saying she had just hit the lottery. Of course they all called friends to get to the store quick and mass chaos ensued.

    But the problem is, she didn't have a dime to her name. She just wanted attention.

    I think this woman is doing the same thing.

    Not sure if she counted on her co-workers claiming rights to the ticket or not though.

  • 9 years ago

    She could offer to take a lie detector test to eliminate all the doubts, if she's serious. Save a lot of time and teeth gnashing. If she did in fact purchase a separate ticket for herself, she should have told her work mates and shown the ticket to them & let them write those numbers down so if it did win there would be no doubt. I cannot imagine that she did not think of that, if in fact she purchased a separate ticket with her own money. It doesn't look good for her right now because she has no proof. The payoff is so high that I can't see any excuse for trying to scam her fellow employees, if she is doing so. There is more than enough to go around.

  • 9 years ago

    Time will tell if she is lying or not. I do want to say that I was over a pool at work from 2004 to 2008 at the plant where I worked. I gave all players copies of a sheet I placed all the tickets on and a list of all players by their code number from two to sixty. (#1 was my own code number.) And yes, I had a personal set of numbers that I played which I told everyone about knowing they couldn't expect a damn thing from THAT set since they had COPIES of the tickets we played in our pool TOGETHER. I handed out little finger sized receipts with the name of our pool: Mega Millions Prize Pool, a ticket number, the date of the draw, and the amount of money the player had paid. Some tickets had one dollar printed on them but other tickets had amounts from two to ten dollars printed on them where I would circle the amount that the player paid for THOSE particular tickets. I had my SHITTTTTT together!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and I recorded who had been issued WHAT ticket too on a scrap piece of paper that I photocopied for everyone to have with their copy of the tickets. Everyone knew who played, how much they paid, and had copies of all the tickets. This helped for the time when my wife hit the Cash 4 for $10,800.00 in September of 2008 during the time I was running our pool! Yeah, we had tried the Cash 4 a few times, but one guy kept saying that we should put all of our money on just the BIG lotto games, so I stopped putting POOL dollars on the Cash 4. Well, when we hit no one had copies of the number 1990 on their playslip, so they could rest assured that we were all coture on the fact that my wife's win was HER WIN!

  • Steve
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Why should we care?

    If she's lying, it just to get attention, which means she's probably lying. How did they know she had a ticket unless she told someone so?

    If she DID win, she's a d*mn fool for telling ANYBODY.

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  • James
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    She gets her 15 minutes of fame and if the mega millions staff is stupid enough the jackpot. People will do anything for money.

  • Betty
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    probably has mental health issues, she needs a bit of sympathy, public opprobrium will follow

  • 6 years ago

    I believe she is a manipulative liar to do this for attention. Please answer mines: /question/index?qid=20150...

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