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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetHardwareDesktops · 9 years ago

Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop - Upgrades possible?

I bought my Dell Inspiron 530 desktop(530 NOT the 530s) a few years ago after my last computer went kaput and at the time it was pretty dang sweet, but now I'm having trouble running some of the games I want to run.

Is it possible to put a new graphics card in a Dell Inspiron 530(530 NOT the newer 530s)?

My Specs:

~Windows Vista Home Basic 32-bit(Service Pack 2)

~Intel Celeron CPU(apparently its a Celeron 450) running at 2.3GHz

~2GB of ram

~Around 300GB of HDD space

~Integrated Intel GMA G33/G31(I think its technically a 3100 but NOT a x3100) with 128mb of Graphics memory

2 Answers

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