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lovechild asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 9 years ago

A reality poem, please C/C?

I wish I could dismiss these things that cause me stress;

I am falling apart, my whole being is a mess.

When and where and how to do what it takes to get ahead

will fill my every step from now until I'm dead.

I got started late, even thinking about it at all.

Sometimes there are little obstacles; I fall

apart too easily, trying hard to navigate the days.

I feel like I am a laboratory rat caught in a maze.

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi. LC this is a sad and touching poem.

    There is a certain destiny,

    In every human quest,

    Because when anything goes wrong

    It happens for the best.

    Stay encourage hang on, don't let go.

  • 9 years ago

    You are an artist, poet true, one who is often moved

    by feelings and emotions and you've nothing more to prove

    for if you were mere technical your verses won't be real.

    But time will mellow you somehow, more of your heart reveal

    and time make you ripe some day, so baby don't you fear

    for these li'l things will go away, your stress will disappear.

  • 9 years ago

    You no Lc, I feel just like your, 'poetry say's'' maybe we think the same.. I feel like I am a laboratory rat caught in a maze. 'But if I can't help me how can I help you ? . :) I really want to, and I wish you were near to me and we would be strong, and live long happy sorting out life laughing and having lots of fun .. because I would love you as a little sister my little Sister ..:)

    Your poetry hits hard, to the heart' ..hugs hugs Lovechild .. Great poetry :)

  • 5 years ago

    sooner or later far interior the destiny people who stay in concern could lay down their weapons and connect those people who have not have been given any concern.human beings are the only creatures on the planet who conceive of recent kit to kill different human beings, and for that i visit continually be profoundly unhappy,As one that has served I comprehend the ability of loss of existence with mirrored image and sadness.there are various that see conflict and loss of existence purely in a single measurement, and that they call themselves courageous and honorable, yet those human beings you have considered conflict in 3 dimensions comprehend that the courageous have been killed and those left purely honor the ghosts of lost acquaintances.weapons bullets knives grenades on the industry to those who lay wide awake at evening and dream of battles,in a international that would not exist, the place have been they while the conflict reigned, homestead maximum in all probability sprucing their weapons for a conflict they won't in any respect combat.for people who see shadows and enemies in each corner, I say I pity you, for you're already lifeless.This enemy you concern is purely tangible on your very own techniques, meaning they won't in any respect fade away yet hang-out your days and nights until eventually you sleep continuously homestead of the courageous, you have killed your courageous sons leaving purely the susceptible and apprehensive,who think of themselves courageous.And why through fact they have a gun.Freedom comes from the spirit, not the bodies weapons.The chanting crowd is often finished of dishonor enable them to stand the third measurement of conflict, see how loud they chant.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    the artist is sensitive, they often cant separate their emotions from their logical minds. emotions rule the head. creativity is what they thrive on so if its not all creative they hurt the most. but sometimes they need to pick them selves up and give them a good shaking and tell themselves to start taking care of them and to heck with other things. what ever it is you can change it in someway even if you have to ask for help. just take care of your self.!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Recognize stress makers releave the pressure.

    Put on a little Dylan.

  • 9 years ago

    Though today should not be a day for you to feel this way, I empathize.

    This is a day, if you can, to rejoice in some way and recapture whatever positive message have been held in memory, or grasp at newer ones that come.

  • 9 years ago

    Reality? I'd rather pass

    too much of it gives me gas

    I'd sooner ponder poodles fair,

    with wet, cold nose & curly hair.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    learn to control only what you can control

    and let the stuff you can't control go

    and never allow yourself to worry it will

    not change outcomes...wisdom

  • 9 years ago

    I have similar feelings, but try my best to be happy.

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