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What happens if my baby is big?

I am 37 weeks pregnant today, I have had three ultrasounds including one growth ultrasound at 35 weeks where my baby supposedly measured 6 lbs 12 oz. The doctors are concerned because she has been measuring large throughout and my sister had an 11 lb 3 oz baby in January (naturally, she's so hardcore.) I have another growth ultrasound scheduled at 38.5 weeks to see (again) if the baby is too big or whatever....what if she is? Are they just setting me up to cut me? I'm starting to feel like a c-section is unavoidable and I'm scared.


Oh, also, is 6 lb 12 oz really that big at 35 weeks? They seemed really concerned.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, try not to panic too much. The weight estimations can be GREATLY off, and often are in most cases. For example- at 37 weeks my doctor estimated that my son would weigh about 8lbs 7oz. He ended up weighing 6lbs 6oz. That's a pretty significant size difference. Also, a friend of mine's doctor estimated hers would weigh close to 10lbs, and her baby weighed a little over 7. Bottom line is the size estimations are known to not be overly accurate.

    However, more than likely what your doctor is doing is trying to get some sort of estimate of whether or not a c-section is something they want to consider. Most doctors (and hospitals) try to avoid a c-section at all costs and almost every doctor/hospital will at least allow you the chance of trying naturally before going ahead with a c-section, assuming there isn't any medical risk to you or the baby to do so.

    The things that a doctor worries about when the baby becomes "too big" is the baby being able to properly fit through the birth canal without causing a clavicle fracture (which is a broken collarbone). It's semi-common during birth when the baby becomes too big. So, more than likely, the doctor is just trying to gauge what the chances of that happening are.

    Regardless, most doctors will allow you to try to deliver vaginally first and only move to a c-section if, at some point during labor, it becomes a medical risk to you, or the baby to continue naturally.

    Good luck and congratulations on your pregnancy!

    Source(s): Mom of an 8 month old, and lots of medical experience
  • 9 years ago

    Well the ultrasound can be off by up to 2 lbs either way so that means the baby can way more or less its not that acurate. My doctor was worried too when my baby measured 7lbs at 36 weeks but when she was born she weighed 7lbs 14 oz , they sheduled me for a c- section, but my doctor gave me the option to wether i wanted done or not. There can be greater risks having a natural birth with a large baby. My baby looked bigger around the tummy area so the doc was scraed that the head would be delivered and then the shoulders or stomach could be stuck, so i decided to have a c section and i am very happy i did , i canbsay i really do not know what labor pains are since everything was sheduled and i saved myself the pain. Everything was really quick and i was walking and feeeling good about 2 days after the c section.

    Source(s): ** also the doctor saud we can try to have it vaginally and if that didnt work out wede go to an emergency c section, plz do not do that !!!! Imagine going through the whole labor procces only to find out in the end ur gonna have a c section. A friend of mine did that and stayed 12hours in lbor then had to have a c section
  • 9 years ago

    yeh my bub is measuring big aswell i have type 1 diabetes and at my 34 week ultrasound he was weighing in at 6Lb 9oz and doctors told me to expect a 4 kilo baby, however sometimes the ultrasounds are off with measurements and could be smaller or bigger,my 2nd baby weighed 3990gm at 6 weeks early and gave me 3rd degree tears and needed forceps delivery, my last baby weighed in at 4.8 kilos lucky i had elective c-section as i knew i couldnt deliver 9 pound let alone any bigger, however the docs were still trying to convince me to go naturally, doctors rarely encourage c-section i think if you do not have diabetes (as this makes bubs bigger) i think you will have about and 8 1/2 pounder, nice and healthy. And hopefully u can deliver naturally, if not i have had both and let me tell u the recovery from c-section these days is fantastic i was up and vacuming 5 days after. Good luck with it all and sure you will be fine.

    Source(s): 4th on the way 3 princesses awaiting my prince 23/4/12
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The possibilities that your child rather is just too enormous to suit are very narrow. As anybody else stated guessing child's weight via extremely sound will also be off by means of an complete pound or extra. Even if child rather does weigh greater than ordinary, your frame is remarkably accomodating. When I obtained pregnant, I was once 100lbs, and im five'two. I added an 8lb 10oz child boy vaginally with out a issues. Its powerful what your frame can do. Chances are very low that they might agenda a c segment only for weight. More than most likely then will plan for child to return certainly and IF he will get caught for your pelvis, they are able to do a c segment then and also you and child might be high-quality. But like i stated, enormous if. Try to not strain an excessive amount of. :)

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Most doctors will do everything they can to avoid doing a c-section, however if there is a concern that the baby will be too large it is good for them to know ahead of time so that they can be prepared.

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