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  • What should i name my baby?

    Im barely pregnant so I'm looking for a unisex name because last time i got pregnant my husband and i were constantly fighting about a name and i want to get it out of the way.

    6 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Is it safe to be pregnant 7 months after c-section?

    Ok so please don't call me irresponsible because if i'd had a vaginal birth I wouldn't have any worries about being pregnant again. My baby has been sleeping through the night and is well behaved so even if the new baby is a little monster I'm sure I can handle it :-) My question is what are the potential risks associated with getting pregnant less than a year after c-section and do I even have a chance at a VBAC? I plan to ask my doctor too, but they wont see me til the 21st because they want me to be 8 weeks along before they confirm the pregnancy.

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Does every fat person have saggy skin after losing weight?

    Having had a baby in May, I have been really motivated to lose weight and get healthy. So far, I have lost 50 lbs and I still have about 96 more to go before I'm considered healthy. I have not been fat for most of my life, only for about the last 3-4 my skin going to sag a lot when all is said and done? Sorry, that was poorly asked, I know it's going to differ from person to person. What I mean is, does weight loss always result in saggy nasty looking skin?

    My main focus is to get healthy not to get hot, so I'm still going to keep up my efforts....I'm just wondering if I need to mentally prepare myself for the sag.

    11 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Do babies make people stupid?

    I'm due on Saturday, and my mom and mother in law say the most stupid things ever lately. Neither of them are spiritual or superstitious, yet they are CONSTANTLY talking about fate.

    For example, earlier this month they were both convinced my baby was going to be born on the 6th because of the full moon, my mother in law insists that my 11 year old brother in law "not wanting to go on a field trip" means that the universe is going to make labor happen tomorrow, my mom said the baby was going to come on the 24th because that was my due date when she was pregnant with me, and now because my baby has crossed over from aries to taurus without being born, my mom is convinced she will come on her birthday (the 30th)

    OMG there is no rhyme or reason to it, the baby will come when she's ready and the stars being aligned or the moon being out or my brother in law not wanting to go somewhere isn't going to change that. These are rational women, do babies just really make people that dumb?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Due the 28th: any other preggos getting night sweats?

    I'm just curious if I have a cold or if it's normal:

    I'm cold all day long, but when I lay down to go to bed, I'm like sweating and stuff. I wake up all red with the covers thrown across the room! (lol I'm a very active sleeper.)

    Is this just another lovely part of being pregnant or am I sick.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Why do 34-36 weeks pregnant women think everything is a sign of "impending labor"?

    There's no harm in wishful thinking, but every time something uncomfortable happens it seems like those that are ALMOST full term think they are in labor. Most 1st time pregnancies run to like 41 weeks so I really don't understand why every little braxton hicks contraction or cm of dilation is construed as the big day. I'm 38 weeks and haven't had a labor scare I the weird one or what? Is it normal to think you're in labor all the time when you're more than a month from your due date? (Complications aside, of course.)

    7 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Can I make a complaint about my upstairs neighbors?

    I live in an apartment on the first floor, and above me I swear there are circus people or something because every night starting around 7:30 pm and lasting until about midnight there are loud thumps and bumps and sometimes it sounds like people are running back and forth. The building I live in is only 2 years old, and yet when these people "walk" my ceiling creeks like it was made in 1892 or something. It's to the point where the air vents sound like they might fall out at any minute. They slam doors, they jump around/throw things/ride elephants/who knows what else, and my husband says sometimes he hears their music at 7 am (though I've never heard that part.)

    Long story short, can I make a complaint about people that live too loudly? They are driving me nuts.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • What happens if my baby is big?

    I am 37 weeks pregnant today, I have had three ultrasounds including one growth ultrasound at 35 weeks where my baby supposedly measured 6 lbs 12 oz. The doctors are concerned because she has been measuring large throughout and my sister had an 11 lb 3 oz baby in January (naturally, she's so hardcore.) I have another growth ultrasound scheduled at 38.5 weeks to see (again) if the baby is too big or whatever....what if she is? Are they just setting me up to cut me? I'm starting to feel like a c-section is unavoidable and I'm scared.

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Can you tell me why people honor their loved ones by wearing cancer ribbons?

    Ok this might seem weird but it occurred to me today that it is really morbid to wear say, breast cancer ribbons on everything you have to honor someone you lost to breast cancer. I'm not trying to offend anyone that has lost a loved one, just hear me out:

    If your mom got shot, would you wear a shirt with a big gun on it?

    If your grandpa died in his sleep, would you tattoo Zzz's all over your arm?

    If your spouse died of a heart attack would you wear McDonald's logos on all your clothes?

    No, you wouldn't, it seems ridiculous does it not?

    Why isn't it ridiculous to wear/tattoo something that represents cancer then? Isn't it a little strange to honor the disease/cause of death instead of the person?

    Again, I'm not trying to be offensive. I am just wondering why people feel a need to do this.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Pregnant and going insane?

    I'm 36 weeks pregnant and for the last few days/about a week I actually hate my mother! Everything she says sets me on edge, I find myself constantly complaining about how ignorant and stupid and rude and whatever else she is! I also was a smoker prior to pregnancy, and I have never wanted a cigarette so badly in my life and I am eating like a bottomless pit! I'm so stressed and irritable and on edge and there's not really a reason why, I feel like I'm losing my mind. Is this normal or am I nuts?

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Will my cat for real hurt my baby?

    Ok so I know this is an old wive's tale, but I was wondering if there is any truth to it. Does anyone know of an example where a cat ACTUALLY caused a baby harm? (other than allergic reactions of course.)

    8 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • What is the difference in a diaper bag and a purse?

    I have been shopping for about two or three days now looking for the perfect diaper bag and today it hit me that they all look like purses. Seriously, what's the difference? Do I actually need to go out and find a diaper bag or is it just as practical to use a large tote? (First time mom)

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Is it selfish to only want one child?

    I'm 8 months pregnant right now with my first child and honestly, I hate it. I kind of hate everything about being pregnant, it sucks. Most days I don't even leave my house anymore. I don't think I ever want to do this again, and I think that I would not feel unfulfilled by having only one child...but is it fair to my soon to be daughter?

    I know it's kind of early in the game to be thinking about it, but if I am going to have more than one baby in my life I don't really want to have a huge age gap between them so it doesn't feel like I'm jumping the gun from where I'm sitting.

    My mother-in-law told me the other day that she would think I was selfish for only having she right?

    7 AnswersAdoption9 years ago
  • I want my mother and my husband in the delivery room ---only.?

    Everyone that has talked to me about this in my family thinks that it is unfair that I do not want my mother in law present for this, especially because I want my mom there. People keep telling me that because my baby will be her grandchild too, she is entitled to be there just as much as my mom. I disagree with this completely, my thoughts are that I want my mom there because I will be hurting and in pain and upset and she's my mommy! For me, grandchild rights aren't really influencing my feelings...should they be? Is it ok that I do not want my mother in law in the room while I'm giving birth to her grandchild?

    9 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • What will happen if my apartment evicts me?

    I pay my rent on time and when I can't I contact my office and set up a payment plan, but I recently had really bad roommates that tore **** up and had parties and got lots of complaints. They are gone now, but I feel like I'm on my last legs with the front office. If they evict me, what happens? Do I still have to pay to break the lease or am I just let out of it with an eviction on my renter's history?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Should I become a Christian performer?

    I'm a 21 year old woman. Right now I am an insurance agent and I am doing alright for myself working in a call center. I have my own place, I have friends, I live on the lake, I have a cat and a new puppy, I have worked hard and I have a pretty good life.

    I am a Christian and I like to serve God whenever possible. I am also a trained singer and a pretty decent actress. My Grandma called me this morning offering me a job for the traveling ministry she works for putting on Christian plays and singing.

    I don't know what to do, If I go be in those plays will have to leave everything behind. If I don't, what kind of Christian am I? We have all always felt that I was given the gift of voice to bring people to Christ in a way that they can accept and not be angry about, by moving them with song. If this is my calling, how can I say no?

    I know you are supposed to take a leap of faith and trust in God to help you land on your feet, but how can I really be sure this is what He wants?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago