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Should I become a Christian performer?

I'm a 21 year old woman. Right now I am an insurance agent and I am doing alright for myself working in a call center. I have my own place, I have friends, I live on the lake, I have a cat and a new puppy, I have worked hard and I have a pretty good life.

I am a Christian and I like to serve God whenever possible. I am also a trained singer and a pretty decent actress. My Grandma called me this morning offering me a job for the traveling ministry she works for putting on Christian plays and singing.

I don't know what to do, If I go be in those plays will have to leave everything behind. If I don't, what kind of Christian am I? We have all always felt that I was given the gift of voice to bring people to Christ in a way that they can accept and not be angry about, by moving them with song. If this is my calling, how can I say no?

I know you are supposed to take a leap of faith and trust in God to help you land on your feet, but how can I really be sure this is what He wants?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Gino is right in that only God can answer this question. I am in college right now working on my degree in voice/piano, so I can understand your feelings. I, too, want to have a music ministery someday. Now, whether or not this is something that God wants is still yet to be determined. I just recently came to the realization that I was making this dream and passion an idol in my life, no matter how good my intentions were to work for God. It was what I wanted to do in my life, and I wasn't willing to submit this dream to the Lord and let Him be the one to lay out the plans for my life. It was hard, but I finally came to the point where I could just "let go and let God." It felt so good to finally surrender EVERYTHING to Him, including the aspirations and dreams that I held so dear. I'm not sure where God will lead me yet, but I know that He loves me and whatever He has planned out for me is MUCH better than anything I could come up with, and when I have Him at the wheel of my life, anything is possible. He knows where my talents and passions lie, and I know He gave me those talents and the love for music and performance for a reason. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." So now I am willing to go where He wants me to go and be what He wants me to be, even if this means not going into music ministery. I still have yet to see where He leads me, but I know it will be an adventure. :)

    I'm telling you this story to show you that you aren't alone. PRAY about it. I know that's what everyone will tell you, but it's how you can communicate with God and find out His answers. Tell Him of your dreams, and give them to Him. Then listen for His voice. God has been leading me in amazing ways lately, by opening doors that otherwise would have remained closed, and by speaking to me through the Bible and through sermons and through music. If you keep that close communication with God, He will let you know the path in which you are to go. Pray without ceasing as you make this decision.

    May God bless you as you walk in Him, and may you find His true calling for you (and I know you will if you listen to Him) :)

  • 1 decade ago

    You pray and you ask God for specific answers that leave you with no doubts for what you are to do.

    Theres nothing wrong with asking God's direction in things when you are questioning His Will to make sure you are doing what He wants.

    I have done that with a ministry that I felt He was wanting me to start in my church. I had more than enough answers when I asked Him and have continued on with it to this day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but let me ask you this. If you heard from your grandma that your mother wanted you to do something, would you go online to ask us this question, or would you go and ask your mother the question?

    If we have a question for God, then go to God and ask the question.

    Only God can answer this question. Not us.

  • 1 decade ago

    God has opened a door for you. he will not force you to step in it but the choice is ultimately yours

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