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A question about the expiration date on food....?

I was wondering If when you buy something like lets say peanut butter and the expiration date says 11/20/2013. Take note that these things say "best by". Does this mean that you can open the jar in July of 2014 and the peanut will still be good but not the "best"?

Just how long can food go past an expiration date before its actually "rotten" or "spoiled"?

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Back in the 'day', there were no expiration dates. People freak out by dates. Use your best judgment unless it's baked goods, things that get moldy etc.

    I'm convinced these dates force people to 'feel' like something is rotten when it's not to make them buy more after throwing 'expired' food out. They are telling them that things can be frozen or canned etc.

    Food lasts a lot longer, unopened way past the 'dates'.

  • 9 years ago

    It depends on what type of food it is. I think most canned foods should be fine (less tasty, but fine) past the expiration date as long as it isn't opened and the top isn't puffed out (which indicate an opened can or bacterial growth if unopened) .

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I've been reading some of your questions & answers. Your a loser, you actually believe that there's like secret people controlling our lives & working to do all kinds of conspiracy crap. Now, GTFO & put your aluminum hat back on kid. You've obviously watched 1 too many "national treasure" movies. You believe it so blindly, your no different than any religious zealot. Get a life, loser. "DA ILLUMINITI IZ COMMIN!!!" that's you..

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