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So two white men shot and killed three black people, stupid and senseless.. black community scream racism and?

... I am not so sure they are wrong.. BUT.. a crowd of blacks beat up, strip and rob a white man.. CNN says, there are some who say it " might" have been racism.

What the hell? Racism is racism be it black or white.. will there be calls from the white community to have these people called racists.. will the white people march and carry signs.. I don't think so, I think they will do what we all should do.. black or white or purple.. let the law do its job and Stop yelling race every bloody time something happens.

Why is it that networks like CNN are so quick to jump on white on black crime and call for a public hanging, and yet barely mention the black on white crime.. what is the matter with these people.. they are fueling an all out race war. Its going to happen and its not going to be pretty if the media does not shut the hell up.


Bad Wolf.. I am sure it is coming.. thanks for the comment!

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe if they want to report such incidents, they should report all of them or none of them. Its clear they have a political agenda. They really should be held responsible for the up tic in black on white crime. Two black boys followed a white boy home from school, doused him with gas, and lit him on fire. Also a 76 year old white man was beaten by blacks with a hammer. Another elderly white couple was attacked. They raped the woman and killed her. Her husband survived. A white man in Baltimore was attacked by several blacks, beaten, robbed, and stripped naked on the street. Some of them claimed these attacks were directly related to the Miller/Zimmerman reporting.

  • 9 years ago

    Simple. Racism is when the crime occured because of the race of someone.

    With Zimmerman, would he have shot and killed a white boy armed only with a packet of skittles?

    When it comes to the other crime, were the victims singled out because of the colour of their skin.

    It the crime is based on colour, then it is racist.

  • 4 years ago

    the place's sharpton in this? you comprehend 'Ol liberal AL purely crawls out from decrease than his rock while an 'injustice' is perpetrated on a black guy. Sharpton might say that the three boys are being set up via the conservative media and deny the lads mentioned they killed out of boredom. My substantial question with all of it's, why interior the international might somebody from, a remarkable 5 across the international rated superb cities in the international to stay in, come to a third international sh-thole like duncan, ok? I mean, Oklahoma is undesirable sufficient, yet some oil field stinkhole interior the midst of nowhere in possibly the worst state in our, no longer even good 10 u . s . a . interior the international? Australians, ALERT. the US is very overvalued. If i ought to leave this declining u . s . a . to stay in yours i might already be there. you have my condolences, yet pay attention on your top minister and boycott this facade of an incredible u . s . a ..

  • 9 years ago

    2 white guys in a pick up truck drive around and shoot 5 black people at random, killing 3. who appear to have been out walking in their own neighborhood and you're worried that CNN is fueling a race war? Come up with one fact to suggest it wasn't a hate crime, please. not quite the same thing as robbing and beating some poor white SOB, however nasty it was. I'm sure the black folks would have given up their wallets given the opportunity. just in case you weren't paying attention, the Tulsa police says it looks like a hate crime but they want to investigate it further to be sure. at least the Tulsa police are on top of it and arrested these guys within 48 after it happened.

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  • 9 years ago

    there arses are in jail


    buy some duct tape help the economy

    funny all serial killers are white, 300 walking among this second and one black one who killed his own....least he didn't eat them

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    One of the two Tulsa Killers is a Native American Indian... I'm waiting for the liberzombies to create the new "WHITE Native American Indian" category, like they have done with Zimmerman

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