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April 14/15 2012 commemorate 100th anniversary of sinking of Titanic, some interesting facts and stories?

This coming Saturday and Sunday (April 14th/15 2012) marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. In 1912 the Titanic hit the iceberg between 11.40 pm and 11.50 pm Sunday April 14, 1912 and the Titanic sank at approx. 2.20 a.m on Monday morning, April 15, 1912.

Out of 2 223 people on board only 705 survived.

In first class 4 women died...all of them of their own choosing (Ida Strauss wanted to stay with her husband of many years and choose to not get into a lifeboat. Only one of the first class passenger children died.

There was big class divison between 1st and 2nd class but even more so between first class and streerage (3rd class)

Some famous survivors of 3rd class was the last Titanic Survivor Millvina Dean who passed away in 2009 at age 97, she was only 10 weeks old in April 2012.

Her brother Bertram Dean was born in 1910 and lived until 1992

The other last survivors were Lillian Gertrude Apslund 3rd class passenger, 1906 - 2006

Eva Hart 1995 - 1995

Michel Navratil 1908 - 2001

Ruth Becker 1999 - 1990

Here some facts and survivor pictures and stories that might interest some of you..

The movie Titanic was epic but it did not have a lot in common with the real facts but the facts about the class differences were true as well as that bow and the stern of the Titanic really broke into two different parts which was under dispute until the Titanic wreckage was found in the late 1980s when it was proved a fact and the interior of the ship in the movie Titanic is very much as it must have been in 1912. Very authentic..

1. What do you think of the stories?

2. will you or did you watch the movie Titanic in 3D which is in cinemas now?

How did you like it if you saw it?

3. Will you think for a moment on Sunday about those gone in this terrible disaster on it's 100th anniversary...?

4. if some stories about the Titanic interest you, what interests you most?

For me it has to be the people...the ship cost millions and it took 3 years to build it and it's tragic that such a beautiful ship on which so many people worked would not even survive it's maiden voyage but for me human loss of life always counts more and I find it sad that only 705 people survived...because of so many reasons and of course Captian Smith never had to deal with disaster and there were not enough lifeboats and most of them were half empty when lowered into the the Atlantic...because the gravity of the situation was not clear to many passengers until it was too late for most...x

Please feel free to share your thoughts. Thanks x


Those musician played on until they were swept off the ship...They were brave heroic men.

I personally don't believe it was just bad luck. A lot of circumstances came together that created this disaster..Icebergs were in the Atlanic in April, but a lof of telegraphic messages were just being ignored...because they thought..Not likely the unsinkable Titanic will hit an iceberg in this vast ocean but nobody, captain or crew was prepared for disaster and it took a disaster like this to make sure in the future to have more lifeboats on board..not that this ended other big ship disasters..the sinking of the Lusitania just 2 years later...a lot of lives lost there...but that was during the war...Maybe they tempted fate too much to say '' she is unsinkable'' nothing and nobody is perfect''' and the Titanic could not withstand the force of the iceberg..

Not prepared for disasters, not schooled for dealing with disasters, going too fast despite iceberg warnigns,

5 Answers

  • JJ
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yea I have a big interest in the Titanic, mainly because im from Ireland and I don't live too far from where it was built. I've read up a lot about it and watched a load of documentaries about it, some of the stories a really fascinating, I love reading up about the people too, some interesting stories about some of the survivors. Spent hours reading stuff about it over the past few weeks.

    Haven't seen it in 3D, dunno if I will either.

    Yea I will think about it for a moment on the day.

    There was a ceremony in Cobh yesterday because it was 100 years ago yesterday that it stopped to pick up the last of the passengers in Ireland before heading accross the Atlantic

    Thanks for those links you posted

  • ALAN
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The disaster was THE outstanding example of sheer bad luck ! The chances that two microscopic specks - a ship and an iceberg - should arrive at EXACTLY the same spot in the vastness of the North Atlantic at EXACTLY the same time were astronomically unlikely. The slightest variation in the earlier movements of either, and nothing would have happened. And none of the consequences.

  • 9 years ago

    A moving and tragic story Vera,

    I was struck by the musicians playing the violins in their last moments of life.

    I'd do something like that.

    Thanks for all the info, I will explore it tomorrow (Today) as it's 3 am.

    Great Question.

    Best Wishes.

    Mars Mission Soon In A Galaxy Near Yours..



  • 9 years ago

    I used to work in a copy shop and a lady came in with the original newspaper from that day and we made copies for her. She asked us if we thought the newspaper was valueable moneywise and we thought for sure it must be worth money.

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  • 9 years ago

    I SAW IT IN 3D

    Source(s): sorry - low points, need to ask a question really bad :/
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