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Lv 6
Ymir asked in SportsMartial Arts · 9 years ago

How is it people think it's justified to answer questions using their ego at stake?

The internet caters to things like Keyboard's "personal dislikes". But my question was never asked to benefit or address Keyboard's "personal dislikes". This kind of solipsism, or the idea that the universe revolves around your own personal imagination and ideas, is present in humanity in uncommon numbers.

Anyone got an explanation for this?;_ylt=Am4dt...

Instead of answering the question, some people go off on their own mirage to cater to their own personal goals which derail productive questions and answers. There are numerous examples of this happening here from other people as well, but this one is nice to use since Keyboard openly admits that his answer is not directly useful to the question and only indirectly useful to Keyboard's "large view", a lesson he seeks to teach the rest of us about martial artists.

"@Darth, Directly does it have something to do with his question? No, indirectly? Very much so."

So basically Keyboard thinks that if he shows a martial artist setting himself on fire, he thinks this will teach us a lesson about how the martial artist, Glen Levy, in my question knows or doesn't know inner power? Answers anyone?


Iron, I've noticed that you tend to blow up at people here every once in awhile when something has your tail caught in a vise. The thing you have to learn is that people don't have to tolerate it here.

Have you read the kind of stuff you write making personal attacks on people here, strangers as well as regulars? You're the last guy that should be talking about community guidelines.

Update 2:

Glutton: Why are you attacking Keyboard? He's not the one that originated this question, is he?

Update 3:

It's pretty funny that people actually make the circle jerk claim.

It's as if they think that by making the accusation, it either becomes true or it somehow makes me go on the defensive. That's not an attack that even requires a defense. I suggest people try a better tactic. One that actually has some force behind it.

Update 4:

As for giving people thumbs down Shaman, I prefer to explain the disagreement I have rather than going anonymous and marking something down, for no explicit reason. Most people avoid issues because of either cowardice or a lack of interest. So often times it is either one at work.

People's personal attacks against me just proves the question's fidelity and importance in exposing people's egos at stake. People try to make things personal on the internet, because their egos are involved, but the internet does not cater to resolutions of a personal nature. It just doesn't. Before the internet manifested itself, people solved their differences with some actual solutions, whether it was martial arts or something else of that nature.

Update 5:

What's increasingly funny is that people think I've exposed my beliefs in my previous questions. That has almost never happened. If people think I'm somehow arguing with a person here, like Keyboard, because of Keyboard disagrees with me, that's another thing that is an example of itself.

For example, I doubt anybody here can actually say what my beliefs are and how it conflicts with Keyboard's. That's just a fact. People are arguing over the mists themselves. But since they're thinking about the question, that at least is a good thing if you ask me.

Update 6:

"You've butted heads with Keboard on more occassions than just about anyone here. "

That never happened. Don't know what you are talking about, Odee.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, KW didn't directly answer your question, but I don't have problem with what he wrote, though some of his reasoning was a little flimsy, and he did make a very valid point -- a highly devoted student will probably have a different reaction than an outsider. The kid in the video you posted seemed to me to be acting; whether he was doing so deliberately or not is something I can't answer.

    Of course, KW goes on to essentially argue that, because both the "kiai master" in his video and his students were severely delusional, the idea of internal strength is nonsense. This is fallacious, but the issue here is that "internal strength" or "chi power" is generally thought to mean some sort of "chi magic" and spells. Personally, however, I view internal strength as a much more practical concept -- proper breathing, posturing/leverage, form and precision, relaxation, and "rooting". These are all very real and useful, though counterintuitive and thus often underutilized, concepts for a fighter to have in his arsenal which can be objectively tested by science. The mysticism and magic is gone, but in issues of fighting and self-defense, fairytales are best remembered as such.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Stauros. "Stauros" integrated a wide variety of torture stakes, those who have been functional stakes and the ones with refinements reminiscent of a crosspiece. Edit cathorsec anastauroo isn't an excessively exclusive phrase in any respect. Its root is the equal as stauros. It's a combo of ana, which means "once more" and stauroo that is the verb sort of stauros Hebrews 6:6 makes use of the phrase anastauroo. Please learn it for your self. Edit once more TeeM Why do not you perform a little extra study? The Epistle of Barnabas was once written on the finish of the primary or opening of the moment century and the creator used "stauros" to explain a move. I've in no way obvious or heard of any individual within the early writings including that word you stated while speaking approximately crucifying anybody on a move. They used "stauros" in Greek and "crux" in Latin, whether or not you wish to confess it or now not.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm guilty of it.

    Personal experience often leads to a heavy belief in matters. I've grouched on the mentality of people that certain styles tend to attract in the past because I had unpleasant experiences with them.

    Which is what you're doing now.

    You've butted heads with Keboard on more occassions than just about anyone here. Because your beliefs run directly against Keyboard's. In my opinion you both have the same problem of complete belief. Keyboard refuses to believe in more than what can properly be explained you refuse to believe that a person's internal energy is limited in use.

    But since I don't really think I've accomplished anything beyond pointing out that I'm also an ego run idiot feel free to continue butting heads.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    This isn't a forum guys, its a place to learn. Ask a question, get an answer. Sometimes good answers are given but the wrong answers are accepted.

    If people want to share their own personal dislikes them let them waste their time telling people about their ignorance and go on with life.

    People here who attack others for their honest answers are ignorant and close minded.

    I find it hilarious that people take the thumb up rating so seriously. I always notice that KW and Glutton always get 5 thumb ups out of a small group of answerers, most of which don't even like these two. Worse of all, they constantly use the Edit function as a chatting tool. Most people don't go back to a question each time just to talk to someone.

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  • 9 years ago

    Again KW, you are using the wrong description of the content on that video, once again showing how shallow your knowledge base is.

    Glen Levy was not demonstrating "hooblhablah". He was demonstrating correct body mechanics.

    How is body mechanics "hooblahblah??? What does body mechanics have to do with Qi? So you are not answering the question. It has nothing to do with the "placebo affect" your nuthugger mentioned.

    It is Physics - a science, which is what you believe in, but yet, you are so blind that you can't see it.

    Here's a video that demonstrates the body mechanics Glen Levy displayed, demonstrated by a young boy...

    The power he is generating comes from proper training in the "inner teachings" of karate, not the BS karate that you keep emphasizing and generalizing with.

    Some styles call it "wave theory". The Chinese call it Fajing, which means: release energy.

    But you don't believe in "energy", so you should be dead. Because energy is associated with heat. And our bodies maintain a temperature. This is energy.

    We are made up of ATOMS! Aren't we? That's what "science" says! So what is one of the major components of an atom?


    But if energy is fake, then scientists are lying!

    It's impossible that there is this energy inside us... we are made up of, because YOU SAID SO!

    This is the same energy that we possess, that you say is hooblahblah!

    Why is it that scientist say we are made up of energy, yet it doesn't exist?

    I accept that that you don't believe, but you cannot accept that others want to. You want for others not to.

    So you see... you are a dumbass! LOL!

  • 9 years ago

    This question is gibberish. You mismatch idioms (using their ego at stake) misuse words (solipsism) and most of your sentences make no logical sense. They are grammatical in the sense that

    "Abyss makes the fart go Honda"

    is grammatical. It is also a rant.

    If you are going to be participating in an English QnA forum, learn to communicate in English, and please follow the guidelines.

    Source(s): "I do not think that word means what you think it means." - Inigo Montoya
  • Leo L
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    This is a free and open forum. Anyone can ask whatever they want to. Anyone can answer as they see fit. The only rules are those set by Yahoo.

  • Shaman
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Sorry, friend.... But the exchange seems to be several egos at stake.

    A question was posed. A reference was provided which to another person prompted a reaction/response to the example, not to the question itself, and provoked a different line of discussion for that person.

    To keep it in the MA "language", it seems you threw a punch expecting a block, counter punch. Instead, you got thrown/locked/kicked (in other words, a response you didn't expect or like). Which provoked a reaction in you.

    All because your initial question provided a slightly different stimuli for someone to respond to.

    Granted.... For purposes of the initial question a better response might have been to say, "I don't trust demos because of this reason..., but to answer your question power comes from...."

    If you hadn't wanted to be derailed by Keyboard's line of thought, all you had to do was give his answer a thumbs down and ignore it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    What KW was talking about isn't some from of subjectivism. The placebo effect is documented.

    Source(s): Me
  • 9 years ago

    So, basically, you're here on Yahoo! Answers to hear the answers you WANT to hear whether they're true or not and when somebody comes along expressing a different view you're going to dismiss it and try to make them look bad for it? Sounds like your ego is coming into play a bit more than you care to admit as well. Why don't you grow up and accept the fact that not everybody has the same views you do? If you ask a question and get an answer you don't like, then ignore it and move on. As long as somebody isn't answering with dangerously erroneous information, what do you care?

    EDIT: Rikashiku,

    I have some profile stalkers. I suspected you, and I still somewhat do, but I definitely have a few that have declared war on my account and that go to my page, look at my answers and start giving a thumbs down to every answer I've made recently. It happens. Whatever.

    Also, there's a big difference between what Keyboard and I do with our edits and treating this site like a chat room. I don't ask other users what they've been up to today, see how their day at work was, ask about their tastes in coffee or anything like that. Our discussions pertain only to the question and address aspects of other answers here. I've seen you do it too, so quit acting like you aren't using the function the exact same way.


    I never attacked Keyboard. My post was taking his side.

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