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Lv 734,432 points

Darth Scandalous

Favorite Answers17%

Mentoring Anyone Interested in the Classical Okinawan and Chinese Martial Arts, Lifestyle Enhancement, Healing, Fitness.

  • Do you know what Shaolin-Do is?

    Funny how I was just looking through video of Baguazhang application and I eventually ran into this...

    Click on the link...

    Someone asked a few days ago "why do people hate shaolin-do".

    I never saw this deposition before, but in it you see that the "great grand master of Fukien Shaolin" put his foot in his mouth by suing the other fraud on Youtube "Jake Mace" for copyright infringement.

    I'm so glad that this happened.

    What are your thoughts?

    10 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • What do you think of this documentary...?

    Kyokushin practitioners should know the person hosting this documentary.

    His name is Nicholas Pettis and he lives in Japan from the time he was 18 y/o.

    Please discuss.

    9 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • What is Grappling...?


    I am addressing this question to the generation that grew up in the MMA era we are in.

    Senior Level guys, please hold off until we've had a few "young minds" answers.

    And please - do not just leave one word answers - give us details of your take on grappling.

    I will give mine later.

    20 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • Why haven't you started?

    There are people here who ask questions that can be easily found with a Google Search... questions that don't require this forum. Instead of making an effort to research, these people want for others to tell them, so they don't have to work for their knowledge.

    Some of them have been asking questions here about arts and styles they are interested in for months! Many months! And some have asked the same questions repeatedly.

    These people are either Trolls or Time Wasters - Indecisive types who will be here for the next year asking the SAME questions, INSTEAD OF JUST GETTING THEIR HEADS AND A S S E S WIRED TOGETHER, and taking the INITIATIVE to join a school and start training!

    They learn here what to look out for to not get stuck under contracts - they know that much!

    Join a school and if you don't like it, leave and join another one!

    They list a few schools they are interested and ask questions about them - get answers, and still ask the same questions again, and again.

    Why haven't you started your journey already? Months are going by and you are not doing a damn thing except annoying people. I don't mind answering questions - that's why I am here! But when I feel like I've given the answer to these questions before, more than twice, then it becomes a nuisance.

    So why have you been wasting time, instead of getting your feet wet???

    It may take a month for you to realize you don't like a particular place or art. It can also take 5 or more years to realize you've wasted time! But at least you are gaining in knowledge and growing wiser as to what your preferences are!


    When I teach a student, I give corrections constantly. If a student hasn't absorbed my instruction after a few months, I may feel like he/she is not respecting me and taking my instruction as unimportant. In this case, I will tell the student if my instruction is not to their liking they should leave.

    So what are you waiting for? The school to come to you?? The art to automatically become programmed into your life?

    25 AnswersMartial Arts10 years ago
  • Kata, Combat, Technique, BJJ/MMA, ETC...?

    I just answered a question regarding the power generated by the Practitioner Glen Levy. He is demonstrating a Hammerfist, here is the video -

    In this video he is showing the effects of the combination of body mechanics and energy release.

    The thing I want to illustrate here is how all these things are taught in the proper training of Kata and ALL techniques that are used by those who say that Kata is not for fighting are actually using techniques from Kata.

    Here is the video I want to use as an example -

    Those who practice Kata, think of Joge Uke - the "double block" or as translated from joge - "upper, lower" receive. It is found in Naihancin kata and in Seiunchin kata.

    Those who practice BJJ, here is a variation of the Bicep Slicer -

    This technique has been around longer than any of us here. It is not a new technique.

    So how is it that Kata is "obsolete" and "not for fighting" when the very techniques being done today by the "kata is a dance" crowd are found in Kata?

    16 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Is someone trying to attack us with a Virus?

    I have seen a few answers that I have reported as spam because they provide a link as an answer. But I just copied and pasted it and it brought me to a place that looked like a Yahoo page and said "Best Answer" on it and it requires you to click on the button to enter.

    It looked too suspicious to me so I'm warning you guys to stay away. I have seen a few of them and they are different names answering questions saying things like: "your answer is here(with a link).

    I'm going to find and post the one I just checked out so you guys could see what I mean.

    20 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Can MMA'ers Explain this.........?

    I've been waiting for the perfect time to lay this one on you... After seeing the sheer stupidity of this twit who calls himself mma enthusiast, and of course others who talk crap, I have a few questions to pose -

    I have been watching Bully Beat Down. I like the concept and it's a bit entertaining. I've noticed that there were some "bullies" WHO WERE UNTRAINED and did quite well against these Pro MMA Fighters.

    Immediately what came to mind was the MORONS who claim that Traditional MA would not do well in the cage. We who study real martial arts know that this is ONLY true if we had to fight under mma rules.

    Now, in Bully Beat Down, the Pro MMA Fighters - and I assure you, I take nothing away from these guys as I know they are athletes who train hard. But when they get into the Ring with an Untrained Person, they have to do so under certain rules, so as not to seriously injure someone, right?

    However, in a couple of episodes, I noticed that "UNTRAINED" opponents who were strong, did well against Pro MMA Fighters when there were RULES that had to be adhered to. A good example was the Russian Bully who was into Body Building.

    You all claim that the Traditional Arts will fail terribly. Again, I say this is true providing we have to fight under rules.

    So my questions is - HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS??? WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE???

    Don't come with BS, just be honest.

    I am not bashing MMA. I am simply illustrating how its fans make assumption based on their Parrot Syndrome - a phrase I have attributed to TMA Bashers.

    So... 'SPLAIN!

    12 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Dojo Floor in a House...?

    I will be acquiring a 2 family home and I want to use the downstairs level as a dojo. It will be an open floor plan(of course) and my living space will be upstairs.

    I want to build a wooden floor, which is traditional and proper for the training, ie - stomping, throws, falling, etc. NOT like "jumping from the top rope" type stuff.

    Past students have built floors out of 3/4" plywood on concrete and also on frames. I was wondering how it would work if I used PW as the sub-flooring and using finished 3/4" Finished PW, cut to give the floor a "plank" look.

    Do you think that a floor like this could withstand the punishment? Could this even be a good idea?

    I believe this is a Finished Plywood Floor and I think it looks great -

    I would like to keep the cost down. I don't know if there are any alternatives -

    Karate, I know. Carpentry? NOT! Well, I know some basic stuff but I'm no carpenter.

    Anyone have any other ideas or alternatives?

    Your advice will be greatly appreciated.

    10 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • The Lessons..................?

    I want to begin by showing courtesy to all those here on Yahoo Answers whom I have learned from. And really that means everybody.

    I have learned from the knuckle-heads as well as from the REAL Budoka / Bujutsuka here.


    I was inspired to do this after having read one of Still Crazy...'s answers.

    One thing I can say - the things I witness here and other forums have testified to something one of my Teachers said to me often - how all martial arts are related. The way they are expressed in an enhanced state is what we have today in the way of arts(skills) and styles.

    There is much I have to step back a bit to recall certain instances.

    I would love to see EVERYONES answer.

    Thank you everyone.

    14 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Early 1970's song "we the people" - remember it?

    There was a fast-paced song that played around '72.

    it went like this - "when are we the people gonna be able to see it together? (chorus) "TOGETHER!"

    "if you can love your brother, BROTHER!, brother can love another, 'nother", whenever we the people understand one another, we the people can love each other, AAHHH!!"

    Who remembers this song? Name of the group?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What US state does not get any snow...?

    I hate snow.

    What are the states that get no snow fall at all?

    I want to leave the North East for perfect weather and nice people too.

    7 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this video?

    I want to know what is your take on the level of skill, the techniques used, his movement, etc...

    5 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Who will see...?

    The Forbidden Kingdom with Jackie Chan and Jet Li?

    It will be out April 18th!

    5 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Why is Bruce Lee so relevent on this forum?

    If you see video of him, it is not at all impressive. Besides, he died before most of you were even born.

    There are so many TRUE Martial Artists with great lineage out there.

    11 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago