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From Best Answer to Blocked, Only trying to help Tym...?

Guess i touched a nerve with my last one, sorry Xx


Iv given you my advice Tym, that's why you picked it as a best answer, but that last question was nothing more than a cry for attention, what I said was meant to be an introvert question for you to ask yourself. Why don't you act on the good advice others give you but instead keep posting about how sh*t your life is? I find it far more insulting to pretend you appreciate people's advice when you obviously are far happier playing the victim of your own life. Like me and countless others have said, if your not happy with your life then do something about it.

Anyway I just wanted to apologise, even if im not wrong. I don't set out to p*ss people off Xx

Update 2:

@lexter - I'm not trying to reconcile anything, if he wants to block me that's fair enough, it's not like I'm guna lose any sleep over it! Just wanted to apologise if I caused offence as it wasn't my intention Xx

Update 3:

@lexter - I'm not trying to reconcile anything, if he wants to block me that's fair enough, it's not like I'm guna lose any sleep over it! Just wanted to apologise if I caused offence as it wasn't my intention Xx

Update 4:

@Tym - so what about my advice? I never suggested shrinks or medication, you said you were sick of life in your small town and wanted to get out, you felt alone and isolated, so I suggested a sociable job like bar work, save some money and get out on your own, go out and meet new people, was that bad advice?

Update 5:

I dont know if these links will work as youve blocked me so it just says i cant view them at this time but -;_ylt=Au... - was the one asking when the isolation will end if your not going to college

and;_ylt=As... - Mopey Tym vs Horney Tym

Update 6:

Thats ok mate, im not trying to judge or belittle your problems, its not my place to. I just think you need to give Mopey Tym a good hard kick in the nuts and start taking some positive steps towards changing things Xx

Update 7:

Anyway, this question now has a 5 minute life span before i delete it so people can see any responses Xx

Update 8:

To Learn how to do it well! Thats the whole point of college, to educate you in a subject. If you enjoy writing but dont have any experience in writing techniques, mechanics, plot devices etc then surely going to college to learn them is the best thing you could do?

Update 9:

Lol, yeah fair enough i'll give you the points, but seriously if writing is something you're interested in then take it further. College is such a great place to meet people. I start University in september and can't wait to start meeting tonnes of people, and taking full advantage of the experimental guys of course!! ;)

Go for it mate Xx

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Why do you feel so sorry for yourself all the time Tym? And why are you crying for attention on the Internet where it's not guna make the blindest bit of difference in your life? "

    Yea, Blatantly insulting me is the brightest way of "Helping". I'm sorry, is your term of "Helping" different from mine. I asked a question, I didn't ask to be insulting. When have I done something on here that even technically deserved what you said there? Do I state my life isn't 100% Chipper & Blue birds well shocking yea I do, cause it's my life. I would know, If you read & Answered the question I was asking a question. Forgive me if I came off as whining over the internet, but that kinda is my only source of info and or help.

    Noted part 9: *Sighs* I don't know, I guess I got into major Mopey Tym Misery again. Forgive me, I completely forgot. I just have a lot on my mind twenty-four seven, it's really bothersome. I just wish I had, I don't know actually. *Shrugs* Forgive me, Ze Block has been lifted.

    Noted part 10: @ ABetterFate: That's not what I do whatsoever, that is simple your perspective of what I do and I can tell you. You are dead wrong...

    I try to do that but He's a fighter, he'll latch on and won't let go. I know I need a job, I know I should go to college for something to give me other things to do. But I need a reference, which I don't have. I don't have many interests, I like Writing but I suck at it so what would be the point of spending money on college for it?

    Hold on Delete it? Um... not to sound greedy but shouldn't the person you Called out get the best answer?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    James don't feel bad.

    Tym has been doing this for as long as I can remember months and actually I can remember similar complaints back to the beginning of last year at least.

    Someone who only reaches out to people who can never REALLY help them is simply grabbing for attention and sympathy without ever wanting to find a solution or help themselves.

    Feeling sorry for yourself in short bursts shows you are progressing through something and its part of a process we all follow.

    Doing it longterm is a form of paralysis that only Tym can break when he is ready to do something about it. He could choose therapy, medication, websites that could help, phone services but he chooses instead to do nothing apart from wallow and garner sympathy.

    If he reached out to professionals or people who were there specifically to help people in his situation that would be great. He chooses not to.

    If someone is blunt and tells him exactly what they see and what he is actually doing he cuts them off. He only wants to hear what he wants to hear.

    @Tym Translation? When people write can't they mean won't. You refuse to seek or accept help. So reconcile yourself to that and stop trying to drag other people into your mess. The internet can offer you many tools and your refusal to accept medication to even give you a window of time to find relief is another way for you to let yourself continue to wallow in your own self pity.

  • 9 years ago

    Tym and James, the best way to settle this thing is to reconcile.

    Nothing would lose if you did it, indeed, there would be good effects.

    Guys, we are old enough. :)

    That's the best way I think.

    What do you think?

  • 9 years ago

    Some people just do not have a sense of humor, don't give up!

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