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Accident during gym class -- who is to blame?

My son is in second grade, and he is an exceptional soccer player. The gym teacher decided today that the class should play soccer (boys vs girls) and my son tried to get the ball away from a girl and ended up breaking her leg. I was called to the school and one by one the teachers all yelled and blamed my son for being 'too wild' and threatening my son with expulsion. My question is... doesn't the gym teacher have some responsibility here?

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess I'm too wild, I would simply beat the living crap out of any teacher who yells at your kid.

  • 9 years ago

    It really depends. If your son was playing full-out, and he's skilled enough in the sport to know that he should reign it in when he's not playing against other skilled soccer players...

    If your son, in the class, had been warned to stop playing in the way that he was, but did not stop...

    If your son deliberately did something intended to injure, such as something that would normally cause a foul to be called in soccer, and he understands the rules of soccer enough to know that was not okay...

    If your son was not following the rules of soccer for this game, as the rules were established by the gym teacher...

    ... Then this could be considered your son's fault, yes.

    However, if the gym teacher saw your son playing rough and did not address it, then it could be the gym teacher's fault.

    But simply having the kids play soccer does not make this the gym teacher's fault, no.

    It is possible that you may be sued by this girl's parents, if your son is felt to have done something that caused her harm. They might also go after the school, but I'd be surprised if they decided to go the legal route, you wouldn't be named. You may want to speak to a lawyer, just in case. Hopefully, nothing will come of that; but this girl's medical bills could be significant, so I'm advising an overabundance of caution on this one.

  • 9 years ago

    It was no ones fault, it's only natural, the teachers were to harsh to your son...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    They're yelling at you and trying to make it seem like your fault because your son and that girl were at school, and things that happen at school are legally blamed on the school.

    If the girl's parents decide to sue, it would be the school. That's what they're worried about.

    Regardless of that, you should (if haven't already) have a talk with your son about not being so rough at school, especially on girls.

    If your son had broken another boys leg, there would more than likely be less **** coming at you from the school.

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