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Are the Islamic supremacists behind the Arab Spring dragging the world back to the 7th century?

In May 2011 Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari declared the husband or the wife could have sex with their dead partner up to 6 hours after death as they were still married.In Egypt the National Council for Women are alarmed that the new government is going to allow this sort of behaviour along with women losing their rights to education and employment and the removal of the divorce law Khula which stops Muslim women waiting up to 15 years for a divorce.Islamic hardliners say the Khula law destroys families,more man made nonsense.

Dr Mervat Al-Talawi (N.C.W) has contacted assembly speaker Dr Saad Al-Katatni expressing concern regarding these retrograde not to say very alarming proposals.

Sudanese writer Al-Hagg Warraq warns Egypt of the dangers of the rise of Islamic fundamentalists saying Arab Spring countries are heading towards a harsh winter.

Taking into account the mass immigration of Muslims into western countries,the evidence of overt and covert Jihad and the calls for Shariah law is it not time we stopped pandering to Muslims and started dealing with them as a potential threat and I know there are peaceful moderate Muslims,I am referring to the radicals and menaces to all western societies.

Reporter Abeer Tayel for the newspaper Al Arabiya.


Yazzi,these reports come from within Egypt,from Arab reporters in Arab newspapers,there is also talk on making it legal for a young girl to marry and consummate a marriage at 14,as a Muslim you must be aware of the differing degrees of severity and backward thinking in the varying forms of Sharia.Is it any wonder more people in the west are becoming wary of Islam and its questionable practises,from different sects within Islam come so many confusing messages.When Muslims came first to western countries surely they realised they would have to integrate and leave their anti-western customs behind them,instead we have people constantly causing problems by demanding Islamic rights while happy to deny western people their rights,hardly Islamic according to the party line.

Update 2:

I have just read that a female member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is supporting the party line and is happy to allow this raft of proposed retrograde steps including the sexual mutilation of young women,then will Islam begin to be honest with itself and acknowledge that the Koran,Mohamed and other aspects of Islam do not stand up to historic examination,I am going to get a copy of Robert Spencer's new book - Did Mohamed Exist-as he has gathered the writings of other historians and theologians and has put a good case forward for Muslims to re-examine the origins of Islam as it may as I have always thought it a political move to unite the Arab states and proposes the Koran did not appear until between 60 to 125 years after Mohamed's death and there is starling historical evidence for this claim,I hope we all have the courage to consider these new findings especially the idiots who kill,mutilate and imprison in the name of Allah and Mohamed.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer



    And Ewwwww.....That thing about sex with a dead spouse is horrific.......what kind of warped mind would come up with that gem?

    It seems that the Arab spring is turning back the clock while the west turns a blind eye to the teachings that many third world immigrants believe and live by. Just how are these 'beliefs' compatible with anyone not deeply entrenched in the cult?

    Can you imagine ANY other group coming up with these primitive 'teachings' in 2012?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    For " Arab Spring" read Jihadist Victory.

    Do not be surprised at Shariah Extremes.

    Much more pending.

  • 9 years ago

    This is unIslamic - these rulings have nothing to do with Islam and are man made idiocies, I have Egyptian friends and I can assure you that they also feel that this is just a rumour that has been started to stir more trouble.

    This is sick! It is a sin - end of!

    People who make such sick rulings are a threat to the world - let alone, just Western Societies.

  • 9 years ago

    It is the stubborn refusal to adjust or adapt to the nuances of changed environment. Instead the decision taken is to adjust the environment to fit the thinking aka - the belief system.

    Perhaps you are right in that this is a drawback to some primitive thinking in mans past. Did you say the 7th century? Was it mentioned anywhere the whys and wherefores of the action?

    We fail to understand. If you also exhibit this bewildered look on your face like many of us, then perhaps the ones who understand do belong in some dark and distant past

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  • 9 years ago

    Not the world. They only wish they had that kind of power. Their just dragging down/holding back LOTS of people in the Islamic world. The rest of the world is just fine moving on and beyond them. Until Islam purges itself of/leaves behind those that wish to hold those of the Islamic faith back, it will be an antiquated religion that will become increasingly irrelevant in shaping the future.

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