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Is Obama the destroyer of the middleclass?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's more than that. He is attempting to be the destroyer of the upper class as well.

  • bob
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Actually the FACTS seem to say otherwise. Average income increased last month and more and more people are working after the failed conservative agenda left us with an economy that was shedding almost 800,000 jobs a month. I will compare Obama's record with Bush's any day.


    Doubled unemployment

    Stock market loss of 50%

    No job growth in his first four spite of ADDING thousands of government jobs

    Steady decline in manufacturing

    Year long recession leading toward a depression


    Stemmed a rapidly growing unemployment rate and it has been steadlly declining

    Stock market up 100%

    Added jobs his first three years, in spite of drastic cuts in government jobs

    Steady increase in manufacturing

    More than a year of constant job growth

    Two years of economic expansion

    I guess the lesson to be learned here is that Obama can't be held responsible for what happened during the recession that began on George W Bush's watch. STOP BUYING INTO RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA!

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No, he is just one man. The middle class is being destroyed by many factors. Loss of Unions, Loss of manufacturing job, Outsourcing, Tax laws that are designed to 'starve the beast' and that beast provided many of the steps up from lower to middle class like College.

    Obama has done little because he has been stopped by Republicans in the Senate and House.

    from your link:

    “It started long before Obama, but he hasn’t done anything,” said John Forsyth, 58, a railroad-car inspector and political independent from Lebanon, Ohio. “He kept pushing this change, change, change, and he hasn’t done anything.”

  • 9 years ago

    Obama is the destroyer of all that the U.S.A. has ever stood for. He is a very dangerous and traitorous man. To trust him is to put yourself and all you believe in in peril. Never before has there been an anti-American president and if we don't stop him now it will be a catastrophe for all of us. Why would one to see trust glaring them in the face and continue to believe believe. Why would hypocrisy and cheating be so obvious and yet people are turned on by a smile and lies that they know are like cotton candy, meant to deceive.

    Every great nation has fallen because of a charmastic, smooth talker that promises all and then makes subjects of the people depriving them of their needs and most basis rights.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No - just your current right wing lie off of FOX FAKE "News".

    Keep repeatin' the lies.... maybe you can get another lying republican in the White House!!! And won't that be wonderful for everybody?

  • 9 years ago

    No he is not in fact from day one has done and is doing all he can to go forward

    call your con reps to assist the man with voting YES on some jobs bills

    oh yes.....forgot they are not in Washington again...and now have proof the cons ONLY goal in life is to worry about one jobs HIS

    we are here to inform you...millions have his back and will protest HIS job

    watch news tonight at 7:30 tonight....Obama is in Afghanistan...doing his job

    Source(s): he walks softy and carries a big stick
  • 9 years ago

    Of course. Liberals have always been at war with the middle class. The American middle class opposes their left wing extremist ideology, and the only way to make somebody a liberal.. is to force them into poverty and put them on the government teat.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    bush and company already destroyed a large part of the upper middle income, and middle income families.

  • Sandra
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    No, the Rebpulicans already took care of that for him

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No. He is trying to help them.

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