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Lv 43,500 points

the rick

Favorite Answers9%

I believe in honesty and open debate. I believe you should always say what you believe and believe what you say,I believe we all have a voice that should be heard. I like to believe that people are mostly goodhearted, {sometimes I wonder}, I believe in dreaming and sillyness, and I believe that all men and women are created equal and we live in absolutely the greatest country in the world. Always stay true to yourself.

  • When will the Obama and the democrat party end their war on women?

    Since Obama and the democrat party took control of our government ,women keep setting new records for unemployment, That is single mothers,wives,college graduates and high school grads. working women are the main component in the middleclass's struggle to survive and grow. Time for true leadership and time to actually save the middleclass . vote for President Romney

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • How can Obama and his administration relate to the middleclass? Are they for real?

    How can The Obama family or anyone in his administration relate when they pay less taxes {see Obama's return ,he pays less than his secretary} They all take extravagant,wild vacations on the taxpayer dollar {see Obama's secret service and his secretary of state or the GSA} [ ABUSE] or ,anyone of the 20 or so Obama family vacations and the celeb and donor parties or the flown in chefs or the daughter and friends vacation ,the over 80 rounds of golf and on and on the party nevers end for the Obama's all in just 3 years [WASTE].Or the fact that we the taxpayer threw away over 3.5 billion dollars on solar investments that all went bankrupt and the administartion was told they would fail but he still spent it the wasted stimilus funds for shovel ready jobs except " I quess they were'nt so shovel ready' said by Barack Obama.[FRAUD] This is all under the watch of the man who said "I will find and eliminate waste , fraud and abuse." these items all fit that bill .They all have no idea what it is truly like out here. My family will not have a vacation this year will yours?

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Wheres the help for the flood victims?

    how is it ayear after the floods in the midwest those families are still waiting for some kind of AID from the federal government,but 4 years later and those people from katrina are still living in free housing? Is this another example of help being givin to the lazy and nonproductive ,while others in need are left to suffer? Where are the critics bashing Obama,for being uncaring and unwilling to help those in need? Is he a racist because those people are mostly white and he refuses to help them? I mean he is in charge and they havent gotten any help yet.

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What in the world is wrong with these people?

    How is it that the same people {liberal left media}who were scolding and criticizing Sarah Palins wardrobe just a few months ago are now praising and drooling over Michelle Obamas wardrobe? A little hypocritical dont you think? more proof the mainstream media is no longer credible as a unbiased news source.

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who exactly do the Liberal Democrats support?

    I am just curious as to who exactly the liberal Democrats are supposed to be for? The are not for unborn children they prefer abortion over life and even if a baby comes out alive they have no problem refusing medical care and letting them die, they are not for the aged or elderly they do not want to provide healthcare for them they want them to accept their pain and health problems even if they are life threatening, they are not for the middleclass they do not support any tax cuts for them , they are not for the wealthy they want to punish them for being achievers and hardworkers, so who exactly are they fighting for?

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If the situation was reversed?

    I just saw on the news that the Black panthers are blocking the entrances of polling places keeping McCain supporters out. and there is no uproar from the media so I can only assume that it will be Ok with everyone if the Klan blocks entrances and keeps out Obama supporters thru intimidation? {i think this is just a prelude to an Obama regime "there will be no dissention and if there is it will be dealt with swiftly and aggressively" congratulations America we are now under the reign of a dictator

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • What has, and when did, it happen?

    I am just so disappointed in this country at this moment in history because,I dont know when it happened but we have become a nation of people who expect a handout, no one wants to earn their way thru life and work hard for the things they want, they just want whatever handout the government will give them. So someone please tell me when did it happen? {you are never quaranteed anything in life except oppourtunity.}

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Can the Obama supporters tell me why?

    If Obama is so worried about middle Americans why has he spent over a hundred million so far this election and enters October with almost 2hundred million. So my question is why doesnt he give some of that to some of the struggling Americans out there instead of buying nonstop commercial time ....I mean he has said he wants to help Americans and that money could help alot of struggling families and that would surely get alot of publicity and would do nothing but help him in this election could it be that maybe he really doesnt care about you......hmmmmm {think about that} do we need more Obama commercials or do real Americans need help.

    25 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I was just wondering?

    If Obama is such a giving and caring man ,ie: wanting to spread the wealth around ,how come him and his wife made over 5million dollars last year and only gave 1500 dollars to charity? He sure has no problem spending and giving away other peoples money what about his? Gee do ya think he could afford that much I only make 30,000 a year and I give more than 1500 into charity on a yearly basis.COME ON OBAMA if you are gonna ask for my money give up some of yours you hypocrite.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • can someone answer this one for me?

    at the beginning of this campaign the first thing Obamas people said was "Lets not judge this man on the color of his skin lets judge him on his character" {even though I personally I dont know anyone who judges people according to their skin color} so we looked into his character and what did we find he has been involved with Marxism,spent years and years in a hate filled church with a pastor spouting nothing positive,he has been involved with slum lords who are going to prison,terrorists,swindlers he has voted on letting infants born alive from a failed abortion to be left alone to die with no further medical help and if for some reason the baby finds the will to survive on its own the physician in charge can after a given amount of time inject that baby with the same cocktail they give to a prisoner put to death by lethal injection.Now these are all things that point directly to a mans character your actions and the people you associate with,but know they are back to saying "you just dont like him because he's black" so my question is should we judge him on his character or his color? because obviously his character sucks

    27 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • ??????????

    I am curious as to why 3 yrs later there are still 15,000 people still living in FEMA trailers on the gulf coast and up to this day NO ONE that has lost their home due to the midwest flooding has been screaming for trailers or free room and board or government debit cards ? Hmmmm

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • how come their is not the network coverage or the public outcry over the flooding in the midwest ?

    it seems very similar to the situation in new orleans over katrina. people have lost their homes and everything they have with nowhere to go just like those after katrina. Could it be the fact that these people are mostly white so they dont deserve help? or maybe because they are white they are willing to help themselves and not whine and complain until the government steps in and does everything for them because they feel that they dont have to do for themselves? Just one curious person asking a question.