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can someone answer this one for me?

at the beginning of this campaign the first thing Obamas people said was "Lets not judge this man on the color of his skin lets judge him on his character" {even though I personally I dont know anyone who judges people according to their skin color} so we looked into his character and what did we find he has been involved with Marxism,spent years and years in a hate filled church with a pastor spouting nothing positive,he has been involved with slum lords who are going to prison,terrorists,swindlers he has voted on letting infants born alive from a failed abortion to be left alone to die with no further medical help and if for some reason the baby finds the will to survive on its own the physician in charge can after a given amount of time inject that baby with the same cocktail they give to a prisoner put to death by lethal injection.Now these are all things that point directly to a mans character your actions and the people you associate with,but know they are back to saying "you just dont like him because he's black" so my question is should we judge him on his character or his color? because obviously his character sucks

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We should judge him RIGHTEOUSLY based on his character. When you actually investigate Obama and ignore what the haters and the right wing media say, then you get to see his character. I suggest that you investigate FACTS because his associations with Ayers, Rezko, Wright, Trinity Church, etc. look a lot less harmful when you know the TRUTH! Read Unfit for Publication, which is a rebuttal to The Obama Nation. This publication is based on facts, and the truth shall set you free from all the lies and distorted facts about Obama. Are you open minded enough to do that? Can you see through the smokescreen that McCain and others have created? I would hope so because the negative generalization about Obama is just plain sick. Do not distort the truth, but embrace truth!

  • Kevin
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ok, here's my thing. I'm going to touch on the part of the church. I would ask you if you have been to his church for every year that Obama has been there? If you haven't been there for the 20 years that he was going there, I would then ask how you can conclude that the only thing that Jeremiah Wright has ever preached has been hatred? All you've probably seen are is the 30 second clip of his most offensive statements put together and run one after each other. There is context removed from each of them, so by themselves, yes, they sound very offensive. But you can't judge the content of a speech by 10 seconds out of a 9 minute speech. That's just silly. Do I think Rev. Wright has said some silly and hateful things, yes, I do. Do I think that that's the only thing that runs in his mind, absolutely not. I saw catholic priests interviewed about Wright who said, straight out, he is not a hateful man, he is a man of God. I'm sure that you've never said an offensive thing in your whole life. Now what if we took 30 seconds clips of your most offensives statements and put them together. Wouldn't you be angered that that argument was made about you, with context removed? We could make similar, or possibly even more heinous, arguments against you by twisting the context to our liking. So I will denounce the idea Obama being part of a hateful church, because neither you, nor I, have ever been there and experienced it as a whole. You can't make that kind of judgment based off of a few 45 second clips.

    As far as the other things, I've not researched them. But I will.

  • 1 decade ago

    How about a man who was one of the Keating Five? Part of a scandal that cost tens of thousands of Americans, mostly elderly their life savings, A man who was never exonerated, just let off for like of evidence. Hard evidence. There was a lot of circumstantial evidence.

    How about a man whose legendary temper has caused many, even those in the military, to fear his leadership.

    A man who once called his wife the "c" word in public, whose vulgar language is well known.

    A man who is running a dishonest campaign filled with lies and deceptions.

    Character is right. I am voting Obama, mostly because of the issues, all of which McCain is on the wrong side of.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That comes from MLK's infamous speech in Washington ....." judge not a man by the color of his skin, but by content and charachter"

    "content and charachter"

    So I dont care for Obamas charachter, but if McCain wins the liberals will all whine that America is racist and thats the reason why Obama lost.

    Im going to wait for that.

    Ok, you all who dissagree can go back to labeling me a racist and a Jesus freak.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You, sir, have definately hit the nail right on the head. This is what i have been ranting about all over yahoo answers. Its not because he is black. Not at all. But his character is just unworthy. Yes, he has charisma and knows how to make a speech and come off as charming with unrealistic promises, but those things to do not make up for his character. Way to go man im glad someone has some sense on here.

    McCain/Palin 08


  • 1 decade ago

    Character of which he has none for anyone to brag about! Icanyes It is called Liable when in written form but like most obamamites you lack the education to know the difference!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    While you worry about this penny-anty stuff, the Socialists have taken over.

    A little bit of regulation in the past would have prevented this SOCIALISM now.

    It is obvious from your question that you aren't too bright. My advice? Stop listening to people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ben Stein, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly. These people are stupid and couldn't get anywhere on their academics, so they 'play' 'academics' in the media. They are all frauds.

    Read the "Wrecking Crew" by Thomas Frank. It will take this country years to undo the damage CONS have done to this country.

  • G-gal
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you don't agree that he is the greatest thing since sliced bread it must be because you are racist. Of course the same doesn't hold true about the other side, if you are against Palin it's because you are for women's "rights" and not becuase you hate women.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain; only pay attention to what he fronts!

  • MS S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You cannot prove bad character when it comes to a lawyer, too slippery.

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